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  • You're the dish of the day, I'm on a dig right in

  • Pumpkin pie!

  • Ice cream!

  • Fried chicken, coated peanuts, fish jam, Tim Spam

  • Taco pizza, mash and ham, meatloaf in a strudel in a can

  • Covered green and no patrines, that's charcoal and butter beans

  • Mmm, delicious

  • Hang on, what is this?

  • This is my fake food workshop

  • No chance of lunch then

  • You guys have actually stitched me up here haven't you, they're all fake

  • Oh it's real, wow

  • No way, look at that

  • Meet Kerry, she's a fake food artist

  • And you might have seen her work without even realising

  • I got an enquiry from Warner Brothers and it was for the Barbie movie

  • They were after some ice creams, could I send out a few?

  • I just designed this little cone with the raspberry ripple and the raspberry in

  • I sent them off a few and they came back and said we loved them

  • Can we have a bigger order?

  • I had no idea that it was going to be such a big hit

  • All my ice cream, Ken

  • Alright Ken, you're on

  • Must be chaff

  • Kids went along and they came back and they said, ooh your ice cream's in the film

  • It was exciting

  • Not all Kerry's orders are quite as straightforward

  • We got an enquiry from Netflix, they were doing a premiere for The Gentleman

  • And they wanted a jelly with a gun inside the jelly

  • And the unique requests don't stop there

  • She's also covered the ceiling of a superyacht in cakes

  • And recreated all sorts of historical dishes

  • From centrepieces to stomach churning side dishes

  • What was that one about the croissant that looked like a, what was it, a squirrel?

  • So we had an enquiry about, could we make a croissant that looked like a squirrel?

  • Was it successful?

  • No, I mean we didn't, we just said no

  • A lot of our orders are client based

  • And inspiration for new pieces can come from just something quite simple

  • Like a trip to a baker's

  • Just have to walk literally around the corner to find inspiration

  • It's used by the film industry, the food industry, theatres

  • And then we have people that collect fake food

  • We're talking about adding to their collection

  • People have fake flowers in their homes, why not fake food?

  • Kerry's path to food fraudery actually makes a lot of sense

  • Pretty much all my working life has been making replicas of some sorts

  • I started out carving stone, I went on to make furniture

  • Work in stone conservation, I learned a little bit of taxidermy

  • And then combined that weird set of skills into making fake food

  • My dad was an artist, when I was a girl my playground was his workshop

  • From being quite young I learnt how to use saws and nail guns

  • And it was a magical place where anything seemed possible

  • I would spend every holiday with my grandma

  • It was just the two of us and it was set days

  • So Monday was wash day, Tuesday was market day

  • And Friday was baking for the Saturday

  • That was my introduction to making food

  • That one's given me some glare, you know

  • I don't know what to do now then

  • Are you joking?

  • Before a game of real or fake, time to see where the magic happens

  • This is a pastry case and we're just going to make some custard with jesmonite

  • Jesmonite is composite material, it's an acrylic stone

  • I'm going to try and mimic the texture of custard

  • Doesn't that look good?

  • A lot of what we do is measuring and mixing

  • Just like when we're making cakes

  • We made this by first cooking it with pastry

  • In a traditional raised pine mould

  • Bringing it back to our workshop, making this silicone mould

  • And then casting in jesmonite

  • And then we're just going to pop this open

  • Find a piece of jesmonite

  • And then we're just going to pop this open

  • Find, hopefully, another intact pie

  • Ready to paint

  • And then we just carefully peel back the silicone

  • And the lovely thing about making the original first with pastry

  • Is that it picks up all of the imperfections

  • Which, in a way, adds to the realism

  • The bird's foot is a resin cast

  • Made from an original claw that I've had in my library

  • Of bird's feet, always a bit stinky actually

  • This is what you get, and then it's all hand-painted

  • And then we just pop them in

  • Now Kerry's revealed her secrets

  • Can the GBS team guess if it's real or fake?

  • I won't touch them

  • Because that seems like it would be cheating

  • That one's got crumbs on top

  • So that one's quite fluffy

  • But that pork pie looks a bit too perfect

  • And it seems like it's got a little nibble in there

  • Which could have been added in post

  • I'm going to say the pork pie's fake

  • Oh, it's real!

  • I mean, it's real

  • So it's that one then

  • There you go

  • If I was going to pick out a real one

  • I think I would go for the chocolate finger

  • It's bourbon or chocolate finger I think are real

  • You never see a perfect bourbon, it just doesn't exist

  • So I think that's real because there's loads of cracks on it

  • No way, look at that

  • It smells real though

  • Is it real?

  • It smells like bourbon

  • It's not real either

  • I don't know what to do now then

  • I don't know how many fakes there are

  • I'm going to guess the pie ring's fake then as well

  • Well, okay, that's right

  • I'm going to just guess they're all fake at this point

  • That's fake

  • That is fake

  • That looks fairly real

  • But it's not

  • See, I reckon the pretzel's real

  • Is that real?

  • Real

  • Basically, I don't know anything about biscuits

  • Is what I've come to conclusion on

  • I think you've tricked me here

  • I think they're all the same

  • Okay, this one

  • I was actually going to eat that

  • This one could be, again, it's missing a few on the top

  • Are you joking?

  • You guys have actually stitched me up here, haven't you?

  • They're all fake

  • I think these are all fake

  • Is there actually a real one?

  • I think this one's...

  • No?

  • Well, no, I guessed that one, it was fake

  • No?

  • Oh, yeah, this one I thought was real, it's fake

  • This one's giving me a funny look

  • Hey!

  • Finally!

  • What was that?

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  • Brilliant

  • Has that been handled, Lodge?

  • Yeah

  • Kerry definitely won that game

  • But turns out we're not the only ones falling for her tricks

  • In the early days, I used to love to prank my kids

  • So I'd leave something on the table

  • Like a sausage roll or a sweet treat

  • But they're kind of immune to it now

  • Or they might just walk past and go,

  • Can I eat that?

  • Disappointed toons

  • And not even the seagulls are safe

You're the dish of the day, I'm on a dig right in

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