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  • What does a crush feel like to you?

  • My brain or stomach?

  • Yeah, I feel it in my stomach, kind of.

  • Like, I get all nervous.

  • My stomach has a crush on food though.

  • Because every day, even if I eat a lot of lunch,

  • I'm still hungry.

  • What's up, folks? How's it going?

  • Today for our very special episode, we are here with Maggie Rogers.

  • What's up? We're talking about crushes, we're talking about music, we're talking about dreams, we're talking about hopes.

  • We're talking about dog parties.

  • This is our other special guest,

  • Fluffers.

  • Oh, this is such a sweetie.

  • Good dog. Oh, you want to hang?

  • What's going on? How's your day today?

  • I've been waiting for this moment since my mom told me.

  • Honestly, me too.

  • About three days ago.

  • How do you contain it until it happens?

  • I try to. Actually, don't do that.

  • I'm just so excited.

  • My mom was showing me some videos of you.

  • Really? What did you think?

  • I actually love them. Really?

  • Would you tell me if you hated them?

  • No.

  • Alright, that's a polite answer.

  • Did you actually like them?

  • Yes!

  • I'm also plus.

  • If I didn't like them,

  • I wouldn't be listening to them on the way here.

  • And I was doing that.

  • Did you say you're a new fan?

  • Yeah. Wow.

  • It's nice to meet you.

  • Always nice to meet a new fan.

  • Are you emotional?

  • It speaks to you more?

  • I'm not dramatic. I'm not emotional.

  • But sometimes I am.

  • You're allowed to be emotional and dramatic about things too.

  • Not in this kind of world.

  • Whoa, wait.

  • What do you mean?

  • Every time I wake up,

  • I'm like, phew, I'm alive.

  • Really? What do you think happens when you die?

  • Actually, I think I might know the answer.

  • You know the answer?

  • You start to go up into space, and then you get past, and then your life gets passed on to another new generation.

  • Reincarnation?

  • I'm into that.

  • What do you think?

  • I made a record about that, hypothetically.

  • It's called Hurt It in a Past Life.

  • Hi, Maggie Rogers.

  • Oh my gosh. Hey, Chloe.

  • Woo!

  • Let me ask you a question.

  • How's your...

  • That's funny.

  • What do you think makes a perfect day?

  • Just by having fun and learning.

  • You know, after you get out of school, you're not learning all the time anymore.

  • What is a good way to learn, even after school?

  • Making mistakes, because sometimes you can learn from your mistakes.

  • That's really good advice.

  • What's a big mistake that you've made?

  • Spilling milk.

  • You can't spill that milk.

  • I've spilled things that can't be cleaned up.

  • Overspilled milk?

  • But if you do it not so loud,

  • I'm sure somebody's sleeping.

  • Yeah, that's a good...

  • Keep your cry to a small volume if someone's sleeping.

  • I think that's the full saying.

  • You can't cry to overspilled milk loudly because someone's sleeping.

  • I am busy today.

  • What do you got going on in your schedule?

  • I'm going to hang out with my friend, Ben.

  • Ben is my friend.

  • What about us? We're your friends.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I learned this, and it's called you can't control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

  • I think that makes a lot of sense.

  • Life changes, and you can change with it.

  • Well, that's not what it means, really.

  • Oh, my bad.

  • I know what it means.

  • Yeah, tell me more about what it means.

  • It's not about what happens to you.

  • It's how you react to make a better choice.

  • That's very wise.

  • Is there anything that you don't learn in school that we should learn about?

  • We should learn about dogs.

  • Dogs need to be free.

  • That's right. Free the canines.

  • Free the dogs.

  • And have a party!

  • If you could be a dog, what would you be?

  • The cutest dog in the world.

  • That's for sure.

  • Maggie, if you were a dog, what dog would you be?

  • I think I've got some golden retriever energy.

  • For sure.

  • When was the last time you threw a temper tantrum?

  • Last night.

  • Normally, all in my body.

  • You're filled with rage.

  • Um, but actually...

  • Do you ever throw fits?

  • Yeah, sometimes. I mean, I try to keep them away from my friends and family, and sometimes it's just something that I do alone.

  • You know, sometimes I'll dance it off or sometimes I'll just need to cry.

  • You know something? It's okay to have emotions in front of other people.

  • You don't have to be shy or really nervous.

  • You can just let it out.

  • That's a really nice thing to say.

  • This is life. It happens sometimes.

  • And I'm just going to have to let it out.

  • Do you think that that's really brave?

  • I've tried it myself, so yeah.

  • I actually did feel a little brave not to brag, though.

  • That's not bragging. You're being honest.

  • Oh, yes!

  • I want to draw on my nose, and I have one thing that I did not check off. Once I go home,

  • I want to listen to some of your songs.

  • That's so cool!

  • Because I really love your songs.

  • Is there a song that you really like?

  • Particularly, I love all of them.

  • I have a question. Do you know what a food crush is?

  • Oooh!

  • Sushi sushi!

  • There's kind of this ongoing conversation we have with Myles about love.

  • Not really doing that much about love, but most of the time,

  • I am loving.

  • Do you have any crushes right now, Myles?

  • Only on three people.

  • On three people?

  • I appreciate that.

  • Three and a half.

  • What's a half crush feel like?

  • You don't want to marry them, but you do like them.

  • That's how I feel about most crushes.

  • Can you tell me about how a full crush feels to you?

  • A full crush feels like you want to marry them, and you like them.

  • How many marriages do you see yourself being in long term? Probably always three.

  • At once?

  • Yeah.

  • If a full crush is Ben, who I talked about this morning, then Jack B, who you already know,

  • Zoe, and Clara.

  • Hi Maggie Rogers and Julian.

  • Are you going to sing today?

  • Because it's 2024.

  • I still sing.

  • I could sing today.

  • Yay!

  • Can I show you that I remember about your song?

  • Yeah, please.

  • I believe you now.

  • If I told you I got caught up in a wave.

  • Every single day.

  • Would you hear me out?

  • If I told you I was terrified for days.

  • Really?

  • That was so good!

  • What do you like about Maggie's music?

  • Last time I was in the dark, and I was like,

  • Mom!

  • I like

  • Maggie Rogers songs.

  • Really? What do you like about my songs? Light on.

  • Really? It's because I do not like the light on.

  • That's a really good point. It's really what I was thinking about when I made that.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • What's your favorite type of animal?

  • Baby animal. The first thing that came to mind was a piglet.

  • What about you? Probably a baby wolf.

  • A baby wolf? Yeah.

  • Would it howl?

  • I loved how baby ears was.

  • It's a baby.

  • Can you tell me what you think makes a really good friend?

  • If they trust you, and you trust them, and they do good things, that makes them a good friend.

  • Alright Miles, is there anything you want to say before we go?

  • Only one thing with my thumbs.

  • What the heck?

  • Power thumbs!

  • One more time.

  • Is it just bending it?

  • It's not a point of thumbs up.

  • I think my perfect day does not have thumb tricks in it.

  • I'm planning when I'm in college with my friend Rocket,

  • I'm planning to make a band with him.

  • When I'm in college.

  • You can do it tomorrow. You don't have to wait until you're in college. Well I want to.

  • Okay, I have a clarifying question.

  • What kind of band are you going to be in?

  • I'm going to ask my friend about that.

  • Oh, okay.

What does a crush feel like to you?

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