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  • Irons Keskin, you have a red light violation.

  • Yes.

  • Where are you from?

  • I'm from Bristol, I'm a Warren.

  • Warren?

  • Yes.

  • Okay.

  • Do you work in the city?

  • No.

  • No?

  • We were just there for celebrate that I got like full A's on my finals and for my friend's birthday.

  • We were just there to like hang out.

  • Where do you go to school?

  • Roger Williams.

  • What are you studying?

  • Engineering and math.

  • Engineering and math?

  • Yeah.

  • Two of the subjects I was terrible in, Inspector Quinn.

  • I was gonna say, Judge, she's taking an easy course.

  • She's going the easy road in college.

  • I wasn't good at chemistry and biology either.

  • Judge, I'm still on one and three like this.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • What year are you in?

  • I'm gonna be a sophomore this year.

  • How many hours a night do you study?

  • Last semester I took 20 credits, but other than that I was on, like I'm a commuter, but I'm on campus like from 8 a.m. till like midnight, 1 a.m.

  • Oh, you go to the library and study?

  • Yeah.

  • I also tutor, so I have to stay on campus till like nine anyway, so I go to library after that.

  • You made a right-hand turn on Eddie and Dudley Street, and there's a sign that says right on red after stop.

  • Do you remember that?

  • No.

  • We're gonna show it to you, okay?

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Well, I thought you made a right-hand turn, because most people do.

  • You went straight.

  • Oh, yeah, I know that one.

  • Okay, you went straight, okay.

  • Yeah.

  • Lisa, run it again.

  • I wanna see how much traffic there is.

  • I wanna see, there's a traffic jam.

  • Okay, let's look.

  • With the exception of one car coming way down, that's no excuse for you to go through the light, however.

  • No, of course not.

  • I just figured the light.

  • I was driving with my friends, and I was bringing them to campus back, and when I saw the yellow light, and I was kind of close to the line, and I could stop, but I would be,

  • I would end up like in the intersection, and it would be really hard stop, so I just kept going and took the exit.

  • Clearly, Judge, she didn't factor in mathematically the grain, the upgrade, the speed of the vehicle, the weight of the vehicle to perfectly time the stop, so.

  • I don't know how she got all them A's, yeah.

  • Was she good?

  • Tell me the courses you got the A's in, Omia.

  • Physics one, calculus two, oh, writing.

  • Oh, God, I forgot the class I took already.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Oh, physics, I took biology.

  • Oh, biology, you got physics, calculus, and biology, right?

  • And linear algebra, and writing.

  • Algebra, writing, and what did you get in common sense?

  • They don't teach that at Roger Williams Park.

  • They don't.

  • They don't teach common sense.

  • No, no, they lock that at the gate.

  • You leave your common sense outside the gate at Roger Williams.

  • I mean, if I gotta talk like in terms of physics, it would be hard for me to stop because I was already going like 35.

  • Because you didn't measure the grade, the slope, the speed.

  • I just realized the light later than I should have, so.

  • That's why I kept going, because it would be hard for me to stop with people in the car.

  • I can tell she's not taking pre-law.

  • No.

  • Yeah, no.

  • All right, I'm gonna take into consideration the fact that you're a student.

  • I'm proud of you, and the country is proud of everyone like you who's dedicating themselves to studying, and the fact that you got all these A's,

  • I'm gonna reward you for that, okay?

  • Okay, thank you.

  • And I'm taking into consideration that it was two o'clock in the morning, and the street was completely empty.

  • There wasn't a traffic hazard.

  • There weren't pedestrians.

  • Not that that's an excuse, because technically you violated the law.

  • But I'm gonna take all those other factors into consideration, and I'm gonna reward you for all your hard work at school, okay?

  • Thank you.

  • So good luck, and come back next year after you get all A's and see us, okay?

  • Okay.

  • All right, good luck.

  • And hopefully by then I'll have that mathematical formula filled out for you.

  • Don't say it, if you don't mean it, I'll hear it.

Irons Keskin, you have a red light violation.

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