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  • Comrades, welcome to EngVid. Today, we will be discussing the hat. Hi. James, from EngVid.

  • And I do want to talk about hats. I'm wearing a hat that goes with this shirt. Okay. But

  • I've got a couple of them because we're going to discuss idioms.

  • Now, Mr. E is here, of course. He's wearing a baseball cap. He's got, you know -- we call

  • them "granddad caps" in England, but they're "caps". You see people wearing them all the

  • time, this kind of a cap. Okay. Cowboy hat, badly drawn, but who cares? In the early 20th

  • century, people wore hats a lot, okay? So a lot of hat wearing. People would wear hats

  • everywhere -- church, whatever. Men would wear hats, so would ladies. But then, they

  • suddenly stopped. If you want to know the truth, it was around the 1960s from a president

  • named John F. Kennedy. He was seen often not wearing a hat, and he didn't wear an undershirt.

  • And after that, men started changing their style. See? You don't just learn English.

  • We're going to teach you some history. He kind of changed fashion a little bit, for

  • men, for the next 40 to 50 -- well, 60 years. But now, hats are back. And it's time for

  • a hat idiom show, okay? So, because now, you can say things. You'll be wearing your hat, and

  • you can say something stylish like, "I take off my hat for you." Okay? So let's go to

  • the board.

  • You'll see I have a couple of things written here -- well, five, to be exact. Okay? And

  • right now, you don't know what they mean, like, "without hesitation", "Be prepared for

  • something very physical", "Be prepared to be shocked", "give my respect", "I admire

  • them", "keep it a secret", and "have many responsibilities". And I'm sure you're saying,

  • "What does this have to do with hats?" Well, why don't I show you?

  • Ready? Now, "drop of a hat". When somebody says "at the drop of a hat", they mean "without hesitation.

  • At any time." I'm talking to you, and -- oops. It dropped again. You don't know. It means,

  • "Move now." If someone says, "You have to move at the drop of a hat", it means, "Don't

  • even think. Just go." Or it could happen at any time. "At the drop of a hat, the bus could

  • arrive." So you literally drop your hat; you look down; Whoa! The bus is gone. Just like

  • that. So "be prepared", okay?

  • What about this one? Have you ever been walking in the wind? It's really, really windy. See

  • this is flying. It's flying away like Superman's cape now. See, it's flying. Someone will say,

  • "Hold on to your hat!" Because it will blow away. Well, if you watch any movies, especially

  • Westerns or North American movies, they're always, like, "Hold on to your hat, son. Something's

  • going to happen." It's saying, "Be prepared to be shocked, or something's going to be

  • bad. Be prepared." Because it's going to be so physical or so amazing that the hat might

  • fly away, and you'll lose your hat. Remember, people were in the 20th century, so they wore

  • hats all the time everywhere. Now, we don't as much, so they don't say it as much, but

  • you're going to see that these idioms are going to come back simply because hats are

  • in style. All right? So, "Be ready to be shocked." Something will scare you, and your hat will

  • fly off your head. Or you're going to do something physical like run, and, "Hold on to your hat!

  • We've got to get going."

  • Now, how about this? "I give my respect" or, "I admire that person." If I were to see the

  • Queen right now, I would do this. Hat's off. Okay? When we say, "My hat is off" -- "hat's off"

  • Remember, this is from a long time ago. So when you say "hat's off to that person",

  • it's a sign of admiration. Many people, when they go into a church, if they're wearing

  • a hat, they will take their hats off as a sign of respect for the religion. Or, "My

  • hat is off for that guy." I take my hat off because I respect him, so I take it off. And

  • sometimes, people don't do that. What they do is this. You'll see it -- not as much,

  • but they go like this. That's like taking off the hat, so they do it short. And they

  • go like this, "Good morning, ma'am. Good morning, sir." They'll be like, "Good morning." Hat's

  • off to you. "I respect you" or, "You have my admiration" or, "I admire you."

  • And here's something. I know it's funny money -- whatever. But see this? I've got some money.

  • Don't tell anybody. Keep it a secret. When we say this, "Shh! Keep it under your hat"

  • -- "Keep it a secret." "Keep it a secret. Don't tell anybody." "Shh! Keep it under your

  • hat. Shh! Be quiet."

  • And here's the final one. You should like this. This will be fun for you. Are you ready?

  • "So it goes like this. When we're walking down the street, I saw -- I saw a beautiful woman, an absolutely

  • stunning, beautiful woman. I tell you, she was really incredible. I -- Captain, which

  • way to the ship?" Okay. I was wearing many hats. When somebody "wears many hats", we

  • say that they have many jobs or responsibilities. Each hat changes -- you noticed, as I changed

  • my accent for every hat, I changed personality. Well, sometimes, you know, you're a grandfather.

  • And it's different from being a pilot in World War II, fighting. Also, being a kid with snowballs

  • is not the same as a soldier who must defend his country, right? So when you "wear many

  • hats" in your job, it means you have many responsibilities. Maybe I'm the cleaner and

  • the computer guy. Maybe I do the editing. Anyway.

  • I hope this is been a -- well, an exciting experience for you as it has been for me. I don't

  • get to act so much. Anyway. That is hats. My hat off to you. And Mr. E, who's still

  • deciding what he should do -- a kingdom for his hat. But will we learn about more idioms

  • besides hat idioms for, you know, conversation skills or grammar or vocabulary? I know the

  • place. You go to, "eng" as in "English", "vid" as in "video", where -- I

  • mean, don't keep it under your hat. You've got to share this stuff, right? You can go

  • and learn these idioms and other idioms. And sharing is caring. Have a good day. I'll talk

  • to you soon.

Comrades, welcome to EngVid. Today, we will be discussing the hat. Hi. James, from EngVid.

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太有趣!教你五個關於帽子的簡單成語! Learn 5 easy HAT idioms in English (Learn 5 easy HAT idioms in English)

  • 5401 710
    Ashley Chen posted on 2014/10/22
Video vocabulary