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  • Mom, check it.

  • Fresh as hell, right?

  • Addie, don't say hell.

  • You also said butthole in the car.

  • Shut up, Evan, you little Chinese narc.

  • Isn't that necklace heavy?

  • Life's heavy, son.

  • Please, Mom.

  • Can I get this?

  • How much?

  • Too much.

  • Mom thought everything was too much.

  • She never understood that you couldn't haggle at JCPenney.

  • It's like those are set prices, Mom.

  • Jessica, I figured it out.

  • Dad, how come we have to start school on a Wednesday?

  • That's a great question. Go to school.

  • Go, go, go, go.

  • I was blow-drying my hair and I figured it out, how the restaurant can attract bigger crowds.

  • What? How?

  • I need to hire a white host.

  • Instead of people coming in and seeing a Chinese face and saying, huh?

  • I thought this was an Old West steakhouse.

  • They see a white face and say, oh, hello, white friend.

  • I am comfortable.

  • See?

  • Exactly.

  • Now welcoming.

  • That's why no to your face and yes to the white face.

  • Nice, happy white face like Bill Pullman.

  • So, cool if I sit?

  • No.

  • Fine, but don't try to talk to me.

  • I don't like kids.

  • My best friend is a 40-year-old man.

  • Yo.

  • Yo, Chinese kid.

  • What's your name again?

  • Something Chinese.

  • My name's Eddie.

  • Eddie.

  • You into B.I.G.?

  • Yeah, man.

  • He's sick.

  • I bought Ready to Die the day it came out.

  • You bought it?

  • I stole it.

  • Yo, come sit with us.

  • Yeah?

  • Okay, man, cool.

  • A white dude and an Asian dude bonding over a black dude.

  • This cafeteria is ridiculous.

  • What's up? I'm Eddie.

  • Hey, dude.

  • Hey, what's up, man?

  • So my cousin told me about B.I.G.

  • when I went to visit her.

  • What is that?

  • Gross.

  • It's Chinese food.

  • My mom makes it.

  • Get it out of here.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Jing-Ming's eating worms.

  • Go.

  • Go home.

  • Get that out of here.

  • Go.

  • Dude, that smells nasty.

  • Eddie, why are you eating so much?

  • I'm hungry.

  • Didn't you eat your lunch today?

  • Yeah, but I'm still hungry.

  • Oh, okay.

  • I know how you like the shawarma.

  • I know how you like the xiaolongbao I pack you.

  • It was really good.

  • Liar.

  • I did not pack xiaolongbao!

  • Okay.

  • Fine.

  • I threw my lunch away.

  • I cannot believe you, Eddie.

  • Come on, Eddie, that's wasteful, man.

  • This is food I make you.

  • You love my food.

  • I need white people lunch.

  • That gets me a seat at the table.

  • And then you get to change the rules.

  • Represent.

  • Like Nas says.

  • I'm not trying to eat with a janitor for the rest of my life.

  • I got big plans.

  • First, get a seat at the table.

  • Second, meet Shaq.

  • Third, change the game.

  • Possibly with the help of Shaq.

  • Damn it, that was beautiful.

  • That filthy music you listened to turned you into a poet, boy.

  • Okay.

  • What is this white people lunch?

  • Whoa.

  • This is not how I like to shop.

  • This place look like a mess.

  • This place look like a hospital.

  • I miss the Taiwanese markets back in D.C.

  • They make me feel so calm.

  • Wow.

  • Everything fits perfectly inside a box.

  • Awesome.

  • You want to fit inside a box?

  • That's so American.

  • Why are you so American?

  • Fiesta tortilla chip, free sample.

  • This is free.

  • Okay.

Mom, check it.

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