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  • A carrot fruit or vegetable, the botanical, culinary, and nutritional definition.

  • In the botanical world, definitions are precise.

  • A fruit, strictly speaking, is the mature ovary of a plant, typically containing seeds.

  • This definition means that several items we consume as, quote-unquote, vegetables, like tomatoes and bell peppers, are technically fruit.

  • On the flip side, the term vegetable is more of a culinary classification rather than a strict botanical one.

  • It broadly covers edible plant parts, including leaves, like lettuce, stem, like asparagus, roots, like carrots, and even flowers, like broccoli.

  • From a nutritional perspective, USDA's website describes vegetable groups as any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice, counting as part of the vegetable group.

  • The vegetables, which may be raw or cooked, fresh, frozen, canned or dried, slushed, dehydrated, and may be whole, cut up, mashed, or organized into five subgroups. 1.

  • Dark green vegetables.

  • Dark green vegetables are known for their rich vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content, which include staples like spinach, kale, and broccoli. 2.

  • Beans and peas.

  • Beans and peas are a nutritious and protein-rich category of vegetables that include versatile options like black beans, lentils, and chickpeas. 3.

  • Starchy vegetables.

  • Starchy vegetables are recognized for their higher carbohydrate content, and include various vegetables like potatoes, corns, and acorn squash. 4.

  • Red and orange vegetables.

  • They are often celebrated for their beta-carotene and antioxidant levels, including colorful options such as tomatoes, carrots, and sweet potatoes. 5.

  • Other vegetables.

  • This encompass a wide range of nutritionally diverse options, including vegetables like cauliflower, cucumbers, and eggplants.

  • Botanically speaking, a variety of food items including tomatoes, avocados, and cucumbers are categorized as fruit based on their seed-bearing structure.

  • However, due to their nutritional profile, common use in savory dishes, and flavor characteristics, they are nutritionally recognized as vegetables.

  • Conversely, the fruit group embraces botanical fruits that are notably sweet or tart, aligning with common consumer perceptions.

  • Given this definition is clear, carrots are a vegetable.

  • Specifically, they fall under the category of root vegetables, sharing this designation with other underground vegetables like beet, radishes, and potatoes.

  • And depending on the colors of the carrot, it can or cannot be orange vegetables.

  • Notice that while potato is considered a root vegetable, specifically, it's a tuber, which is a large underground stem that store nutrients.

  • While potatoes grow underground like many other root vegetables, they differ slightly in that they are the plant's stem, rather than its actual root.

A carrot fruit or vegetable, the botanical, culinary, and nutritional definition.

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