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  • Lea Serafim Sakura's tearful regret has fallen on deaf ears.

  • On July 30th, a post titled Lea Serafim Sakura, I don't know why I chose to be an idol, quickly garnered views.

  • In the post, the author uploaded a Sports Chosen article that covered Lea Serafim's recent documentary.

  • In the article, Sakura is quoted as tearfully regretting her decision to become an idol.

  • The idol also revealed in the documentary that she had lost her confidence due to the criticism.

  • Sakura said, I don't know why I chose to be an idol.

  • For what?

  • Rather than say that it was the wrong choice, I want to ask if being an idol is what I do best.

  • Whenever I make a mistake, I think to myself that had I chosen something else, I too could have been good at something.

  • The article goes on to quote the idol further in the article, revealing Sakura's regrets.

  • Sakura said, No matter what anyone says, I feel happiest when I am an idol.

  • So I felt it wasn't right for me to doubt and question myself because I am not talented.

  • I never had those thoughts, but when I hear what people say, I sometimes think these things.

  • I wonder why I am doing this to myself when I am crying and struggling so much.

  • Despite Sakura's tears, netizens hardly felt sorry for an idol who was making a lot of money doing something others could only dream of.

  • Netizens criticized both Sakura and HYBE for playing the victim.

Lea Serafim Sakura's tearful regret has fallen on deaf ears.

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