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  • This is me walking into a grocery shop

  • And on the other side of the planet is me walking into a different grocery shop.

  • The difference?

  • One is extremely cheap, and the other is the most expensive grocery store in the world.

  • First, let's meet the cheapest, which is Lidl.

  • I've been shopping here religiously for years.

  • That's because it's extremely cheap.

  • And I also think the quality is still great.

  • And now meet Erewhon.

  • Now this is a chain in America which was voted the most expensive grocery store on the planet.

  • All of your favourite A-listers shop here.

  • It's gone viral on social media for the ridiculous prices.

  • So what I want to know is while yes, the prices at these two places are complete night and day,

  • but what about taste? I want to compare them.

  • Can the innocent, humble Lidl compete with Erewhon?

  • Well, I went to Lidl and bought a selection of different foods and drinks.

  • That same day, I packed the stuff in a bag, headed to Heathrow airport and got an 11 hour flight from London to LA.

  • See you later.

  • Thank you.

  • Okay, we have made it to LA.

  • Groceries are inside here

  • We didn't get stopped at border control which is great.

  • Next stop is Erewhon.

  • The most expensive grocery store in the world.

  • I am so excited.

  • Let's check it out.

  • My initial impression of Erewhon was exactly how I expected.

  • Everything perfectly shelved.

  • So aesthetically pleasing.

  • And of course ridiculously expensive.

  • What the fuck, man.

  • A bottle of water [is] $26.

  • What?

  • 6 bagels, frozen [are] $20.

  • Ice. Literally, ice [is] $30.

  • Now I could go on and on about the extortionate prices of all the products here.

  • But I was here for a reason.

  • You see the groceries I bought in England at Lidl, I am now going to buy the exact same things here in Erewhon.

  • Hello.

  • We might need one of the bigger bags.

  • Can we get one of the better bags?

  • You want to purchase the bigger bags that we have?

  • How much are they?

  • "Those [are] $135.

  • 135 dollars? - Yeah.

  • For a bag? Okay. Yeah, I'll get it.

  • I only bought this for the video.

  • Because when I went to Lidl, I bought their more premium bag as well

  • Now, I can assure you watching this total increase as she was scanning was not a good feeling

  • Thank you very much.

  • You're welcome.

  • Have a good day, thank you.

  • Oh my f***ing god.

  • Okay, Lidl vs Erewhon.

  • Just before we get into the food, that carrier bag was £65.

  • That carrier bag was £106 quid.

  • So to compare these two places, here's what we're going to do.

  • My mate Jack will put the same food from each shop onto the table.

  • I will not know which is from Lidl and which is from Erewhon.

  • All I do is taste them both and rate which I think tastes better.

  • So let's see if a £13 bill can stand up to a £220 bill

  • Okay, first, chocolate

  • Lidl's bar is £0.89.

  • Erewhon's is £11.82.

  • There has got to be some difference.

  • Very similar.

  • However, I would probably say this one is nicer.

  • This one tasted posh, but it just wasn't as nice.

  • It didn't taste as good.

  • So that makes it 1-0 to Lidl.

  • Maybe money doesn't buy taste.

  • Next up, we have sourdough bread. £1.99 at Lidl, £5.99 at Erewhon.

  • A crazy discrepancy in price

  • But what about flavour?

  • That is very good

  • A nice hard shell.

  • And then a soft inside.

  • Delicious.

  • A lot saltier.

  • Not as hard on the outside, but it's so close.

  • I'm going to have to say this one.

  • Okay next, the milk. £1.45 at Lidl, £15.76 at Erewhon.

  • Why is it such a big difference?

  • I guess we'll find out

  • Just tastes like milk

  • Just tastes like milk.

  • Comes out of a f***ing cow.

  • It's going to taste like milk.

  • With this one, they taste exactly the same

  • I can't determine a winner, so it's a draw.

  • Next up, a cookie. £0.49 at Lidl compared to £4.34 at Erewhon.

  • Now look, I shop at Lidl. I know this is the Lidl one.

  • I know this is the Erewhon one

  • But I'm still going to taste test them.

  • Okay.

  • That is a very crunchy cookie.

  • A lot of chocolate in the filling.

  • Lidl.

  • A completely different cookie.

  • This is soft and doughy.

  • This is hard and crunchy

  • It's your preference I guess.

  • I think this one's better because it's more chocolate.

  • Yeah, I'm going to go with that one.

  • Next up, we've got strawberries. £2.85 compared to £16.55.

  • These ones are a much darker red than these ones.

  • But it's about taste.

  • Oh, so good.

  • F***ing amazing

  • Now these taste different

  • There's a big difference with these.

  • By far this one.

  • These are a lot juicier than these

  • These are a lot brighter red.

  • These are darker red, more dry

  • This one all the way.

  • Orange juice. £1.69 at Lidl £7.88 at Erewhon.

  • That one has more flavour.

  • Tortilla chips. £0.45 vs £6.06.

  • They taste better. I chooese this.

  • Next, we've got honey. £1.09 vs £11.82

  • Now, there is a very visible difference in appearance.

  • This one is a lot more golden, whereas this one is a lot paler.

  • Yeah, I prefer that one.

  • As you can see, Erewhon was really taking the lead.

  • But the next item was a very strange one.

  • Next, we've got water. This is mad.

  • £0.39p at Lidl compared to £20.49 at Erewhon.

  • Right off the bat, this has more bubbles in it.

  • And this is just super clear.

  • Which tastes like a cold glass of water.

  • Okay, they do taste a little bit different.

  • I'm going to go for this one.

  • Because I think it's the Lidl one and I'm used to that type of water.

  • This I don't like 'cause I don't think I'm used to it.

  • Okay, next we've got crisps.

  • £1.15 at Lidl £4.72 at Erewhon

  • Literally cannot tell the difference looks wise.

  • Oh my god.

  • That is very very good.

  • A lot of vinegar, a lot of salt.

  • Just explodes in your mouth

  • Bland as f***

  • That is so clear.

  • So much better.

  • We are now brought on to the last item which is the brownie

  • If Erewhon's is better, they win.

  • If Lidl's is better, it's a tie.

  • £0.75 vs £8.67.

  • Got coconut, dark chocolate, milk chocolate melts in the mouth.

  • That is an unreal brownie.

  • A completely different texture.

  • The Erewhon one is more fluffy

  • This one is not

  • As you can see, I think the Erewhon one does taste better

  • Well, Erewhon is the winner.

  • They have beat my beloved Lidl.

  • And I have to give the crown to them.

  • However, that's the price of the 10 items from Lidl.

  • And that's the price of the 10 items from Erewhon.

  • Yes, they did just win on taste.

  • But I know where I'd rather shop.

This is me walking into a grocery shop

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