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  • This is me, an amateur gardener with an idea.

  • What if instead of buying tomato plants, I buy a sandwich and get extra free tomatoes on it?

  • Then I take those seeds and grow them into my very own tomato plants and then make a profit off of all the veggies it produces.

  • A genius business plan?

  • I think so.

  • At this point in time, I don't know if it will actually work, but we're about to find out. I headed to the sandwich empire to see if I could even get free extra tomatoes, because if not, then this whole thing is gonna be over before it even begins.

  • And then, could I do double tomato, please?

  • Thank you.

  • So extra tomatoes are free?

  • Okay.

  • Awesome, thank you.

  • Thank you, cheers, love.

  • See ya.

  • Sandwich acquired. And so now the experiment officially begins.

  • Time to plant the tomatoes.

  • So these are the tomatoes I'm gonna plant.

  • These ones I'm leaving in the sandwich so that it's a delicious lunch.

  • This is what I'm going to put them in.

  • It's gonna act like a little greenhouse.

  • To make their house a home, I added some seed starting soil, then drenched it in water and got my hand right in there, mixing it around.

  • All right, that should do it. Our first tomato off on a new adventure.

  • Tuck him in there.

  • This is what we're after.

  • You see those little seeds?

  • The hope is that each one of those seeds will sprout an individual full tomato plant.

  • Our final tomato friend.

  • Looking a little, oh, some lettuce fell in.

  • Maybe I'll grow a lettuce plant.

  • That's not how it works.

  • Okay, in goes our last tomato friend.

  • And the final step is to cover them with more soil, add a bit more water, and then just, dang it.

  • I just realized that there's no drainage holes under the bottom of it.

  • So I'm gonna make some.

  • Oh, Jesus.

  • This definitely would have been easier before I filled it.

  • Learn from my mistake.

  • Okay, I think that should do it now. And so it begins, day number one.

  • I'm gonna do my best to document the progress and hopefully they turn into some amazing, beautiful tomato plants. Day two, update.

  • There's absolutely no changes whatsoever.

  • But our little greenhouse dome is working.

  • Look at all that condensation.

  • Oh, baby. What a glorious day.

  • Check this out.

  • Some of the seeds have officially sprouted.

  • Look at them.

  • There's at least 10 of them so far.

  • Oh, I'm so excited right now that it's actually working.

  • Like, I know it's common knowledge that seeds turn into plants, but legit, a few days ago, this was just a part of a sandwich.

  • And it's only day five.

  • That happened way faster than I thought it would.

  • I was gonna shoot a really cool time-lapse and show the progress, but all of a sudden, they're here.

  • So please enjoy this cool video of a seed sprouting and just imagine that it was the tomatoes. I will continue to nurture and care for my little babies here.

  • And hopefully, they keep growing nice and strong. And grow they did.

  • Over the next few weeks, I was amazed to see them thriving and I made sure to give them all the love and care that they deserved.

  • I was feeling so confident until day 20.

  • I have good news and I have bad news.

  • You want the bad news first?

  • Okay.

  • The bad news is that my seedlings are having a bit of an issue.

  • See how their stems are really skinny and long and then their leaves are kind of pale green?

  • Thanks to the internet, I learned that this is a problem known as laggy seedlings.And the good news, I know you've been waiting for it, is that also thanks to the internet, there might be a solution that will save the tomato plants.

  • This is Jason.

  • He wrote a very thorough article explaining how to rescue laggy tomato plants.

  • And everyone, go comment, thanks Jason. So I took his advice and upgraded to a bigger container, then took out my struggling little plants and repotted them by burying the whole stem.

  • This will apparently help encourage them to put their energy into growing a strong root system instead of just stem growth.

  • It's done.

  • I've chosen the 18 strongest, most thriving plants and hopefully they make a comeback.

  • Because I'll be sad if they all just die after all this time.

  • I gotta be honest, this was the first of two irresponsible acts of plant care. And the second thing, well, we're leaving on a three week long road trip.

  • And it was awesome.

  • A really special time away.

  • We saw a ton of beautiful sights, but you know what was on my mind the whole time?

  • My dang tomato plants back home. Finally, after 15 days away, we got a video update.

  • Oh, they're still alive.

  • They're thriving actually.

  • Look at them.

  • They look better than when Connor was taking care of them.

  • Look at those beauties.

  • They're getting so big. Yeah, they are.

  • Yeah, you do.

  • Thank you, mom. So the first thing I did once we were home was to pet my dog.

  • Now for the next important thing, planting the tomatoes into the garden.

  • I'm actually so surprised by how big they are.

  • Like, these ain't little babies anymore.

  • It's time, almost ripped this one off.

  • It's time to give them a proper new home, permanent home into the garden. I was so proud that my plan was working and I couldn't wait to harvest a ton of tomatoes from these plants.

  • I neatly transplanted each one.

  • I was kissing them for some reason and added little pieces of wood as support.

  • And the final one.

  • There we go.

  • Here they are, all cozy in the garden.

  • Will they produce any tomatoes?

  • At this point, I still don't know, but hopefully in a few short weeks, we'll be able to tell. I hate to say it, but things are not going well.

  • The tomato plants are looking rough.

  • This one is just completely shriveled up.

  • Just like my hopes and dreams now.

  • I'm not sure what I did wrong, but clearly it was something or I can just blame it on the crazy windstorm that happened a few days earlier.

  • But either way, I was feeling pretty sad. Dang it.

  • Technically this idea does work because I got a sandwich with three extra tomatoes.

  • And then I did pour a ton of care and love into them and they grew, they grew into beautiful little seedlings.

  • But now there's no way I'm getting my infinite tomato hack out of these.

  • There's not a single one here that's thriving.

  • This is not how I'd hoped this video would go.

  • But I was encouraged by master gardener, Jason.

  • Remember him?

  • And I guess I'll just have to try again next year.

  • This also might work with the cucumbers.

This is me, an amateur gardener with an idea.

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