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  • Hello, English learners, and welcome to EnglishPod.

  • My name is Marco.

  • I'm Amira.

  • And Amira and I are here today with a great, great lesson for you.

  • Yes, we are.

  • Today we're going to be talking about a restaurant.

  • Amira, why don't you give us a little bit more details?

  • Well, we're talking about a situation in a restaurant and two people are involved, the waiter and the customer.

  • And I don't want to say any more.

  • Okay, don't say any more.

  • Let's just listen to this dialogue and we'll be back later to explain it.

  • Good evening.

  • My name is Fabio.

  • I'll be your waiter for tonight.

  • May I take your order?

  • No, I'm still working on it.

  • This menu is not even in English.

  • What's good here?

  • For you, sir, I would recommend spaghetti and meatballs.

  • Does it come with coke and fries?

  • It comes with either soup or salad and a complimentary glass of wine, sir.

  • I'll go with the spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the wine.

  • Excellent choice.

  • Your order will be ready soon.

  • How soon is soon?

  • Twenty minutes.

  • You know what?

  • I'll just go grab a burger across the street.

  • Oh, what a waiter.

  • What a waiter.

  • He is really angry at this customer and I can't blame him.

  • I would be angry too.

  • Yeah.

  • So, I think, Marco, you have chosen some interesting expressions for us here.

  • What is the first one?

  • Well, the first one is I'm still working on it.

  • I'm still working on it.

  • I'm still working on it.

  • I'm still working on it.

  • Why don't we listen to some other examples on how you can use this word and then we'll come back and explain it.

  • Did you finish reading the magazine?

  • I'm still working on it.

  • Did you fix my car?

  • I'm still working on it.

  • So, you could say I'm still working on it means...

  • I still need more time.

  • Fantastic.

  • Great.

  • Okay, it's clear.

  • I have another one for you guys.

  • It's a phrase commonly used and you'll hear it all the time.

  • Coke and fries.

  • Coke and fries.

  • Coke and fries.

  • Coke and fries.

  • It's a short way of saying Coca-Cola and French fries.

  • So, that's basically America's fast food.

  • Yeah.

  • Burger, Coke and fries.

  • Okay.

  • What's next on the menu?

  • On the menu, we have a complimentary glass of wine.

  • Complimentary glass of wine.

  • Complimentary glass of wine.

  • Complimentary means...

  • That it's free.

  • Free.

  • Yes.

  • We love that, huh?

  • Yeah, we definitely like free things.

  • Well, I have another one for us here.

  • Another interesting phrase.

  • I'll go with.

  • I'll go with.

  • I'll go with.

  • I'll go with.

  • So, basically, it's another way of saying I'm choosing.

  • Yeah, I'll choose or I'll take.

  • I'll take.

  • Okay, very good.

  • Alright, the next word that I want to take a look at is grab.

  • Grab.

  • Grab.

  • Grab.

  • Okay, now let's listen to some other examples of how we could use grab in different situations and then we'll come back and explain it.

  • On your way home, can you grab some milk?

  • Wait for me, please.

  • I need to grab my coat.

  • Let's grab a cup of coffee.

  • Okay.

  • Alright, well, I would understand that go grab means go get quickly.

  • To go get quickly, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Alright, everyone, so now it's time to listen one more time to the dialogue and listen carefully and try to understand why the waiter doesn't like the customer.

  • Let's listen.

  • Good evening.

  • My name is Fabio.

  • I'll be your waiter for tonight.

  • May I take your order?

  • No, I'm still working on it.

  • This menu is not even in English.

  • What's good here?

  • For you, sir, I would recommend spaghetti and meatballs.

  • Does it come with coke and fries?

  • It comes with either soup or salad and a complimentary glass of wine, sir.

  • I'll go with the spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the wine.

  • Excellent choice.

  • Your order will be ready soon.

  • How soon is soon?

  • 20 minutes.

  • You know what?

  • I'll just go grab a burger across the street.

  • Marco, why did this waiter get angry at the customer?

  • Well, he basically wasted the waiter's time.

  • I mean, this guy comes into the restaurant.

  • He is not very polite and he's asking all these questions.

  • In the end, he just gets up and says, ah, I'll just go grab a burger across the street.

  • Yeah, and I also think that this guy was a lot more casual than the place he was in, right?

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • I think this was a nice, fancy restaurant.

  • So, I think he was in the wrong place.

  • Yeah.

  • So, how many times, Marco, tell me, do you really have fast food a week?

  • Fast food.

  • Let's see.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

  • No, I'm just kidding.

  • Oh, my God.

  • No, no.

  • I think I get fast food maybe once a week, once or twice a week.

  • All right.

  • Talking about fast food made me hungry.

  • So, I think I'm going to go grab something to eat myself.

  • Yeah, me too.

  • All right.

  • Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed the lesson today and remember that all of this vocabulary is useful for your everyday needs.

  • Yes.

  • Well, actually, here in EnglishPod, we focus on phrases and words that are high frequency and that means that you can use them every day in your practical life.

  • Exactly.

  • And be sure to go to our website at where you can find many other resources and you can leave your questions and comments at our community forum.

  • So, thank you very much for listening.

  • We'll be back tomorrow with another great lesson for you.

  • So, until then, bye.

  • Bye.

  • Not yet completed.

  • Need more time.

  • Still working on.

  • Suggest.

  • Would recommend.

  • Free.

  • Complimentary.

  • To choose.

  • Pick.

  • Go with.

  • To get quickly.

  • Grab.

  • Let's try that faster.

  • Not yet completed.

  • Need more time.

  • Still working on.

  • To get quickly.

  • Grab.

  • Suggest.

  • Would recommend.

  • To get quickly.

  • Grab.

  • To choose.

  • Pick.

  • Go with.

  • Now say the word and hear it in a sentence.

  • Still working on.

  • Complimentary.

  • Go with.

  • I'll go with the red dress instead of the blue one.

  • Grab.

  • Let's grab some beers after work.

  • Go with.

  • I'll go with the red dress instead of the blue one.

  • Grab.

  • Let's grab some beers after work.

  • Go with.

Hello, English learners, and welcome to EnglishPod.

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