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  • We're in a if-you-know-you-know type place, but it's definitely a little hideout.

  • I appreciate y'all pulling up on me.

  • Play with my money and that was the final straw.

  • The boot cut came to focus way above the law.

  • You won't smoke with joint love if we got it all.

  • Dog eat dog, world out there better pray to God.

  • Ah, I tried it.

  • But when did you start playing golf?

  • A couple summers ago.

  • You know how it is, get it rolling during the summer.

  • Season start, don't swing again.

  • Back to square one.

  • Hard to stay in that rhythm for sure.

  • I just got a simulator though down in the valley, so.

  • In the crib?

  • I know how the simulator goes.

  • Me and Lo used to battle on that.

  • Oh, stay on.

  • I can barely see the back of the green.

  • Oh, no.

  • How long you been playing? I seen your swing, Link.

  • Me and Lo started, what, 2020?

  • When you was in the bubble.

  • When you was in the bubble, we was on the course.

  • You said when we were in the bubble?

  • Yeah.

  • We all blessed the bubble.

  • Booker, this is for the win.

  • Got it.

  • Wow.

  • I guess we started at the same time now.

  • I didn't play in the bubble, everybody was on it there.

  • Yeah.

  • Right when I left, that's when I started.

  • Same, same.

  • We had some friends that were playing that were really good.

  • We were out there tearing up the course.

  • Got addicted.

  • Oh.

  • Be great.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • Bro.

  • We should put like a GoPro over there, just put it straight down.

  • Bro, that's so close.

  • It's all.

  • That's so close.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • I'm not going for on anymore.

  • Leave that up to you and Link.

  • Little sand bunker in the front, going to be collecting a lot of them things.

  • I like what you got here, bro.

  • You off grid up here.

  • For our fans, they don't know where we at.

  • This is off grid.

  • You preparing mentally for what you got coming up next?

  • The Olympics, right?

  • USA, baby.

  • That's exciting.

  • Try to get a second gold.

  • We're in a if you know, you know type place.

  • Yeah, it is.

  • It's definitely a little hideout.

  • I appreciate y'all pulling up on me.

  • Come on, bro.

  • Appreciate the invitation.

  • Good nature vibes right here.

  • I feel like I'm.

  • You guys always have air mattress with me.

  • It's a great air mattress, let me tell you.

  • That thing is comfy.

  • You got so many hidden rooms in this joint.

  • You've seen the type of air mattress I'll lay down on.

  • I'll camp out anywhere.

  • This definitely fits the book aesthetic though.

  • For sure, bro.

  • It's inspiring.

  • Let's bring us back to where we came from.

  • Talk to them.

  • Straight up.

  • Just the short time we've been here, I feel like we.

  • Every time we do something, it bring me back.

  • From the gym being red, going back to Fairfax.

  • Robbie Hall, wherever he's at.

  • Robbie Hall in the cut.

  • When did y'all boys first work out him?

  • D'Angelo introduced me to Robbie.

  • Well, me and Robbie go way back.

  • College days.

  • I would try to get my reps in at Ohio State.

  • I just want to get some league work, some handling, some cardio, some shots.

  • We all didn't know Robbie has an unlimited motor in his workouts.

  • I was blessed to get in shape with him.

  • That book, we would do some stuff in the summertime.

  • What was that, rookie year?

  • Rookie, maybe sophomore.

  • Was that the Laker facility?

  • Robbie been holding it down.

  • Damn, I thought you dunked that.

  • I have no clue what these two holes are doing.

  • That was like maybe a foot past the middle hole.

  • When did y'all boys first link up, though?

  • Y'all been rocking for a minute.

  • When we linked, no pun intended.

  • Man, I think it was NBA Top 100 for sure.

  • He got me in trouble.

  • Was that top, was that?

  • NBA Top 100, we did what we do, bro.

  • We was like.

  • Just wanted to be Rebels.

  • Nah, I'm talking about St. Louis.

  • Not Virginia.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Like top 100, it was like.

  • Yeah, that was probably a year prior, huh?

  • Yeah, that was when we first met.

  • That was like Tyler Ulis and you.

  • Yep.

  • Me and Quentin Snyder.

  • How young we talking?

  • It's probably eighth grade, going into ninth.

  • Because that was my first thing before I went to like Fab Frost camp.

  • And it kind of took off.

  • This is for the guys that have been top 25 since he was 10 years old.

  • What were the earliest camps?

  • What was the one in Atlanta you guys all did?

  • That was super sophomore camp.

  • Like everybody that was like into Fab Frost camp got invited to the super soph.

  • Let me get a squig.

  • What you drinking?

  • A little Coco 5.

  • Go in.

  • Coco 5, of course.

  • You said D was getting you in trouble, book?

  • Yeah, that was a different camp.

  • We're just doing young shit, man.

  • Just wanted to be.

  • They tell us we got to be in that curfew at 10.

  • We want to see what's happening at 11.

  • That's it.

  • I mean, I've always been defiant.

  • I don't know if that's the good thing, but.

  • Went to the gas station.

  • Get up!

  • Grabbed some sunflower seeds and went back.

  • That's all we wanted.

  • They were like, you can't leave the dorms.

  • It was like the gas station right there, 0.5 meters away.

  • Listen to this guy.

  • We went.

  • Got some snacks, came back.

  • Busting ass at the camp probably the last day.

  • We would just like see each other at camps that whole summer.

  • And then just every year we just kind of stayed tight.

  • What was your earliest memory of seeing Book on the court?

  • Seeing him on the court was probably against me.

  • I think if I remember correct, I was just like, bro.

  • What's your name type shit?

  • Like, bro, you cold, bro.

  • Like, what's your name?

  • Because I remember we was guarding each other.

  • And he just was going.

  • I'm going to dunk that.

  • He was just polished.

  • You know what I mean?

  • So I was just a fan.

  • And from that point on, like I said, every camp we found a way to be like roommates.

  • And the older we got, the more we would just dominate shit together and just.

  • I noticed that competitive edge right away, though.

  • That has not gone anywhere.

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, it's on steroids now.

  • What about you, Book?

  • You remember the first time you remember seeing Lowe on the court?

  • Pretty sure it was at Speece.

  • Your neck of the woods.

  • Indiana?

  • Yeah.

  • I was playing for Grand Rapids Storm at the time, my hometown team.

  • Were you on Magic then?

  • Yeah.

  • Watch yourself.

  • I almost took your head off.

  • Magic, all Ohio.

  • I remember your Alabama challenge, though.

  • You was the only player on the team.

  • Like, why are you playing for them dudes?

  • You had to play for a team that was bordering the state.

  • Yeah.

  • And I didn't go with Jackson Tigers.

  • I remember Malik Newman.

  • Malik Newman, yeah.

  • He was a year younger than me, though.

  • Malik Newman was that guy.

  • How many pods have you guys shot this summer so far?

  • Four.

  • Four?

  • One in the car.

  • Ohio State.

  • And this one.

  • Coach.

  • Yeah.

  • Yes, sir.

  • We plan on going to Kentucky and doing something that Lex, and then doing something at UofL.

  • They both hired new coaches, so just kind of giving them some buzz.

  • If we can make it, like, our thing to do college campus, that shit will be unreal.

  • Remember Smack?

  • You ever seen that?

  • Uh-uh.

  • Those videos of Smack when we were in, like, high school.

  • It would show, like, your university of people pulling up on campus at your university.

  • And it would show, like, the parties and, like, it was kind of, like, persuasive to come to that university.

  • It was an app?

  • No, it was on YouTube.

  • It was, like, a company that would, like, it was called Smack, and they would come to your company, your university.

  • A party and highlight film?

  • Yep.

  • It was, like, a highlight tape of partying at that university.

  • I remember I was, like, Ohio State, I got to see the Smack.

  • I was, like, all right, it's solid.

  • Video of Smack, solid.

  • That is funny.

  • That's what your visit's for.

  • I ain't take no visits.

  • Oh.

  • Why not?

  • I went to Ohio State football, bro.

  • After I seen that, I committed.

  • If you would have saw our little behind-the-scenes at the university of football.

  • The Smack video from your visit?

  • No.

  • I would have joined.

  • I'm talking about the football video, like, just seeing, like, how they do it.

  • I was a practice swimmer when I go.

  • No, that wasn't it.

  • You knew you was going to UK?

  • Not until the end.

  • I mean.

  • You was going to Missouri.

  • For real, at what point?

  • No, I was going to Michigan State.

  • State?

  • Yeah, that's where all the childhood friends, homies went.

  • Love Izzo to this day.

  • I didn't grow up one fan of the other, though, through the rivalry.

  • Michigan, Michigan State.

  • Do it.

  • Be the one.

  • Oh, come on.

  • What happened?

  • No, not growing up.

  • I was low-key, like, I don't know if it was front-runner, but I was Michigan football,

  • Michigan State basketball.

  • Definitely front-runner.

  • All growing up.

  • And then once they both sent me letters, I'm like, I'm not picking a side.

  • I got both.

  • He got that letter.

  • Was there ever a point where you got letters and you, like, thought responding back to the questionnaires, sending them back, wouldn't matter?

  • You thought.

  • Right.

  • I built them out.

  • Bro.

  • Next day.

  • I'm crying to my dad like, Dad, we got to fill these out.

  • We'll take the scholarship back.

  • I think I got my first one in, like, eighth grade, Western Michigan.

  • Western Michigan, y'all missed out.

  • And it got delivered to the classroom.

  • You know I'm leaving that out on the desk.

  • I was going to say, that's fire.

  • Let everybody get out on the desk.

  • Something light.

  • It was Western.

  • It was Western.

  • That's fire.

  • That was your first one, too, right, Xavier?

  • Yeah, eighth grade.

  • It wasn't my first letter, it was my first scholarship.

  • We were getting letters, like, early, early.

  • My high school coach was the basketball, he was a teacher, so he would have all my letters, like, stacked up in his classroom.

  • So it was like a slick of distraction.

  • Like, you see all these letters, like, up.

  • And then my brother had his class and stuff, and he used to talk about how, like, he would just kind of, like, try to look into the universities and whatever schools were recruiting me, try to just give me some type of feedback on it before I thought about it, you know, because I stopped collecting the letters.

  • They were going to two different, three different locations from moving so much.

  • When did you know you were going to go to U.K. later?

  • What made that decision, like, real?

  • After my visit, after they went on that big final four run before we went there.

  • James Young, the twins.

  • Yep.

  • I think they lost to UConn in the finals.

  • Boatwright, Napier.

  • But I'm thinking everybody's leaving.

  • Me, too, though.

  • We got me, Carl, Trey Louse, Tyler all coming in.

  • Oh, yeah, these boys about to get out the way.

  • We're set.

  • Everybody came back.

  • The Harrison twins, they had me blow, bro.

  • I was definitely on the way.

  • I was ready to beg for a scholarship.

  • I didn't even have one.

  • I was going.

  • My dogs is going, I'm going.

  • They going to the league.

  • I can't be waiting.

  • I can't be waiting.

  • Listen to this guy.

  • He was way early.

  • The earliest out of all of us.

  • I thought you were going three on draft night.

  • I ain't going to lie.

  • I did, too, bro.

  • I thought it was Philly.

  • Really?

  • That was Philly, right?

  • Yep.

  • Jalil?

  • Yep.

  • I mean, y'all did the whole draft process together, right?

  • Yeah, bro, let's talk about that, bro.

  • Let's talk about Agoura Hills, California in our careers.

  • You even know what a draft process looks like?

  • When you top three, you do two workouts and decline all the other ones.

  • I'm out there in the trenches.

  • I think I did seven total workouts.

  • Yeah.

  • Team seven through 14.

  • And I know people that did 15.

  • Wow.

  • Worn out before that was done.

  • Worn out.

  • Conditioning tests at the end of all of them, just running.

  • Three minutes straight.

  • Three-minute run.

  • What was some of the craziest questions they asked you in your interviews?

  • Oh, in Chicago when we had the

  • I told you this recently.

  • I remember we went to Greystone.

  • Shout out Greystone.

  • I don't even know what it is now.

  • I went to Nightingale Club in L.A.

  • Night Club back in the day.

  • Yep.

  • J. Cole shot it out.

  • Oh, it was up at Greystone with the stale faces because they know his face.

  • And it was actually Phoenix.

  • I get in there.

  • We took a picture with, like, Nerlins Noel, Michael Blackston, and I think Michael Blackston posted it.

  • Yep.

  • I get right into the interview process.

  • They showed me the picture.

  • They're like, oh, so do you like hanging out?

  • Yeah, I like kicking it with the homies.

  • Like, where do you typically go?

  • It's like, man, just wherever, really.

  • Like, so where's this photo from?

  • I'm like a spot out in L.A.

  • Like, is it 18 or is it like a 21 thing?

  • It's like, man, I don't know.

  • We went through the back door.

  • They didn't really check me or ask me.

  • That's hilarious.

  • Brutally honest.

  • That's great.

  • You knew it was Phoenix though leading up to it?

  • Oh, no.

  • I thought you was going to Miami.

  • That's where I was hoping.

  • Because Miami was my best workout.

  • And then I remember I think Pat Riley came into it.

  • He did an interview, and he's like, we're looking for a Clay Thompson type player.

  • We need to up our shooting.

  • I just shot 40 in college.

  • I'm like, oh, yeah.

  • I'm looking at spots right down there by the arena in the glass building right across from Miami spot.

  • Draft is crazy though, man.

  • Like, even him.

  • Like, we thought he was going to Philly.

  • Your life changes like that, and you have no control over it really.

  • He tells the story all the time that the cameras gave it away.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I mean, but they had cameras on both of them.

  • They did.

  • That's what I remember.

  • Like, sometimes they would put cameras on two people.

  • Sometimes they'd have a group of, like, three people in the green room.

  • See, I seen that years later that they had cameras on, like, multiple guys.

  • But my year, I was, like, looking at, like, behind me, talking to, like, the folks.

  • And when I turned around, I just seen the cameras rush me.

  • I didn't know where Ja was at or where he was sitting, so I didn't know if he had cameras on him.

  • But I just remember the cameras rushed me.

  • And, like, Adam Silver's walking out, and I'm like, they about to do that.

  • My brother's looking at me.

  • My dad's, like, clapping.

  • I'm like, oh, this is crazy, bro.

  • This is real.

  • I swore I was going to Philly.

  • Swore.

  • Like, if I would have betted I was going to Philly.

  • The way my workout was, it was just different than everybody's.

  • Philly's.

  • They just had me doing, like, two-on-two with the coaches.

  • Like, they had me running.

  • They plays.

  • Like, Nerland's going to be right here setting it.

  • Joel, when he come, he's going to be.

  • Like, they just giving me, dissecting each player for me just.

  • He said Miami was his best.

  • And I remember you saying the Lakers you didn't play.

  • Minnesota.

  • You didn't have a good workout with the Lakers.

  • Minnesota was my best workout.

  • Really?

  • So, the first time I went and did the workout with the Lakers, I was kind of, like, sick, and I just didn't do it good at all.

  • I was like, there's no way I'm going to the Lakers.

  • My agent was like, they want you to come back for a second workout.

  • I pulled back up, do that workout.

  • Then I had to go to Minnesota next.

  • I was like, yo, I might go number one after that first workout, bro.

  • Like, I didn't miss a shot.

  • Like, I was hype.

  • Called my dad and my brother right after.

  • If it wasn't Miami, you had a good workout with the Suns or no?

  • My workout was decent with the Suns.

  • I think I did good at most of them.

  • You remember busting somebody's ass specifically?

  • Like, where you were like, yo, I won that one.

  • Yeah, but most of my workouts, it wasn't with somebody that was in the range.

  • Oh, okay.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • Agents, it's like usually early second-round picks, and the teams would set it up.

  • So, they'd go get some hard defenders just try to, like, rough me up the whole time.

  • And I'm in there just spazzing out.

  • They trying to stop drills early.

  • I'm like, no, keep it going.

  • Yeah.

  • Keep it going.

  • That's you.

  • That's you, bro.

  • I told them the other day, bro, I was like,

  • I remember when I was just kind of naive to how good I was at basketball.

  • Like, I was naive at how good I was.

  • And it helped.

  • I told Coach at Ohio State Football, I was just like, it helped me be locked in when I was in college.

  • It helped me, like, not think NBA, think draft, think what team.

  • It helped me think, like, let's get to the tournament.

  • Like, my team, like, boom, boom, boom.

  • Because I just didn't think NBA at that time.

  • And I remember, like, I remember going through, like, my workouts.

  • Then I ended up getting drafted.

  • And then my practice with my team, like, I drafted.

  • It was all about Kobe and farewell tour and all of this.

  • What do you remember vividly about your practices your rookie year?

  • Because I remember vividly about your practices.

  • Because I remember you used to call me and tell me about this shit.

  • What you remember?

  • P.J. Tucker rang a bell, let me know.

  • Remember those days?

  • Man, P.J. Tucker.

  • But in front of me, this is when Bledsoe, EB, and Brandon Knight both just signed Maxxis, so that's our starting backcourt.

  • We had Sonny Weems, Archie Goodwin.

  • I'm just talking about my position, so that's who I'm matching up with.

  • Y'all were deep.

  • That's who I'm matching up with every day.

  • You know, you can just control what you can control at that point.

  • Yeah.

  • Just get to it every day, challenge everybody.

  • I don't see it no more, bro, and I don't want to sound like an old head.

  • It ain't the same.

  • Ain't nobody playing ones and after practice no more.

  • Like, that's all we used to do.

  • And practice wasn't nothing because you can't get no real good bumping in the NBA in practice.

  • For sure.

  • Can't even touch the starters for real.

  • You bump them a couple times, practice over.

  • I remember it used to be like, bro, me and P.J. used to go at it in practice.

  • Like, every day, like head to head.

  • From that point on, it was like respect earlier in your rookie year.

  • I say he made a shoe about it.

  • The Mexican flag when we were down in Mexico City.

  • And we're practicing.

  • There's like a little crowd in there, too, because it's like NBA cares.

  • There's an audience in there.

  • We are not worried about the people that are watching.

  • We get into it like we usually do.

  • This is probably the most physical one.

  • He come in, soft head butts to my chin, so I had to get him off me real quick.

  • They separate us.

  • We both take different buses back to the hotel.

  • I remember I click the hotel floor, go up to the players' floor.

  • I get off.

  • It's a long hallway, like 50 yards.

  • Turn the corner.

  • It's just P.J. right there.

  • P.J.'s coming down.

  • We just walk head to head.

  • I'm like, I don't know what's about to happen.

  • We about to just finish with just having that practice.

  • He comes in, just wraps me up, just grabs me like, Rook,

  • I can't let you be a part of this, man.

  • This losing shit, man, this ain't the real NBA.

  • You're too good for that.

  • You need somebody that's going to push you every day.

  • Love that.

  • Yeah, so that's a small example where people are like, yeah,

  • I was getting my head beat in the first few years, but you can't replicate those moments and the type of vets.

  • My situation, I love how it went.

  • You had a lot of good vets around you, if I do remember.

  • One of my favorite stories, bro, was when I was in L.A., we playing Phoenix, and I think I was getting like,

  • I used to get the whistle, bro, like a nice little whistle.

  • I used to get the whistle, my boy, in L.A., young bull.

  • In L.A., ain't that convenient.

  • In L.A., yeah.

  • And I remember.

  • You could get it in Brooklyn.

  • It was all work.

  • That makes sense.

  • But I remember I did something, got the call.

  • Shanky.

  • Go to the free throw line.

  • Tyson Chandler's like, he's like, he earned that.

  • He earned that.

  • Like, wow, this quiet as hell.

  • He earned that.

  • Man, y'all giving him these calls?

  • He earned that.

  • Book, you earned that.

  • We hit the free throw line.

  • I'm like, God damn.

  • Please don't shoot me down.

  • Let me float one time.

  • But I remember that vividly, bro.

  • That was like, that was a cool experience for me, honestly.

  • OG TC.

  • Hell, yeah.

  • Shout out to TC.

  • Still the best screens I ever got in my career.

  • Illegal as hell, you watch them back.

  • Boy.

  • Him.

  • And a hook and a grab.

  • Boy.

  • He knew what he was doing.

  • He would come into the game like, yo, they're not going to call it.

  • Right.

  • Just keep coming off.

  • They're not going to call it on me.

  • Right.

  • That's how my dog Ed Davis was.

  • He going to hold that screen.

  • He used to dame coming off just firing.

  • He ain't looking for no roll.

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, that's interesting, because both those guys and your guys' career were, you know, vets that were towards the latter half of their career, right?

  • So now it's more I feel like the league's gotten younger and younger, and you see less guys like that.

  • They're seeing some things on rosters and stuff.

  • They don't value it no more.

  • They value youth.

  • You need those vets to kind of just sprinkle something, because you're going to remember it.

  • You're going to remember it.

  • Yeah, you need good vets around good young players.

  • So that's super important.

  • Y'all remember y'all battling y'all first few years in the league?

  • Hell, yeah.

  • I mean, y'all were both on some teams trying to get some wins.

  • I mean, I wasn't playing my first few months, and I got on the court after injury.

  • I used to watch everything, bro.

  • Keep up with every single one of his games, still do today.

  • I remember after the game one time, he was like, bro, niggas is going at you, bro.

  • Remember that?

  • Hell, yeah.

  • Because he had Bled, Brandon Knight.

  • I couldn't guard them dudes, bro.

  • They used to, bro.

  • They was so fast.

  • They was so fast.

  • I mean, they're still fast.

  • And I ain't fast, bro.

  • Like, I would look up.

  • They both got triple doubles.

  • Like, y'all both got them.

  • And then after the game, I just remember him being like, bro, these niggas talking.

  • Like, they can't wait to go at you, bro.

  • Like, match that shit.

  • Like, match their energy, bro.

  • I'm like, bet.

  • From that point on, I was just, like, kind of just, like, talking my shit.

  • Because I was just counting on some nice shit.

  • Let me ease my way through my rookie year.

  • Every night I got to guard somebody that's borderline all-star in the West.

  • Facts.

  • It was tough, bro.

  • Tough coverages in the West.

  • Tough.

  • I know y'all have had some battles off-camera, off-court sometime.

  • I know how competitive both y'all are.

  • Bro, he used to kick my ass in 2K.

  • Like, I would come to the crib before the games, like our rookie year.

  • He would play with Phoenix.

  • I would play with the Lakers.

  • He would kick my ass.

  • Like, I would go, like, 2 for, like, 17 on the video game.

  • And I'd be thinking about that shit all the way to the game.

  • Then the game started.

  • I'd go, like, 3 for 11, 3 for 12.

  • Like, it would translate like that.

  • That was one instant.

  • I know exactly what y'all are talking about.

  • Yeah, I'm like, I'm done coming to your crib.

  • You act like it happened all the time.

  • It happened one time.

  • I'm done with that shit.

  • We used to play FIFA, nigga.

  • We used to play.

  • You would get me in FIFA.

  • I think we were pretty balanced in that.

  • Yeah.

  • Madden.

  • We used to bust my ass in Madden.

  • Then we got to the ping pong and pool stage.

  • Bunch of good battles.

  • I don't know, bro.

  • We used to just compete at every little thing we could compete at.

  • Y'all used to play ones back in the day?

  • Hell, yeah.

  • We used to play.

  • I used to bust his ass in ones.

  • He bust my ass in pre-draft.

  • Especially pre-draft.

  • I used to get with him.

  • Especially.

  • Pre-draft.

  • Hey.

  • Don McLean workouts, boy.

  • That's funny.

  • You know what's crazy is pre-draft was, what, 10 years ago.

  • If we would have made those at the same time, bro.

  • We were cutting this shit, bro, and going to Vegas.

  • I don't care where it happens.

  • Yeah, pre-draft was definitely an eye-opener for me.

  • When I was like, I see how good Carl was.

  • I was like, yeah, he going number one.

  • Because he would dominate the ball handling.

  • He would dominate the shooting.

  • And then you just couldn't guard him.

  • I was just like, bro, he's going to be it all right there for sure.

  • He used to bust Willie Collie Stein's ass.

  • Have you seen the facilities that they work out in now compared to what we did?

  • They're probably nice as hell.

  • Man, we was at the local YMCA.

  • It's a fact.

  • Smoothie stations and shit.

  • They got their own court now.

  • I bet all that money they charge you after you do it.

  • Goddamn proactive charge you $250.

  • You're like, what's this check?

  • You don't remember that weight that you dropped?

  • All them massages you was getting before or after?

  • Facts.

  • What was pre-draft like that you all had to get up like 5, 6 a.m.?

  • Bro, I told you, they didn't do no workouts.

  • I'm in and out of flights every day.

  • Him and Carl back at the spot just getting their training in.

  • And you're moving.

  • I'm leaving every weekend.

  • Denver, East Coast.

  • I went to Charlotte, Miami.

  • Then he'll come back and be like, bro, that shit was crazy, bro.

  • They had me doing this, had me doing that.

  • I'm like, what?

  • How?

  • What they was saying?

  • Tell me.

  • Sound like you.

  • I ain't really get to experience it.

  • I'm chilling with Kat.

  • But our workouts and our prep before was so vital to how to just be a pro for me.

  • Because we were on a diet.

  • We were eating.

  • We were in shape.

  • We were consistently getting treatment before and after.

  • Oh.

  • That's still on.

  • And you were trying to put on weight then?

  • I just didn't have a healthy diet coming into it.

  • So they used to put, like, they put us on these programs to where they would deliver like three or four meals a day.

  • Yeah.

  • And it would, like, help you tone up, help you lose weight.

  • Sun Child, I think.

  • Remember that?

  • Yeah.

  • It was some company we used.

  • It had milkshakes in it, fruit, snacks.

  • Like, you didn't have to eat nowhere else other than your little cooler.

  • They probably had your diet on lock at UK, huh?

  • Hell, no.

  • Nah?

  • At UK?

  • Raising canes for the free.

  • Raising canes was my game day.

  • Caniac.

  • Caniac combo.

  • Caniac.

  • We ain't doing no bucks.

  • Extra toast.

  • Extra toast.

  • Extra sauce.

  • Everything goes in the sauce.

  • Good fruit punch.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • Canes still be smacking.

  • But once I got to pre-draft, I thought I knew something.

  • Order a salad, drench it in ranch, think it's healthy for you.

  • Oh, that's crazy.

  • That's crazy.

  • How big was your dad for you growing up, man, when you first started playing?

  • You feel like that was an advantage?

  • I mean, he was playing when I first started playing.

  • But when he locked into trying to, like, make you better as a player,

  • I think it was an advantage.

  • That was when I moved to Mississippi after my freshman year of high school.

  • Because before that, I was in Michigan.

  • He would be in Italy, Russia, Turkey.

  • He was grinding 10 months out the year.

  • So, I would just go see him in the summertime.

  • But I'd just be around the old heads and just be around him and his friends.

  • He put you on a regiment at a young age?

  • Yeah.

  • Like, what was that?

  • Well, not a young age.

  • I'd say, like, when I moved down there, 10th grade.

  • Like, what would that look like?

  • Make your bed, shots at night, smoothies.

  • What was that?

  • All those go hand in hand.

  • But I'd leave a sock on the floor.

  • He'd walk by.

  • Chores.

  • My room was the first one when people would come through the garage.

  • I'd have a sock.

  • He'd be like.

  • Right.

  • Don't say that.

  • This is what we're going to do.

  • People walk in our house, first impression.

  • Door wide open.

  • Clothes everywhere.

  • It's a sock.

  • Shout out Mel, man.

  • It's a sock.

  • Sock go a long way, man.

  • We can go a long way.

  • No, for real.

  • Yeah.

  • Nah, I was going before school, though, and then for sure after.

  • 5.30.

  • In there with the sunrise.

  • Doing stuff that I don't know if is good for you today.

  • Weight vests, ankle weights.

  • I was on that, too.

  • In the sand.

  • I was on that.

  • I don't think none of that.

  • That's more for your mental than your body.

  • You got all these cars, bro.

  • You was inspired at a young age.

  • I remember you had the Challenger.

  • Young bull on the Challenger.

  • And you had seven-footers sitting in the back seat with young 5'10 Tyler Ulis in the front seat.

  • Yeah.

  • I remember them days.

  • Yeah.

  • That was the graduation gift.

  • And then you had it rookie year.

  • You was still rocking the Challenger.

  • Mm-hmm.

  • I need to find that thing.

  • You don't even know where it's at.

  • It has some Kentucky history on it.

  • Boy was living.

  • Oh, man.

  • When did you first realize that you were as competitive as what you are?

  • Man.

  • I don't realize.

  • I just think everybody else isn't competitive enough.

  • Oh, it almost went in.

  • Oh.

  • Yeah, that's just been everything, bro.

  • Just having an older brother.

  • Daymond kicking my ass and everything.

  • Them four years matter.

  • Trying to play with his friends.

  • And it ended up being the same thing when I moved with my dad.

  • Anything to get on the court with the old heads.

  • Start off, they start leaving you open the first few games.

  • Somebody from the other team, like, how many times are we going to let him shoot?

  • Right.

  • Then they start trying to press you.

  • Now I'm right by him.

  • But all physical.

  • Super physical.

  • Oh, I could have killed you.

  • What's your.

  • What's your mental approach on game day?

  • Like.

  • It's year 10.

  • I'm sure it's changed.

  • Over the time, but like now.

  • Like, what's your approach on game day to get you into your life flow state?

  • That's a weird question.

  • To be completely honest is it just depends on the game.

  • Yeah.

  • You know, I want to keep.

  • The day as normal as possible.

  • Right.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • Early on.

  • You're like sacrificing those days.

  • You.

  • Go to shoot around early.

  • Get shots.

  • Then.

  • Stay after shooting around.

  • Get shots after that.

  • Now, shoot around.

  • You get in and out quick as you can get back to the.

  • To the crib.

  • Get off your feet.

  • The better.

  • Yeah.

  • I always see you.

  • You work extremely hard and consistent.

  • In your pregame workout.

  • Like you could tell.

  • Like you had a.

  • You probably like.

  • Look like you going like level eight or seven in your pregame workout.

  • You know what I mean?

  • Like it's.

  • It's.

  • I don't know.

  • I feel like if I was doing that.

  • I'd be exhausted.

  • Because I couldn't.

  • I couldn't work that hard before a game.

  • It's 10 minutes.

  • But it's like.

  • I see how hard and like.

  • There's a lot of load on your legs.

  • You doing.

  • You and Katie.

  • You used to.

  • I used to get that shit in.

  • You got to activate.

  • Right.

  • But you never felt like that wore your legs out over time?

  • No.

  • I mean.

  • I think there's some stuff.

  • I think first quarter scoring.

  • I led the league in like three or four straight years.

  • Early and often.

  • Just catching folks off guard.

  • You sleep.

  • Nah.

  • Boom, boom, boom.

  • I remember that.

  • Let's get hot.

  • Would you be out there trying to catch a vibe?

  • No.

  • I just float.

  • Yeah.

  • Like on game day.

  • But that's how you play too.

  • I know.

  • But it took me like year 10.

  • Year 9.

  • Year 8.

  • To figure out like.

  • Do less.

  • Think less.

  • Because I already think about it.

  • I already like.

  • Bring that to the game.

  • And I just found myself doing less.

  • And it got me into that flow state.

  • I mean.

  • Playing next to Bron and in LA and all that.

  • A lot of shit just was a distraction.

  • Before the game would even start.

  • Yeah.

  • So I would just find myself like.

  • Migrating in my own pocket.

  • Just floating like.

  • Not hearing.

  • Don't feel these lights.

  • Don't feel.

  • I don't want to do interviews.

  • Like.

  • I'm just floating.

  • And I found me just getting some consistency in that.

  • I used to nap and do all that extra shit.

  • You don't nap no more?

  • Nah.

  • I try.

  • Sometimes the game is too big.

  • For sure.

  • I just hop in the bed.

  • I'm just.

  • Floating.

  • Just chilling.

  • Staring at the ceiling.

  • Type shit.

  • But even that I think is good.

  • Just finding something quiet.

  • I mean.

  • I don't know how.

  • I ain't played in no big cities like you have.

  • Especially LA.

  • Could only imagine.

  • Yup.

  • You just about hit off the tree and rolled in bro.

  • I can't even lie to you.

  • Me?

  • Yeah.

  • Hit off the rock.

  • Hit off the tree.

  • Rolled all the way across the green.

  • That was crazy.

  • He's always been a chameleon like that book?

  • Hell no.

  • I used to be a.

  • He's always been himself.

  • That's a good way to put it.

  • That's what he's been.

  • So.

  • I don't think.

  • He cares.

  • What other people or who around him.

  • Think so.

  • That's a good way to put it.

  • I remember the first time.

  • First time I met you.

  • I didn't really like.

  • Realize this yet.

  • But I knew it about D.

  • But after we went to.

  • To All Star that first year.

  • And then went down to.

  • Went down that first All Star trip.

  • I remember talking to D.

  • Afterwards.

  • We were on the couch downstairs in San Fran.

  • And I said.

  • One thing that I noticed.

  • About both of you.

  • Was like.

  • It didn't matter what room.

  • You guys walked into.

  • Or where.

  • Like who was around.

  • Like you guys were always.

  • A hundred percent comfortable.

  • In just being yourself.

  • And at that point.

  • It was like.

  • I was still early.

  • Around.

  • Like being around.

  • Yeah.

  • And it was just.

  • It was something.

  • I had never really.

  • Like seen before.

  • Like that.

  • And so.

  • I was something.

  • Always impressed me.

  • About both of you.

  • Like me.

  • I used to get in trouble.

  • A lot.

  • Bro.

  • Like in school.

  • Wherever.

  • I used to just get in trouble.

  • Bro.

  • So like.

  • Days that like.

  • I didn't want to get in trouble.

  • I used to just follow somebody.

  • I would just follow somebody.

  • That you knew.

  • Was going to have a good day.

  • They weren't going to get in trouble.

  • Like.

  • And usually.

  • It was the kid.

  • That sat in front of the class.

  • That's you know what I mean.

  • Like.

  • I would follow they moves.

  • Like.

  • Just like.

  • You know what.

  • Let's think about doing.

  • Let's not do that right now.

  • We can do what they do.

  • And it happened.

  • When I got to.

  • When I got to LA.

  • I didn't really know how to do it.

  • And there was a bunch of vets.

  • So I didn't really know how to.

  • Who to follow.

  • And then I got to Brooklyn.

  • And I used to say.

  • I followed Joe Harris.

  • Like I would just follow his moves.

  • Just what time you got to the gym.

  • What time you left.

  • What time you shoot on.

  • And it just helped me find.

  • Something to put it for myself.

  • You know.

  • Because I just didn't know how to do it.

  • And then.

  • That's like on the court.

  • And then just.

  • Knowing him over.

  • On the court.

  • And off the court.

  • Over time.

  • I found myself following that.

  • Following his blueprint in a way.

  • Like.

  • How he talks to people.

  • How he communicates.

  • How he compliments.

  • You know.

  • How good of a person he is.

  • You know what I mean.

  • And just.

  • You.

  • You find.

  • Like ways like that.

  • That people offer.

  • And they don't know they're offering it.

  • And you.

  • You recognize it.

  • You put it in your own little bag.

  • And I always.

  • Appreciated.

  • This relationship.

  • For that.

  • Because I always feel like.

  • I'm learning something.

  • When we.

  • When we link.

  • And that's real.

  • Flowers my boy.

  • That's why they say.

  • Opposite to truck.

  • Talk to him.

  • I was on the other side.

  • Like dang.

  • I wish I could just go do that.

  • Be outspoken like that.

  • Type shit.

  • Be that funny.

  • Control the room like that.

  • Everybody's watching him.

  • That's crazy.

  • Now y'all in year 10.

  • Y'all both seen success.

  • I remember pulling up to your first all-star game.

  • Went to the.

  • To the playoffs.

  • Which is your first time.

  • What was your guys's first all-star?

  • It was.

  • Charlotte.

  • Oh yeah.

  • But I remember.

  • I didn't see the all-star jersey.

  • And I sent you a picture or something.

  • You sent me a picture.

  • I had yours already.

  • I had both of y'all's.

  • And I remember we pulled up to Charlotte.

  • You was like bro.

  • That's good.

  • Boom.

  • Boom.

  • Boom.

  • And the whole time.

  • I didn't know.

  • He had the jersey on.

  • I didn't even know.

  • I was like.

  • Bro.

  • Nah.

  • Like.

  • I ain't seen my jersey yet.

  • And I think they were giving us white ones.

  • And he had a black one.

  • Like.

  • Real nigga.

  • That's what it's.

  • That's what it's.

  • The sound of peacefulness right there.

  • Just.

  • Silence out here.

  • Serenity.

  • Bro.

  • This is so cool that.

  • We tried to find a way to approach this.

  • And.

  • We got D.

  • Devin Booker.

  • Bro.

  • Like.

  • What?

  • The dude is so right.

  • For you to let us come up to your space.

  • And.

  • We both.

  • Love golf.

  • We both.

  • We sat out here and hit balls for an hour.

  • Before we decided.

  • We should just do it right here.

  • Straight up.

  • And of course you hit a hole in one.

  • And.

  • Once again.

  • That's why.

  • I couldn't do that.

  • I gotta thank my bro.

  • Jordan for.

  • For.

  • Me.

  • Capturing it.

  • He filmed every second of his trip.

  • But I expect nothing less.

  • Bro.

  • Is his rookie year.

  • So we give him a few hazing.

  • You know.

  • What I mean?

  • We let him hear about all his.

  • Little rookie duties.

  • Little rookie duties.

  • Yeah.

  • Then eventually.

  • You'll be three.

  • Four years in.

  • And we'll have another rookie.

  • And you'll be talking to him.

  • Like we talking to you.

  • You know.

  • So is there.

  • In go with the podcast?

  • Are you guys want to get the most stories.

  • No.

  • Not that.

  • Learn the most you can.

  • Hell no.

  • I think.

  • For me.

  • It's a forever thing.

  • Yeah.

  • I find it therapeutic.

  • Right?

  • Just.

  • To me.

  • This is a movie.

  • I told you.

  • This is a movie to me.

  • To like.

  • Get to do this.

  • And we've been doing it for a long time.

  • But to actually capture it.

  • And like.

  • I can't wait to look back on this.

  • So for the podcast.

  • Space.

  • We doing this.

  • Making the podcast.

  • Edible.

  • But then.

  • Capture moments that we won't show the podcast.

  • Yeah.

  • I think.

  • That's part of.

  • Looking back on it.

  • Once I get.

  • Once again.

  • Like.

  • With folks.

  • The other people outside of this shit.

  • Like.

  • I don't plan on just getting as many people.

  • We could do.

  • Like.

  • I want it to be like something.

  • Long term.

  • We can travel and do it.

  • Over the world.

  • Travel the world.

  • And people can brag to us about what they got going on.

  • Right.

  • From Europe.

  • To.

  • The states.

  • Wherever we going.

  • You going to the Olympics.

  • We would love to go to Paris.

  • And just.

  • Make that an episode.

  • Like.

  • That shit ain't.

  • That shit ain't a given.

  • It's not promised either.

  • So.

  • Got to pull up for that.

  • I want to document.

  • The highest moments.

  • Bro.

  • Y'all setting the bar.

  • Don't.

  • Since you guys.

  • Don't understand the power of a camera.

  • You know.

  • To show.

  • I've.

  • Collected over time.

  • But.

  • Talking in front of people.

  • You guys know.

  • I don't do that.

  • At all.

  • Very much.

  • At all.

  • At all.

  • I already know.

  • Cause bro.

  • I'll play this back.

  • I'll listen to it.

  • No matter we cut it up.

  • How much you've meant to me.

  • In my career.

  • Dead ass.

  • And I'll be like.

  • Man.

  • I listen to it back.

  • Like.

  • Nah.

  • I didn't.

  • That wasn't it.

  • That's not it.

  • You mean more to me than that.

  • Like.

  • I didn't.

  • I didn't get my point across.

  • They didn't feel the emotion in that.

  • Cause that shit is deep.

  • For real.

  • Nah.

  • Facts.

  • We know.

  • We know.

  • You can't put it in words.

  • It ain't supposed to make sense.

  • Yeah.

  • The fact that.

  • You don't talk on camera.

  • You don't do that.

  • You doing it for us.

  • You know.

  • You.

  • This is your 10 bro.

  • You got 10.

  • 15.

  • Mo.

  • But that's why.

  • That's why our main thing is like.

  • Floating into the episode.

  • Not.

  • Sitting down.

  • Lights on you.

  • Lights.

  • Camera.

  • Action.

  • Go.

  • Turn on your.

  • Yeah.

  • Fuck that.

  • Let's sit here.

  • Vibe.

  • Vibe.

  • Then the cameras just turn off.

  • And that's it.

  • Like.

  • It ain't no.

  • There's no show here.

  • Fuck.

  • We gonna make it look like an episode.

  • Like.

  • You're like.

  • Talking about low.

  • You're like.

  • You said.

  • He's like.

  • He's just always been him.

  • And.

  • We got one fella.

  • Sorry.

  • Oh.

  • And I think this.

  • Like.

  • I mean.

  • You know how he's always been with like.

  • The videos and stuff.

  • Like.

  • He's always been like.

  • Wanting to capture it.

  • And.

  • And like.

  • Everything that we're doing with the pod.

  • Is.

  • It's like.

  • Becoming less of a pod.

  • And more of just like.

  • We'd already be doing this.

  • Without the camera.

  • Like.

  • It's really just us.

  • Living life.

  • How we would be.

  • But.

  • Now we're gonna be able to watch this.

  • When we're 60.

  • But.

  • You got.

  • You guys both have one of these.

  • Across the world.

  • And we.

  • At his this time.

  • And we just chop it up again.

  • Like.

  • It's just.

  • Having moments.

  • To be able to look back on.

  • Ah.

  • That's it.

  • For sure.

  • We're doing some dope shit.

  • Bro.

  • Bro.

  • It's crazy.

  • I remember.

  • I remember I was at NKU.

  • And I was always.

  • I was always a D'Angelo Russell fan.

  • Because.

  • Of tone.

  • And.

  • At NKU.

  • You were either.

  • Ohio State football fan.

  • And you were.

  • Leaning towards Ohio State.

  • Or you were a UK fan.

  • And like.

  • NKU was like.

  • That was like a third.

  • Fourth team.

  • Whatever it was.

  • Yeah.

  • And so.

  • Everyone when.

  • When.

  • Book was at UK.

  • Everyone was like.

  • High on like.

  • Carl.

  • Trey.

  • Like all these guys.

  • And I was like.

  • This man with a little swag.

  • Got the little.

  • Earrings.

  • Like.

  • Leg sleeves.

  • I was.

  • I was a fan of Book.

  • Because like.

  • At that point.

  • Like.

  • I like Duke and everything.

  • But like.

  • I was just attracted to people's games.

  • And I was always a fan of.

  • Yulo.

  • And I remember when y'all got drafted.

  • I would play.

  • NBA 2K.

  • Like.

  • My GM.

  • And no matter what I did.

  • I always had to get Book.

  • And D.

  • On my team.

  • And so like.

  • For me sitting here.

  • Like.

  • Listening to y'all chop up stories.

  • About all that.

  • And all that.

  • Bro like.

  • It's a moment for me.

  • It's crazy.

  • It's crazy.

  • Just.

  • It's crazy.

  • Don't get us crying.

  • That's not why we here.

  • We here to just.

  • It's crazy to me.

  • Long way from.

  • What's the small town?

  • Friendship Indiana.

  • Friendship Indiana.

  • Friendship Indiana.

  • Boat.

  • Boat.

  • Boat.

  • Boat.

  • If you ever want to get away.

  • Come check out.

  • Get away.

  • You ever want to go Patrick's Rock.

  • You can feel it.

  • Oh man.

  • I'll take you out of Friendship Tavern man.

  • That's what we've been looking for.

  • Yeah you're looking for balls now.

  • I done ran out about 700 balls.

  • Yeah we done hit through.

  • My short game better be elite.

  • I mean my approach better be elite.

  • Facts.

  • Year 10 though y'all.

  • Y'all saw yourselves here.

  • Hell yeah I saw wherever Carl and book was at.

  • I got to be there.

  • I got to be in the same place.

  • I got to be in the same room or something.

  • I got to be like in the bathroom.

  • I got to be there somehow.

  • Because they kept raising the bar bro.

  • When we first came out.

  • Obviously cat number one pick.

  • Rookie of the year.

  • Averaging 20.

  • Book's way was a little different.

  • He wasn't playing.

  • He had to earn it.

  • Mine was different.

  • I was number two pick.

  • I was starting.

  • In and out of rotations.

  • Whatever.

  • But all our stories were different to find a way.

  • To be at the top of this damn mountain.

  • With the homies.

  • You know what I mean.

  • I wasn't going to get left.

  • That was always my mentality.

  • I wasn't going to get left.

  • I was going to keep up somehow.

  • And.

  • To see them dudes keep setting the bar high.

  • I'm just trying to.

  • You feel me.

  • If I can get high and rise to the occasion.

  • But if not I just want to be there.

  • Feel me.

  • A lot of folks can't say that because.

  • Knowing each other for this long.

  • Going to all them top camps.

  • I mean you.

  • Only a few make it.

  • We were in the top 100 camps.

  • There's probably five or six of us still left in the league.

  • I can think about.

  • Our class right.

  • And I knew everybody.

  • One through 150.

  • You was 151.

  • Nah they.

  • I wasn't ranked for a while.

  • But then the first time they put me in high school.

  • It was like 25.

  • After that.

  • Shout out.

  • I think it was Dave.

  • ESPN.

  • He was the first one to put me in.

  • There's so many different websites.

  • I don't even check them no more.

  • I have like rivals and.

  • I mean I don't know.

  • I used to be religious.

  • I used to go to a camp.

  • First thing you do you get back.

  • Check that ranking.

  • Check that ring.

  • What's going on.

  • The first time I got back from like a camp.

  • I was ranked 94.

  • And they made a highlight tape of me.

  • And I was like.

  • Yo.

  • I'm on.

  • And then I went to another camp.

  • Came back.

  • I was 75 or something.

  • Yeah.

  • And then we went to this top 100 camp.

  • And then we went to Fab Frosh camp.

  • And after Fab Frosh camp.

  • It was 100 guys.

  • The top.

  • 20 were ranked top 25 in the ESPN rankings.

  • Then the guys that made the 20 through 40.

  • Were ranked top 20 through 40 in the rankings.

  • And everybody that was there.

  • You knew because you saw him that week.

  • And when we left.

  • I made it on the all star of the top 20 list.

  • And when I left there I was like number 15.

  • So I went from boom to boom.

  • And I was like.

  • I got a chance.

  • And all my scholarships started flowing in.

  • But I never knew how good I was.

  • It's sad to say.

  • I just never knew.

  • I knew I was good.

  • But I just didn't see me in the NBA.

  • I couldn't compare myself to nobody.

  • I just.

  • And then when I thought of it.

  • It was like Manu Ginobili.

  • He's not super athletic.

  • But he can pass.

  • He's fiery competitive.

  • He can score.

  • And that was it.

  • But I couldn't compare myself to nobody bro.

  • I mean that's what keeps you successful.

  • And that's what's wrong with the kids nowadays.

  • Comparing?

  • Nah they think they're ready for it.

  • You know that.

  • That self-doubt can keep you driven.

  • Right.

  • You get entitled.

  • And you're 13, 14.

  • Oh I'm league bound.

  • You got a rude awakening for you.

  • We used to say Book was Landry Fields.

  • We used to compare him to Landry Fields.

  • Because he had light skin.

  • Got a shoe about 6'6".

  • You should have seen these boys at camp.

  • They all clicked up.

  • They used to piss me off too.

  • I used to get there.

  • They all doing shout out for shout outs on Instagram.

  • Bro shout me out.

  • That was the thing.

  • Trading shout outs.

  • Light skin, you, Kelly.

  • Who was it?

  • Who was that?

  • I'm sitting here calling him.

  • These light skinned boys.

  • Used to be like I'm on your bucket team.

  • That's y'all.

  • Oh yeah that was you guys.

  • We got the most buckets in our class.

  • Boys clicking up man.

  • This is the 20v1.

  • Listen to him.

  • He just came on the scene late.

  • That's it.

  • I told you they all knew each other already.

  • Then it was like.

  • From that point on.

  • You could see like the guys that kind of clicked up.

  • From after like freshman, sophomore year.

  • You seen like.

  • Stanley Johnson, Kelly Oubre were like best friends.

  • You thought they were going to college together.

  • Then it was like me and Book.

  • Then it was Jahlil and Tyus.

  • And Justice.

  • You saw the Carolina guys kind of hanging out every time.

  • They were like 10, 11 and 12.

  • Like in the rankings.

  • It was Joel, Barry, Justin Jackson, Theo Pinson.

  • You just kind of seen everybody kind of clicking up.

  • But Tyler Uless was gang for sure.

  • I remember Tyler dominating practice at McDonald's camp.

  • He dominated the practice bro.

  • I watched him dominate a lot of games.

  • For sure.

  • So I said I must go to college with him.

  • We can wrap this bro.

  • I ran out of balls.

  • It's called a good day at the range y'all.

We're in a if-you-know-you-know type place, but it's definitely a little hideout.

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