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  • Switzerland is perfect from having the cleanest water to the most unbelievable landscapes Switzerland is a real-life fairy tale It's constantly at the top of the list for having the country with the highest quality of life But also the top of the list for the most expensive on top of all this Switzerland is a neutral country They don't pick sides in wars and they remain peaceful by any means necessary Even if that means they have to blow up a bridge after traveling this magical country for the past week I wanted to share with you all what traveling the most perfect country on the planet is like Well, hello guys from the wonderful lands of Switzerland so for the next week we're gonna be traveling around Switzerland and I am so excited the only one thing that I'm not excited about is how Expensive this country is the beauty really does come with a price Like this rental car right here was the cheapest rental car that they had and it is still a hundred and eighty dollars per day Also, we have not slept in over 36 hours now since we flew in from New York City to here to Switzerland And now we are going to be road tripping for the next couple hours all the way down to interlock in Well, we're gonna explore some lakes and some mountains some valleys and do all these adventurous Activities that Switzerland has to offer so starting right now.

  • Let the adventure begin Here we go Stop always Quick stop in Luzern to get some chocolate Swiss chocolate Chocolate secured Going on a Switzerland road trip should be on everyone's bucket list Every little town that you drive through just feels like an enchanted village We just made a quick stop in this town called Brienz and it is just so cool exploring walking around Seeing restaurants that are almost older than America.

  • Oh and also Supposedly the most beautiful streets in all of Europe So this street has been voted the most beautiful street in all of Europe With every streets not only in Vienna's but in all of Switzerland's.

  • I don't know how they do it.

  • It's just perfect I Have seen so many photos of Switzerland where I just figured that they Photoshopped and light rooms the water to look more turquoise than it actually was but coming here now to Brienz I believe this is even the Brienz Lake where the water is really that blue Confirming the blue ass water and we learned that it is from the snow melting from the glaciers and the minerals from that and on The rocks just come here to the lake and give it this incredible turquoise blue Speaking of clean water Switzerland has the cleanest water on the planet's where you can just drink from these random fountains around the country It's really good One of the great things about adventuring around Switzerland is that everywhere you go you have these fountains with super fresh water And to make that even better Always have to throw in some liquid IV So liquid IV is a must-have when going on adventures Each packet is bursting with fresh natural flavors and it tastes delicious This new strawberry hydration multiplier is definitely my favorite It has more vitamin C than an orange and as much potassium as a banana Helping you stay hydrated and energized in a great tasting way Also, I highly recommend it as a hangover cure If you want to try liquid IV hydration multiplier You can use my code in the description for 25% off their entire site If you are going on an adventure and need a lot of energy I do highly recommend a liquid IV since it is also super delicious So far we've learned one thing about Switzerland that Ausfart means exit We're gonna be fluent in German in no time Ausfart Ausfart Good morning guys from the beautiful Interlaken, Switzerland After our super long travel day yesterday, we made it here at around 10 p.m And just passed out like a ton of bricks But there's nothing like waking up in a new place and just being amazed by all the incredible sights Especially from your hotel window And before we do get on with our action-packed day I did want to show you guys what $300 a night gets you here in Interlaken, Switzerland.

  • Check this out Yep, that's it So today we are checking off a bucket list item we are heading to the top of Europe It is the highest point in the continent where you have to take a 45-minute tram ride all the way to the top But you do get incredible views like this And highly recommend if you are doing this Grab a lint mocha where it's a cappuccino with a fountain of lint chocolate that they put in it Alright, well, we are officially the highest people in all of Europe.

  • Haley.

  • Do you feel do you feel high?

  • No, honestly, do you feel the altitude I feel the altitude I guess I'm a little used to it now We've been up here for like five minutes But when we first got up here, it was like a little woozy Yeah, I can definitely feel that that we are pretty high.

  • I think right now we are about 11,000 feet so we are able to just overlook all of the Alps and get these Incredible views of the top of the mountains of Switzerland.

  • So next up we are heading to the ice Palace, I believe we go inside of a glacier just into freezing ice-cold rock We definitely did not dress properly for this.

  • We are just in a little sweater Haley has this super thin cardigan on And we are about to freeze.

  • It's probably zero degrees Celsius right now This is literally ice right here It's so cold This is so cool though, literally so cool Haley I got a hundred Swiss franc if you lick it Promise hopefully your tongue doesn't get stuck to it like in that movie Stuck?

  • Stuck?

  • Stuck!

  • Stuck!

  • Stuck!

  • I'm starting to feel a little claustrophobic.

  • Oh my gosh This is insane Wow Hey Haley Haley we're not gonna let you do this.

  • Oh At least you hit me the first one she threw off camera she hit the woman behind me She doesn't have that good of aim So now I wanted to show you guys what a dinner out here in Switzerland can cost you So we came here tonight to the top of the Met which haven't tried the food yet But these views are just miraculous this whole entire country just looks like one a giant amusement park We have the church bells going right now.

  • There's trains going around Everything is just picture-perfect But now we're gonna see what we get here for dinner Haley made us get the cheese fondue, so Hopefully this is gonna be worth it.

  • I think it's like 65 bucks.

  • So better be good.

  • I'm coming for you Haley So cheese fondue for the first time ever having it that was pretty darn delicious Haley The food you never see me wrong but with my wallet Sometimes yes So the total meal for the two of us with just getting one cheese fondue and a couple glasses of wine came out to around a hundred and twenty USD But surprisingly wine as I guess in Europe is a lot cheaper than in America.

  • It's only about five dollars a glass So it's just that cheese fondue that uh really did us dirty like that.

  • I Was an experience Delicious it was like it really was it really was good call After looking up why Switzerland is so expensive.

  • I learned how the average salary in the country is nearly a hundred and twenty five $1,000 with also having the highest minimum wage of $25 per hour on top of all this anything from Switzerland You can guarantee it will be top-of-the-line quality Whether it's food or watches or trains the Swiss are magicians when it comes to engineering Guten morgen from Grindelwald, Switzerland Today we have another very exciting action-packed day where we are taking the tram back up to a different mountain and then going to be Trotty biking down.

  • It's kind of like these crazy little tricycles that we're literally gonna be taking down the mountain I don't know how but we're gonna figure it out soon Now to get down the mountain.

  • There are three stages with the first being flying So now for the first part of the way down we're gonna be flying Are you nervous?

  • Yeah Oh my god Oh Guys the Swiss do not mess around I thought it was going to be kind of this rinky-dink little bike that you wouldn't be able to go too fast on but Boy, was I wrong?

  • We're flying down the mountain.

  • It is so hard to break.

  • You're going so fast Also, you're going through these clouds where you can possibly fall off the side of the mountain Luckily, both of us are still alive and now celebrating with some Swiss beer some traditional Swiss next with Sprite I've never heard of this either, but Haley's not a big beer drinker.

  • So they recommended her to get a beer mixed with Sprite Never heard of it Not bad, I mean you really have a sweet tooth so I feel like this is perfect for you.

  • I can't tell if it's Sprite or beer Both in one in one drink Whoa Wow, that's actually really good.

  • I thought it would taste funky but not a bad combination Oh So we made it safely down the mountain even though the roads were soaking wet and we were going through the clouds It really did just add to our adventure, but we're back safely in Grindelwald and also had to make a quick stop Not a coffee cart, but they got a coffee vending machine Switzerland really is a ahead of the game.

  • Got a cappuccino.

  • It's like eight bucks Some pretty good coffee So you guys saw what $300 a night gets you in Interlaken But now we are just a couple miles away in a town called Lauterbrunnen, which is much smaller and also much Cheaper.

  • So when I was trying to find one of the cheaper hotels, this is what we got We had no idea that we would have this balcony and this incredible view of the waterfall So I guess there are some deals out there in Switzerland hard to find how to book this hotel last night But you know, they're out there Switzerland really is just like one giant amusement park today We skipped the coffees and are getting a shot of life Since we're gonna be propelling off of a cliff into a canyon and then going to be canyoning around all of these Swiss Mountains and yeah We got the wetsuits on since it is pretty darn chilly up here a little afraid of how cold this water may be Let's do this Also wanted to give a huge shout out to outdoor Interlaken for help making this trip So memorable very memorable for this one since she is not looking forward to this cold So this is what we're gonna be propelling down a hundred and fifty feet straight down and luckily Haley's going first to test it out Need someone to test the rope, you know, yeah, she's always makes her a great stunt dummy that's gonna be you just like that Well, we have to do that because I am going to film her with the camera and then leave it in the car and then we'll Pick it up at the ends of our adventure But yeah also makes her a great excuse To have Haley go first.

  • You got this I do feel really bad making her go first, but oh well.

  • Good luck Haley Wow, that was incredible Yes We are going to be running off a mountain and paragliding all the way down Haley how you feeling about this one?

  • Haley's just been watching for the past five minutes quietly.

  • She ate it.

  • She ate it.

  • That's gonna be you Are you nervous at all?

  • I think I'll be fine.

  • I know when I get up there I'm gonna be Backing out All right run off the cliff I am NOT letting you even if I have to throw you off that mountain Haley we are just in this random backyard where we're gonna be running down this mountain and Hopefully be flying away Haley is ready No, she's not.

  • She tried backing out in the van and then right now she's like a little scared How far out down do you have to run just don't trip If I trip You're coming back to get me All right, we're about to get harnessed up and Fly away.

  • I'm so excited.

  • I was so Excited.

  • Let's do this Oh What do you think are you glad you did it?

  • You liked it After traveling Switzerland for the week I would still concur that this country is near perfect from the adventures to the landscapes This place looks straight out of a Disney movie If you guys did enjoy watching this then make sure to hit that subscribe button and we will see you next week You

Switzerland is perfect from having the cleanest water to the most unbelievable landscapes Switzerland is a real-life fairy tale It's constantly at the top of the list for having the country with the highest quality of life But also the top of the list for the most expensive on top of all this Switzerland is a neutral country They don't pick sides in wars and they remain peaceful by any means necessary Even if that means they have to blow up a bridge after traveling this magical country for the past week I wanted to share with you all what traveling the most perfect country on the planet is like Well, hello guys from the wonderful lands of Switzerland so for the next week we're gonna be traveling around Switzerland and I am so excited the only one thing that I'm not excited about is how Expensive this country is the beauty really does come with a price Like this rental car right here was the cheapest rental car that they had and it is still a hundred and eighty dollars per day Also, we have not slept in over 36 hours now since we flew in from New York City to here to Switzerland And now we are going to be road tripping for the next couple hours all the way down to interlock in Well, we're gonna explore some lakes and some mountains some valleys and do all these adventurous Activities that Switzerland has to offer so starting right now.

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