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  • What's up?

  • How's it going?

  • I look better.

  • You look tired.

  • It's harder coming this direction with the jet lag.

  • It's a lot easier when you go to Asia, I think.

  • But when you come to America it's so hard.

  • It hurts.

  • It's like painful.

  • It's like, ah.

  • So yeah, I just started, I just got a new job and it totally fell into my lap.

  • I, um, it's called a fit model.

  • So it's not like fitness.

  • It's like, um, they have a target market and then they take all of their sizes and they average it.

  • And then that person is their medium, the middle of the road, just their medium size.

  • And so it's all just about if you have the right measurements.

  • And so I, I'm working with a company now.

  • Last week I signed on to a modeling agency.

  • So I have to go through them for jobs.

  • So right before I met you, I had an interview with a company that does outerwear and like hiking wear and stuff.

  • Cause Seattle's pretty, we've got a lot of outdoor clothing companies here.

  • So they need somebody to, they need models for a sales, like a selling event and a conference.

  • So if I get the job, I might have an opportunity to travel to Eastern Washington to a sales convention where I wear their clothing and maybe on stage and they talk about it and I'm, and I'm just model it.

  • So that's my new part-time job and I'm really excited cause it pays really, really well.

  • Like it pays really well.

  • Like it's, um, starting as $85 an hour.

  • And yeah, so I had to sign on to a modeling agency.

  • I have a contract for two years with them.

  • It's so weird cause like, you know, models there's fashion and runway and for, you know, magazines and commercials.

  • And then there's another type of modeling, which is called fit modeling, which is where companies use you at their headquarters to base all of their sizing, their clothing on.

  • And then there's also fitness models, which is like, I work out a lot and have a six pack.

  • So I'm the fit model, not fitness model, but it's cool.

  • I'm excited.

  • And then I found a fact that says that the highest paid model in Seattle makes $187 an hour, but that's somebody with a lot of experience that is like in all the magazines and stuff like that.

  • But that's not me.

  • I'm different.

  • Those people have to be taller and they have to be very skinny.

  • So there's a certain look that they, they're looking for for different things.

  • But isn't that interesting?

  • Like this is a, this is an interesting part of the fashion industry because I've been working for over 10 years as a teacher in the fashion industry, but modeling is another side of it that I don't know a lot about.

  • So it's interesting to learn about that.

  • I'm tired too.

  • I had to get up early for this meeting.

  • I had to get up at 9am and that's early for me.

  • I don't like to get up early at all.

  • I usually wake up at 9.30 in the morning.

  • I usually go to bed at 2.

  • I like actually working at night.

  • It's kind of quiet, you know, nighttime.

  • You can, I like to do my sewing and my jewelry making and stuff that I do at night.

  • And you're still coming to Olympia, right?

  • You're going to like it.

  • It's a funny town.

  • It's where I'm from.

  • I grew up there and it's kind of a small, a smaller town, but it's not like a dying town because in America there's a lot of small towns that are like dead.

  • Like there's nothing happening there.

  • But Olympia, there's a lot going on.

  • There's a college there and it's pretty cool.

  • So, and I was thinking like, I felt kind of bad about Thanksgiving that one year because I think we're trying to get you down there, but the train, like it wasn't letting us book the tickets.

  • I kind of regret that not happening because you know, my dad, you could have met my dad.

  • You would have really liked my dad.

  • My dad would like you too.

  • My dad's funny.

  • You guys would have a good time.

  • But my mom's still around.

  • She's cool.

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