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  • Chris, I gotta say, it seems like my daughter picked a good one.

  • Well, thank you, sir. I love her a lot. It means so much to finally meet her folks.

  • Well, us too, you know. Now, on how long till dinner? Chris and I are starving.

  • I'm fine, really.

  • Okay, well, easy, Tiger. The roast is almost done. Just ten more minutes.

  • In that case, Mom, I wanted to go grab some of my old stuff from the attic. Is that okay?

  • Sure. You boys okay without us?

  • I think we'll be fine.

  • Okay. Now, Stephen, you stay out of those cookies on the counter.

  • He always tries to sneak one before dinner.

  • Guilty as charged.

  • Sir, I know we just met, but there's something I need to ask you.

  • Don't tell the missus.

  • Hey, my lips are sealed.

  • Our little secret, okay?

  • Yeah, yeah, secret's safe with me.

  • I'm serious. Don't say anything.

  • Oh, yeah, no, I won't.

  • And you heard her, right? You heard her say, don't have a cookie, but I'm having one.

  • Yeah, I heard her.

  • Cool. So you're just gonna roll with me on this cookie thing, right? Don't bitch out on me.

  • Yes, I'll roll with you on the cookie.

  • Okay. Just eat it.

  • Oh, God, that's a good cookie.

  • Anyway, you want to ask me something?

  • Yes, sir. I just want to say your daughter means the world to me.

  • And I was wondering if...

  • You want to marry my daughter?

  • Yes, sir.

  • You have my blessing.

  • Because I can tell you love her, and I can tell she loves you.

  • And most importantly, you got my back on the cookie thing, right?

  • Yes, sir. I got your back on the cookie thing.

  • And we're back.

  • What'd you boys talk about while we were gone?

  • Well, actually, something pretty big just happened.

  • Hannah, there's something I need to say.

  • Chris, can I just talk to you in the kitchen for a second?

  • Yeah, sure.

  • Um, yeah, sure.

  • Hey, were you about to tell him about the cookie?

  • What? No.

  • Because maybe I'm stupid, but I thought I was clear about the cookie.

  • You were clear? I don't care about the cookie. I'm trying to propose.

  • Then we'll just keep the cookie out of it.

  • Uh, babe, dad, is everything okay?

  • Everything's fine, sweetie.

  • Look, if you bring up the cookie one more time, I will kill you.

  • You are covered in crumbs. That's what's going to give you away.

  • Bitch, I always got crumbs on me. That ain't suspicious at all.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Okay, who had a cookie?

  • Steve, did you have a cookie again?

  • What? Baby, no.

  • I had a cookie.

  • Please, ma'am, I just, uh, I couldn't wait.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Dad, is this true?

  • Yeah, Chris had a cookie.

  • Christopher, those are my mom's peanut butter cookies.

  • You're allergic!

  • What?

  • Oh, my God, call an ambulance!

  • No, no, no, I'm fine.

  • Dude, why did you do that? Why'd you eat that?

  • No!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Stop, I'm fine! What are you doing?

  • You ate the cookie, right? You ate it, so you gotta get it out, right?

  • Oh, my God!

  • Oh, stop, I'm fine!

  • What?

  • Ow!

  • Ow, my neck!

  • In my neck, you do it?

  • God, I'm fine!

  • Hannah, I'm trying to propose.

  • You're proposing?

  • Yes, baby.

  • I love you.

  • Will you marry me?

  • Yes, of course I will.

  • Oh, Stephen, how wonderful!

  • Our daughter's getting married!

  • This is the happiest day of my life!

  • I finally have a son!

  • you

Chris, I gotta say, it seems like my daughter picked a good one.

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