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  • Have you ever thrown away a sprouty potato?


  • It might not seem like a big deal, but that's just one of the 2.9 million potatoes we throw away every day in the UK.

    這看似沒什麼大不了,但這只是英國人每天扔掉的 290 萬個馬鈴薯中的一個。

  • One third of the food produced globally every year goes to waste.


  • Imagine that you go to the supermarket and you get three bags of groceries.


  • One of those bags is going directly to waste.


  • Between our busy lives and sometimes just simply not knowing what to cook, throwing away old food seems inevitable at times.


  • But wasting less food would benefit both the planet and our wallets.


  • Food waste has a massive economic impact with the average household of four people in the UK wasting around £1,000 worth of food each year.

    食物浪費對經濟產生了巨大影響,英國平均每個四口之家每年要浪費價值約 1000 英鎊的食物。在英國有 2,500 萬人口的世界裡,這樣做是不對的。

  • It can't be right in a world of the 21st century where 800 million people already struggle to get enough food that a third of the food produced is lost or wasted and so many people are going hungry.

    在 21 世紀的世界上,已經有 8 億人在為獲得足夠的食物而掙扎,三分之一的糧食被損失或浪費,如此多的人在捱餓,這是不對的。

  • And we can't ignore the impact on the environment.


  • It's been estimated that if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter after the US and China.


  • You might think that supermarkets were the main culprits here, throwing away unsold products.


  • But in fact...


  • Only around 2% of the food waste in the UK happens in supermarkets.

    英國只有約 2% 的食物浪費發生在超市。

  • The vast majority, around 60%, is in our homes.

    絕大部分,約 60% 是在我們的家中。

  • Luckily, there are lots of things we can do to reduce food waste at home.


  • By far, the most wasted foods in our homes are fresh fruit and veg.


  • Planning meals can really help make sure that you're buying what you need and you're also thinking about how you can use up leftovers, which can make a great lunch or a meal to put in the freezer for another day.


  • Understanding what the dates mean on our food packaging can make a big difference to how much food we waste.


  • The best before dates are the ones that tell you that you can rely on your senses to judge if whatever you are consuming is OK for you.


  • Whereas a use-by date means that that food has to be used or frozen by that date.

    而 "食用日期 "是指食品必須在該日期前使用或冷凍。

  • Putting things in the right place can really help you use your food for longer.


  • So storing apples and potatoes in the fridge, for example, you'll get three months longer to use them.


  • The only fruit and veg that don't belong in the fridge are onions, bananas, and whole, fresh pineapple.


  • We chuck away around 25 million slices of bread every day in the UK from our homes.

    在英國,我們每天從家裡扔掉大約 2500 萬片麵包。

  • And bread is best stored in the cupboard or on the side and not in the fridge, and that means it'll stay fresher for longer.


  • But also, you can freeze bread and use it straight from the freezer for taste.


  • If you've got a fridge with a temperature display, it's worth checking that it's five degrees or lower.

    如果您的冰箱有溫度顯示,值得檢查溫度是否在 5 度或更低。

  • Most people in the UK have fridges that are slightly too warm, and what that means is that food doesn't last as long.


  • And we could learn a thing or two from ancient techniques.


  • Fermentation allows us to turn yeast into beer and cabbage into kimchi.


  • Pickling can also preserve food by using salt, vinegar, and sometimes sugar to stop the bacteria that spoil it from growing.


  • Whilst in richer countries like the UK, there's a lot we can do to minimise food waste at home, the situation is rather different in poorer countries where food is mainly wasted at the farming stage.


  • In India, for example, where 195 million people are undernourished, 67 million tonnes of food are wasted every year due to weather, lack of proper storage, or pests.

    例如,在印度,有 1.95 億人營養不良,每年有 6 700 萬噸糧食因天氣、缺乏適當儲存或蟲害而被浪費。

  • There are some scientific developments that could help.


  • Bioactive packaging, for example, releases enzymes or antioxidants to change the surface of the food and increase its shelf life.


  • There's also GM, or genetically modified foods, that have had their DNA altered to make them more nutritious or last longer, although there is still some scepticism about it.

    還有轉基因食品,即經過基因改造的食品,它們的 DNA 被改變,使其更有營養或壽命更長,儘管人們對此仍有一些懷疑。

  • A number of years ago, there was new ways of treating bread so that sliced loaf could last for 60 days.

    幾年前,有一種處理麵包的新方法,可以讓切片麵包保存 60 天。

  • There was quite a lot of consumer scepticism because in some sense, a loaf of bread that lasts 60 days, something has happened to it and it's no longer natural.

    很多消費者對此持懷疑態度,因為從某種意義上說,一條麵包能吃 60 天,就說明它發生了什麼變化,不再是純天然的了。

  • The more that you get to things that people feel nervous about, the more likely it is that a technology solution will not necessarily receive widespread acceptance by citizens and consumers.


  • Tim Benton believes the global food system as a whole needs looking at.


  • Our current food system is highly dysfunctional and we have developed it around the notion that the world needs ever more food and we need to make it ever cheaper.

    我們目前的糧食系統功能嚴重失調,我們是圍繞著 "世界需要越來越多的糧食,我們需要讓糧食越來越便宜 "這一理念來發展這一系統的。

  • In many high-income countries, like the UK, food is economically rational to waste, so our time is often more precious than the money that we have.


  • So we buy food, we shove it in the fridge, we find a slimy bag of lettuce a week later and we throw it away.


  • If you respect food and you're less willing to throw it away, then that is the big mind shift, I think, that is necessary.


  • Rather than importing food from across the planet, avocados from Peru and chicken from Thailand,


  • Tim argues we need to grow more food locally.


  • I think there is an element that the more local you are, the more it fosters respect for food and therefore, indirectly, you're less likely to want to waste it.


  • So you can imagine a world where we reset the food system and where waste is no longer an issue.


  • We would save more biodiversity, we would reduce our greenhouse gases, we can reset the relationship between people and food.


  • We can't tackle climate change if we don't fix the food system and we need to treat food like the precious resource that it is.


Have you ever thrown away a sprouty potato?


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B1 UK 食物 浪費 糧食 冰箱 食品 英國

每年有三分之一的食物被浪費!原來減少食物浪費同時節省開支是可行的! (How to cut your food waste... and save money! | BBC Ideas)

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    Minjane posted on 2024/08/15
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