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  • Hey Olivia, what are you doing?

  • I am looking for an apartment to rent.

  • Really?

  • Same here.

  • Since my parents' house is so far away, I need to find an apartment closer to school.

  • I thought you were going to stay at the dorm?

  • I still have not decided whether to stay at the dormitory or not.

  • I am looking at different options to find the best one suited to me.

  • So what are you looking for?

  • I just need a small room with a bed, a desk, and a TV.

  • Of course, the place should have a kitchen so that I can cook my meals.

  • I will be living on a very tight budget and will have to watch every dime.

  • Me too.

  • A simple and decent apartment is all I need.

  • School is going to start next month so I should find something as soon as possible.

  • It is not easy to find a cheap apartment that suits your needs.

  • I have been looking at the ads for two weeks and I still haven't found anything yet.

  • Everything I like so far is too expensive and way beyond my reach.

  • Yeah, the closer they are to school, the higher the rental cost.

  • Since I don't have a car, I need to find something close to school.

  • How about sharing an apartment?

  • If you want, we can find a two-bedroom apartment and share it.

  • It may be cheaper that way.

  • That could solve our problem.

  • Do you want to try it?

  • Yes, that's a terrific idea.

  • Hello.

  • Hello, can I speak with Mr. Johnson, please?

  • This is Matthew Johnson speaking.

  • My name is Olivia Moore and I'm calling about the apartment for rent on Spring Street.

  • Would you be interested in seeing the apartment?

  • Yes, my friend Sarah and I would love to see it.

  • I was wondering if the apartment is located in a nice area?

  • As a matter of fact, the apartment is in a wonderful location.

  • What surrounds the apartment?

  • There are many stores and restaurants surrounding the apartment.

  • I promise you that you will love the location.

  • From what you're telling me, it sounds like we will.

  • Is there an elevator in the building?

  • Yes, there is.

  • Wonderful.

  • Wonderful.

  • When can we come over to visit the apartment?

  • Are you free today at around 5 p.m.?

  • Yes, we will be able to make it then.

  • Well, I'll see you at 5 p.m.

  • Do you know how to get there?

  • Yes, we do.

  • Okay, see you then.

  • Welcome to the apartment.

  • Thank you, Mr. Johnson.

  • So, this is the apartment.

  • It has a small kitchen, two bedrooms, and one large bathroom with washer and dryer.

  • Take a look around.

  • This apartment is exactly what we're looking for.

  • How much is the rent?

  • It's $725 each month and it requires a 12-month lease.

  • You have to pay the tenancy deposit and the first month's rent.

  • How much is the tenancy deposit?

  • It's one month's rent, so $725.

  • So, we need to pay $1450?

  • That's right.

  • Is all the furniture included?

  • Yes, it is.

  • Can we redecorate the place ourselves or paint a room if we want to?

  • Yes, you can, but you shouldn't change the appearance of the property significantly.

  • Are utilities included in the rent?

  • Water, sewage, garbage, and internet are all included in the rent.

  • You have to pay for electricity and cable.

  • That's a very good deal.

  • What is the closest public transportation?

  • There are three bus lines right across the street.

  • We are students, so we need a quiet apartment to be able to study.

  • Is this a quiet building?

  • Yes, it's a very quiet building.

  • Everything sounds great.

  • I love the apartment and it's very close to school.

  • What do you say, Sarah?

  • I love it, too.

  • Let's sign the lease.

  • Sarah, what are your interests?

  • I usually spend my leisure time reading books or playing sports.

  • I like reading new and trending novels, and my favorite genres include suspense and thriller novels.

  • Which sport do you like most?

  • Basketball, but I also like swimming and rollerblading.

  • Basketball, but I also like swimming and rollerblading.

  • I love rollerblading, too. It's super fun.

  • Wonderful! We can go to a roller skating rink together.

  • Sure, you can count on it.

  • What's something you can do well?

  • Something I can do well? Um...

  • I think I'm a good people person. I can go up and talk to people easily.

  • What's something you can't do well?

  • I can't cook well yet, but I'm working on it.

  • I hope to be able to make some progress soon. What about you?

  • I can cook really well, so I can teach you a lot of recipes.

  • But I don't know how to dress well.

  • I have no style. I wish I knew how to create harmonious outfits.

  • Don't worry. Fashion is my thing, so I can give you some tips on how to be stylish and dress well.

  • Really? That would be awesome!

  • What usually makes you angry?

  • Um... If someone spreads false rumors about me or someone talks behind my back, it makes me angry.

  • I know what you mean. I get angry when someone tries to underestimate me without knowing me.

  • Have you ever worked?

  • Yes. During the summer, I usually get a part-time job. Have you?

  • No, I haven't.

  • What do your parents do?

  • My dad is a mechanic. My mother is a nurse.

  • Oh no! There's a leak in the pipe!

  • Yes, I noticed a few minutes ago.

  • I'm tightening the pipe, but it doesn't seem to work.

  • And the toilet won't flush.

  • Shall we call Mr. Johnson?

  • Yes, I'm going to call him right away and let him know about this.

  • Hello?

  • Hello? Mr. Johnson? It's Sarah here.

  • We are having some plumbing problems in our bathroom and need them fixed.

  • Can you send a plumber out to our apartment today?

  • Of course. But first, let's find out what the problems are.

  • Well, to start, there is a leak in the sink.

  • Did you try tightening the pipes?

  • Yes, I did, but it still leaks.

  • Okay. What other problems are there?

  • The toilet isn't working.

  • Is the toilet clogged? Does it flush?

  • No, it doesn't flush properly.

  • Then it might be a clog.

  • That's right. I tried using a plunger, but that didn't work.

  • Have you used any drain cleaner?

  • Yes, I have, but it still didn't work.

  • And the last problem is the low water pressure in the shower.

  • I'll have someone come down to fix it right away.

  • Okay. Thank you, Mr. Johnson.

  • We've been living here for three months now, and there's been constant noise in this building.

  • I can't take this anymore.

  • Me neither. We must talk to the landlord and make a complaint.

  • Now, what's the problem, girls? Why did you want to speak with me?

  • For three months now, we've been putting up with constant noise due to repair work,

  • For three months now, we've been putting up with constant noise due to repair work on the building exterior.

  • Some repair work had to be done on the facade and balconies, and it will certainly improve the overall appearance of the building.

  • But there has been constant banging and jackhammering for three months now.

  • Because of the extreme noise, we're frequently forced to leave the building.

  • We can't study under these circumstances.

  • If you'll remember, we clearly stated from the beginning that we needed a quiet building.

  • I'm sorry about that, but the good news is it won't last forever.

  • We should have been informed about that before we signed our lease.

  • I do apologize for the inconvenience, but there's nothing I can do about it.

  • When we agreed to rent the apartment, we were led to believe that we were moving into a quiet building.

  • Under normal circumstances, it is a very quiet building.

  • Perhaps you should contact the management company who is overseeing the repair work.

  • But we signed the lease with you, not them.

  • Well, if you want to move out, you are free to do so.

  • And I suppose we'll have to pay a penalty for breaking the lease, right?

  • Yes, that's right.

  • I don't think that's fair at all.

  • So what do you expect me to do now?

  • Legally, we are entitled to a compensation for loss of peaceful enjoyment.

  • You've been lucky to find this apartment with such a cheap rent.

  • I think you should appreciate that.

  • We could go to arbitration, but we'd prefer to settle with you.

  • I suppose I could offer you a 10% reduction for now until you move out.

  • Actually, we were thinking of a 25%.

  • I'm sorry, that's too much.

  • Like I said, we could go to arbitration.

  • Okay, fine. It's a deal.

  • Thanks for watching, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this.

Hey Olivia, what are you doing?

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