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  • Why would you build your house in the Nether?

  • That's so scary!

  • This way, very safe.

  • Lamau Island.

  • Hi, you're so cute!

  • Lamau Island.

  • Ooh, swirly.

  • Did she build this on stream?

  • Damn, this would have taken so long.

  • Ooh, the Nether.

  • She built this on stream?

  • Crazy.

  • Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no, no!

  • That's a lot of glass.

  • There's so much glass!

  • Please don't eat me, Boomba.

  • Why is Boomba right there?

  • Oh, hi!

  • They live to see another day.

  • Ooh. Yeah, remember when I said about I want a storeroom like this?

  • Ooh, yeah, that's the good stuff.

  • But is it actually organized?

  • Of course it is.

  • I bet this is going to be absolutely full.

  • All of these chests are going to be full in about four months' time.

  • Moomay's Corner.

  • Did Moomay move in?

  • It's okay, I can pretend to be Moomay or sound like her.

  • It's fine.

  • I can do a really good Moomay impression.

  • I will make a costume that looks just like Moomay and I will infiltrate.

  • It'll work, trust me.

  • Nice, nice, Kayla, nice, nice.

  • Nice. Oh my god, it's the mushroom!

  • Wow, they're terrifying.

  • Ooh, look at all this stuff.

  • How do I enter here without perishing?

  • We got an underwater dome.

  • Cool.

  • How do you get in here?

  • A few moments later... This better be a 6-9.

  • The door is the surface.

  • Oh, it's kind of like Subnautica, that's what it looks like.

  • Somebody has declared war.

  • Ping pong, I'm coming in!

  • Oh, now I see, it's like a house.

  • Okay, I see, I see, I see.

  • Ping pong!

  • Little feeling claustrophobic.

  • Cool. Wow.

  • I'm gonna get lost in here, man.

  • Let's keep going.

  • Okay, I don't want to touch anything in here.

  • I'm gonna mess it up.

  • Run!

  • Okay.

  • Very cool.

  • I like it, I like it.

  • It's very cool.

  • As expected from Minecraft Master Kyla.

Why would you build your house in the Nether?

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