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Hey there folks Scottsdale Travel Chick sidekick here to present our visitor guide on the Grand Canyon National Park in northern Arizona. In this video we'll show you everything you need to know about visiting the park like what to see and do, how to do it, where to stay, where to eat, and more. So sit back enjoy and take it all in. Here we go.
嘿,朋友們,斯科茨代爾旅遊小雞(Scottsdale Travel Chick)的小跟班在這裡為大家介紹我們關於亞利桑那州北部大峽谷國家公園的遊客指南。在本視頻中,我們將向您展示遊覽該公園所需的一切資訊,如看什麼、做什麼、怎麼做、住在哪裡、在哪裡吃飯等等。請坐好,盡情欣賞。開始了
First off let's start with just a bit of background on the park. The Grand Canyon is an overwhelming experience and nothing prepares a visitor for the site of such a massive gorge. What you see today is the result of almost seven million years of Colorado River erosion. The canyon is simply immense measuring over 250 miles long, one mile deep, and up to 18 miles across and it exposes some of the oldest rock on earth going back nearly two billion years into Earth's history. It's no wonder the Grand Canyon is known as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The canyon was first discovered by Europeans in 1540 when Spanish explorers were taken there by local Hopi Indian guides, but it wasn't until 1858, more than 300 years later, that the canyon was officially mapped. And a decade after that until John Wesley Powell made his famous expedition down the river. Soon after that though the Santa Fe Railroad built a railroad spur from Flagstaff Arizona to the canyon's south rim and early tourism efforts began. And finally in 1919, after two previous rejections by the US Congress, the Grand Canyon was finally designated a National Park. Today the canyon is one of the most visited parks in the country and a crown jewel of the National Park System. The park consists of land on both north and south rims of the canyon, but due to its accessibility advantage over the north rim, the south rim receives the vast majority of all tourism visits. For this reason our guide here will focus on all the opportunities and amenities the south rim has to offer. Now let's talk about the park's location, getting there, entry fees, and hours. The south rim park entrance is a one and a half hour drive from Flagstaff Arizona, a little more than a three and a half hour drive from
首先,我們先來了解一下公園的背景。大峽谷讓人目不暇接,沒有任何東西能讓遊客對如此巨大的峽谷有所準備。今天看到的景象是科羅拉多河近七百萬年侵蝕的結果。峽谷長 250 多英里,深 1 英里,寬達 18 英里,是地球上最古老的岩石,可以追溯到近 20 億年前的地球歷史。難怪大峽谷被稱為世界七大自然奇觀之一。歐洲人最早發現大峽谷是在 1540 年,當時西班牙探險家被當地的霍皮印第安嚮導帶到那裡,但直到 300 多年後的 1858 年,才正式繪製出峽谷的地圖。此後十年,約翰-韋斯利-鮑威爾(John Wesley
Phoenix, or a four hour drive from Las Vegas, Nevada. There's a small private airport near the park, but the closest commercial airport is in Flagstaff, one and a half hours away. The south rim park entrance is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and the National Park entrance fee is $35 a vehicle, which should be noted is good for a total of seven days. In terms of when to visit, one can visit the south rim any time of the year and see the same immense beautiful grandeur, and many people do, with almost six million visitors in peak years. But the best times for ideal weather tend to be late spring and late fall. Summers can be very hot and winters can be very cold. Other than winter season, when you might feel like you have the park to yourself, you should expect lots of other visitors, hotels to be booked, and most prime sites to be very crowded. Now let's talk about the lodging and dining choices you have in and around the park. There are a surprising amount of options within the park itself. El Tavar is a National
鳳凰城,或從內華達州拉斯維加斯驅車四小時即可到達。公園附近有一個小型私人機場,但最近的商業機場在弗拉格斯塔夫(Flagstaff),距離公園有一個半小時的車程。南緣公園入口全年 365 天、每天 24 小時開放,國家公園門票為每輛車 35 美元。就遊覽時間而言,人們可以在一年中的任何時候遊覽南緣公園,同樣可以看到無與倫比的美麗壯觀景色,而且很多人都會這樣做,高峰年的遊客量接近 600 萬。但天氣最好的時候往往是春末和秋末。夏季可能非常炎熱,冬季可能非常寒冷。除了冬季,您可能會覺得整個公園都是您一個人的,但
Historic Landmark and the finest accommodation on the south rim. It offers an ideal location directly on the rim with a dining room bar and about 78 rooms and suites. Bright Angel Lodge is nearby and also on the rim. Built in 1935, this basic and rustic option offers various cabins and lodge rooms, along with a couple of dining options on site. Kachina Lodge and Thunderbird Lodge are also on the rim and were built in the 1960s. These lodges are less rustic and very similar, offering family-friendly rooms and some with partial canyon views.
這是一座歷史性地標建築,也是南緣最好的住宿場所。它位於邊緣地帶,地理位置優越,設有餐廳酒吧和大約 78 間客房和套房。光明天使山莊(Bright Angel Lodge)就在附近,也位於邊緣地帶。該旅舍建於 1935 年,是一家基本的鄉村旅舍,提供各種小木屋和旅舍客房,還有幾家餐廳可供選擇。卡奇納小屋和雷鳥小屋也位於邊緣地帶,建於 20 世紀 60 年代。這兩家旅舍的風格不那麼質樸,但非常相似,都提供適合家庭居住的客房,有些還能看到部分峽谷景色。
Maswick Lodge is located about a quarter mile off the rim in a wooded area and has some larger rooms great for families. Both north and south sections are open year-round with cabin rooms open in the summer. Yavapai Lodge is set back further about one mile from the rim in a wooded area and has about 350 rooms separated into east and west sections. Kings, doubles, and bunk bedrooms are available. If you'd like to see a review for the Yavapai Lodge, check out our dedicated hotel review. Just search Scottsdale Travel Chick Yavapai Lodge.
馬斯維克山莊(Maswick Lodge)位於距離邊緣約四分之一英里的樹林中,有一些較大的房間,非常適合家庭遊玩。南北兩部分全年開放,夏季開放木屋客房。亞瓦派爾山莊(Yavapai Lodge)位於距離邊緣約一英里的樹林中,擁有約 350 間客房,分為東西兩部分。客房有單人間、雙人間和雙層床間。如果您想查看亞瓦派山莊的評論,請查看我們專門的酒店評論。只需搜索 Scottsdale Travel Chick Yavapai Lodge 即可。
Beyond the serviced lodges in the park, there are two camping options called
Mathers Campground and Trailer Village. Both are set off from the rim in wooded areas. Lastly, Phantom Ranch is another lodging option at the very bottom of the canyon. It's the only lodging below the rim and it's accessible only by foot, mule, or raft. It's made up of cabins and dormitories segregated by gender and there's a dining hall. It's very important to note that all Phantom Ranch accommodations and meals require advanced reservations. You can't just hike down and expect to grab a meal. Finally, if you prefer to stay outside the park, the nearest options are in the small town of Tucson just a few miles south of the park entrance. Further still, but with the most surrounding amenities, are Williams, Arizona on the famous Route 66 one hour south or Flagstaff, Arizona about an hour and a half south. Now let's discuss your dining options. They are mostly aligned with the lodging options I just mentioned with El Tavar's dining and bar being the most beautiful and highest-end option in the park.
馬瑟斯露營地和拖車村。這兩個營地都位於峽谷邊緣的樹林中。最後,幻影牧場(Phantom Ranch)是位於峽谷底部的另一個住宿選擇。這是峽谷邊緣以下唯一的住宿地點,只能通過步行、騾子或木筏到達。這裡有按性別分隔的小木屋和宿舍,還有一個餐廳。需要注意的是,所有幻影牧場的住宿和餐飲都需要提前預訂。您不可能徒步下來就能吃上一頓飯。最後,如果您想住在公園外,最近的選擇是公園入口以南幾英里處的圖森小鎮。再往南一小時,位於著名的 66 號公路上的亞利桑那州威廉姆斯(Williams)或亞利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫(Flag
Reservations here are required for lunch and dinner but breakfast is just by a waiting list. Bright Angel Choices nearby are perhaps the next nicest options with a steakhouse and a Fred Harvey's Burger and Tavern being the sit-down choices here. Maswick and Yavapai Lodges both have larger food court style dining along with a popular pizza pub at Maswick and the Tavern Bar at Yavapai which has a great outdoor patio. In addition to all these main dining options, there are many smaller snack and drink choices strategically placed throughout the park and also a grocery store with a nice deli section at the
這裡的午餐和晚餐需要預訂,但早餐只需排隊等候。附近的 "光明天使選擇"(Bright Angel Choices)可能是下一個最好的選擇,這裡有一家牛排館和一家弗雷德-哈維漢堡酒館(Fred Harvey's Burger and Tavern)。馬斯維克和亞瓦派度假村都有較大的美食廣場式餐廳,馬斯維克的比薩酒館和亞瓦派的酒館酒吧也很受歡迎,酒館酒吧有一個很棒的室外露臺。除了這些主要的餐飲選擇外,公園內還有許多小吃和飲料可供選擇。
Market Plaza near Yavapai Lodge. Finally, just outside the park a few miles away in the small town of Tucson, you'll have another 10 to 15 dining choices to choose from if you so desire. Now let's talk about getting around. The South Rim
亞瓦派山莊附近的市場廣場。最後,就在公園外幾英里處的圖森小鎮上,如果您願意,還有 10 到 15 家餐廳可供選擇。現在讓我們來談談交通。南緣
Park is quite large with a total distance within the park of more than 32 miles from east to west. But be aware parking is very limited and some of the roads do not allow travel by personal vehicle. However, one of the great things about the park is that the Park Service runs an extensive free shuttle bus service throughout the South Rim with three interlocking routes, Blue, Red and
公園相當大,東西總長超過 32 英里。但要注意的是,停車位非常有限,而且有些道路不允許私人車輛通行。不過,公園的一大特色是,公園管理處在整個南緣提供廣泛的免費班車服務,有三條線路交錯運行,分別是藍色、紅色和黃色。
Orange. In season there's even a fourth route which brings you to and from the small town of Tucson. The service is free and runs from before sunrise until well after sunset. You might drive a vehicle to get to the park but once you're there there's little value for it, particularly since parking is difficult near the primary sites and much of the rim top drive is off-limits to cars. If you'd like a little more exercise than just riding the bus, then the park also offers a really excellent greenway trail system for walking and biking. It's mostly separated from the main roads and runs through the nearby forest easily getting you to all the main sites. We'd highly recommend this and it's very likely you'll get to see some of the local wildlife along the way. If you're lucky, you'll even see some elk right next door.
If we had only one pro tip for the park, it would be to bring your bicycle or rent one and use the greenway. Believe it or not, bicycles are really the best way to get around the park and they make exploring things so much more fun and easy. Now finally we get to that all-important things to do section.
There's a lot to cover here so I'm going to move fast. I'll start by covering all the things to do which are not attributed to Mother Nature. Across the vast rim top area of the park, there are a number of historic buildings, museums and tourist sites, not to mention some absolutely incredible rim top views.
Roughly speaking, this rim top portion of the park can be grouped into three areas. The visitor center, the village, and desert view. The visitor center area is the starting point and focal point for most visitors coming to the park.
Here you can get updates on park conditions and available programs, watch informative movies, and inquire about the various interpretive walks being offered and many other things. Unfortunately, as of early to mid-2022, the center is closed, I guess due to COVID. Nearby is Mathers Point, one of the most popular viewing points on the rim, as well as Bright Angel bike rentals where you can rent bikes and e-bikes by the hour in the day. There's also a convenience store to purchase your snacks and picnic lunch for the day, but be aware it's a busy place. And at the back side of this is Mathers Point, which is what we're going to go to. It will be Scottsdale Travel Chick's first view of the Grand Canyon since she was a little girl, which she doesn't remember. Now we're going down to
在這裡,您可以瞭解公園的最新情況和可用的項目,觀看內容豐富的電影,諮詢各種解說活動以及其他許多事項。遺憾的是,從 2022 年初到年中,該中心已經關閉,我猜是因為 COVID 的緣故。附近有馬瑟點(Mathers Point),它是邊緣地帶最受歡迎的觀景點之一,還有光明天使自行車租賃點,您可以在這裡按小時租賃自行車和電動自行車。這裡還有一家便利店,可以購買當天的零食和野餐午餐,但要注意這裡很忙。後面就是我們要去的馬瑟斯角(Mathers Point)。這將是斯科茨代爾旅遊小雞從小到大第一次看到大峽谷,她已
Mathers Point, which has a great view of the Grand Canyon.
馬瑟斯角(Mathers Point),這裡是大峽谷的絕佳觀景點。
Finally, a short one-mile scenic walk along the rim brings you to the small
Yavapai Geological Museum. It might not sound very cool, but don't miss it. The spot was originally picked as the most scenic point in all the park, and the building was built there to protect and present the view to well-to-do visitors coming to the park in the early 1900s. Today, it houses a lot of information about the canyon and how it was created by nature over hundreds, thousands, and millions of years. From the Yavapai Museum, you can also begin a unique rimtop walk they call the Trail of Time. More on that later. Next up, the village area is further to the west and is the other hub of heavy park activity. This is the original center of the park when it first opened in the early 1900s. There are many park lodging options here and a multitude of unique historical buildings to see. In this area, you'll find the Hoppy House. It's a large building built in 1905 and modeled after a Hoppy Pueblo. It was a radical new experience for early tourists and a place where visitors could observe Hoppy artisans at work and purchase their goods. Verkamp's Visitor Center was also established one year later as a trinket and curio shop and also the family home. It was operated by the same family through four generations until was finally sold to the Park Service in 2008 and turned into another visitor center and bookstore. The
亞瓦派地質博物館。聽起來可能不太酷,但千萬不要錯過。該景點最初被選為整個公園中風景最優美的地方,在這裡建造這座建築是為了保護並向 20 世紀初來到公園的富裕遊客展示這裡的美景。如今,這裡有很多關於峽谷的資訊,以及大自然是如何經過數百、數千乃至數百萬年的時間創造了峽谷。從亞瓦派伊(Yavapai)博物館出發,您還可以開始一條獨特的峽谷邊緣步行路線,他們稱之為時間之路(Trail of Time)。稍後會有更多介紹。接下來,村落區在更西邊,是公園另一個活動中心。這裡是公園在 20 世紀初開放時的原始中心。這裡
Kolb Studio is also here and it was another of the very first buildings constructed of the Grand Canyon. It was the family home and art studio of the
Kolb brothers who were perhaps the most influential couple in the early promotion, photographic history, and documentation of the canyon. Also, across from the Altivar Hotel in this area, you'll find the restored Grand Canyon
科爾布兄弟可能是峽谷早期宣傳、攝影史和文獻記錄方面最具影響力的一對夫婦。此外,在這一區域的 Altivar 酒店對面,您還可以看到修復後的大峽谷
Railroad Terminal, originally built in 1888 by the Santa Fe Railroad and which is still operated today by the Grand Canyon Railway. They offer daily tourist excursions between the town of Williams, Arizona and the canyon.
鐵路終點站,最初由聖達菲鐵路公司建於 1888 年,如今仍由大峽谷鐵路公司營運。他們每天提供往返於亞利桑那州威廉姆斯鎮和峽谷之間的旅遊遊覽服務。
All right, babe, all aboard, huh?
Finally, I'll mention Hermit's Rest here. It's another famous early building designed by Mary Coulter, eight miles to the west of the village, but the only way to get there is by Park Service bus or bicycle from the village area.
最後,我要在這裡提一下隱士之息。這是瑪麗-庫爾特(Mary Coulter)設計的另一座著名的早期建築,位於村莊以西 8 英里處,但要去那裡,只能乘坐公園管理處的巴士或從村莊騎自行車前往。
They've got a small gift shop, snack shop, really old and rustic. Here's their gift shop, little break area.
Finally, the third South Rim destination area within the park is called Desert
View. It's at the very far east entrance of the park, about a 25-mile drive, along the Rim Road from the main visitor center. In this area, you'll have a number of great viewpoints and a couple of attractions to check out. Perhaps the best thing about Desert View is that it's much less crowded compared to the other areas of the park. Three of the most popular sites in the Desert View area are the Watchtower. It's another historic structure designed by Mary
景觀。它位於公園最東邊的入口處,從主遊客中心沿環山公路行駛約 25 英里。在這一區域,您將有許多絕佳的觀景點和幾個景點可供遊覽。沙漠景區最棒的地方可能是,與公園的其他區域相比,這裡的人要少得多。沙漠景區最受歡迎的三個景點是瞭望塔。這是另一座歷史性建築,由瑪麗
Coulter and offers excellent views of the canyon and Colorado River.
Tucson Pueblo Ruins and Museum are here as well and highlight details and history of a small ancestral Pueblan village. Navajo Viewpoint is also here and it's one of the best viewpoints in the entire canyon and great for sunsets.
Now, finally, let's get to all those things you can see and do related to what Mother Nature created. In this section, I'll quickly cover driving and sightseeing tours, helicopter and airplane tours, animal watching, rafting the canyon and Colorado River, mule rides, and the very best hiking options for the average tourist. First up, there are a couple of on-your-own sightseeing tours you can do. One is Hermits Road and the other the Rim Trail Walking Tour.
最後,讓我們來談談與大自然母親所創造的一切有關的所有事情。在本節中,我將簡要介紹自駕遊和觀光遊、直升機和飛機遊、動物觀賞、峽谷和科羅拉多河漂流、騎騾子,以及適合普通遊客的最佳徒步旅行選擇。首先,您可以選擇自駕觀光遊。一個是隱士之路(Hermits Road),另一個是邊緣路徑徒步之旅(Rim Trail Walking Tour)。
The 90-mile-long Hermits Road is a popular tour using the Park Service bus or bicycles and it offers up many incredible overlooks and information signs along with the interesting Hermits Rest at the end. Here is just one of the awesome overlooks you can experience along this road.
全長 90 英里的隱士之路是一條很受歡迎的遊覽路線,遊客可以乘坐公園管理處的巴士或騎自行車遊覽,沿途有許多令人難以置信的俯瞰點和資訊標誌,終點還有有趣的隱士休息處。這裡只是您在這條路上可以體驗到的令人驚歎的俯瞰景點之一。
This is amazing.
Some of the more interesting stops along the route are Mojave Point, Hoppy Point, and the Powell Memorial. The Rim Trail Walking Tour is a 13-mile trail running directly along the very edge of the canyon. It runs from South Kaibab Trailhead in the east to Hermits Rest in the west. Walking virtually anywhere along this trail will leave you in awe of the beauty below and you are never far from one of the Park Service buses that can pick you up and get you back to where you started. Later on in the hiking section, I'll give you the very best section of this trail you should do. Next up, Helicopter and Airplane Tours.
沿途比較有趣的景點包括莫哈韋景點、霍皮景點和鮑威爾紀念館。邊緣步道徒步遊是一條直接沿著峽谷邊緣延伸的 13 英里步道。它東起南凱巴布路徑頭,西至隱士休息處。沿著這條步道走到任何地方,都會讓你對腳下的美景驚歎不已,而且你離公園管理處的巴士也不會太遠,它們可以接你回到出發的地方。在後面的徒步旅行部分,我將為您介紹這條路徑上最值得一走的一段。接下來是直升機和飛機之旅。
All of these will begin outside the park in the small town of Tucson and due to noise and safety issues, all such flights are no longer allowed to fly within the main park boundaries. So, they will typically fly you out over other parts of the canyon to the south or the north of the park. How about some animal watching? The canyon is chock-full of wild animals of all kinds and since they have all grown up in a protected park with no hunting and lots of people around, they are all accustomed to people and you will undoubtedly see something cool on your visit. From elk to deer to javelina coyotes and bighorn sheep, they all live openly and freely in the park. During our visit, we had multiple elk and deer sightings and we even saw three bighorn sheep as we hiked the Hermit
Trail. Apparently, this is extremely rare. All right, we were walking along the trail and then right up there are three bighorn sheep. Look at me, look at them.
小徑。顯然,這種情況非常罕見。好吧,我們沿著小路走著 然後就在那裡出現了三隻大角羊看著我,看著它們
Hello there, fellas. And one more favorite friend of visitors are the squirrels and chipmunks, but heed the warning in the park. Many seem tame and beg for food along the Rim Trail but resist the urge. Fun fact, one of the most common injuries in the park are squirrel bites. Now, finally, let's get to the fun stuff.
Whitewater rafting, mule rides, and hiking. For whitewater rafting, you might be surprised to know there are no tour operations within the park. First, you'd actually have to hike all the way to the bottom of the canyon and then you'd need a multi-day float trip to get out. However, if you want to do a river trip, there are half-day and full-day tour options just to the north of the park starting from Glen Canyon Dam. And there are other operators who provide multi-day options into and through the park itself, starting from three days all the way up to 21 days. Giddy up, cowboy, how about a mule ride? Mule rides into the canyon operate year-round and also book up well in advance. Trips can be as short as a three-hour guided ride all the way to overnight trips to the bottom of the canyon.
白水漂流、騎騾子和徒步旅行。說到白水漂流,您可能會驚訝地發現,公園內沒有任何旅遊業務。首先,您必須徒步到峽谷底部,然後需要進行多日漂流才能離開。不過,如果您想進行河流之旅,公園北面從格倫峽谷大壩出發,有半日遊和一日遊可供選擇。還有其他經營者提供進入和穿越公園的多日遊選擇,從 3 天一直到 21 天不等。牛仔,騎騾子怎麼樣?騎騾子進入峽谷的行程全年無休,也可以提前預訂。行程短則三小時,長則通宵達旦。
Supposedly, a weight limit of 200 pounds and other restrictions are strictly enforced, so be aware of that. Finally, we get to the grand pooh-bah of all the things to do in the Grand Canyon, hiking. Hiking in the Grand Canyon is unlike anywhere else on earth. Trails range in difficulty from easy 15-minute loops to multi-week treks and almost all offer spectacular views. For individuals who prefer guided hikes, there are a variety of outfitters offering many options, but in this video I'm going to give you the three best and easiest hikes to do in the park. That means these hikes are best for the typical visitor who aren't heavy duty hikers and come to the canyon for less than a day. Before I talk about those three hikes though, just a bit on hiking the Grand Canyon in general. There are four main trailheads on the south rim. Bright Angel Trailhead, South Kaibab
據說這裡嚴格執行 200 磅的體重限制和其他限制,所以一定要注意。最後,我們要介紹的是大峽谷所有活動中的重頭戲--徒步旅行。在大峽谷徒步旅行與地球上其他地方不同。徒步路線難度不一,從 15 分鐘的簡單環路到多周的徒步旅行,幾乎所有的路線都能欣賞到壯觀的景色。對於喜歡有嚮導的徒步旅行的人來說,有各種各樣的徒步旅行者提供多種選擇,但在本視頻中,我將為您介紹公園裡最好、最簡單的三種徒步旅行方式。也就是說,這些徒步旅行最適合那些不是重型徒步旅行者、來峽谷遊玩時間不超過一天的普通遊客。在談這三段徒步旅行之前,我想先
Trailhead, Hermit Trailhead, and Grand View Trailhead. You might have heard of the first two, but probably not the second two. Any trail into the canyon is going to be tough for most people, so think twice before going more than a couple miles down. And remember, hiking into the canyon is the opposite of hiking a mountain. Once you realize you're tired, the easy part is already over and the hard part of hiking up and out is what's left. Now it's time for me to summarize the three best and easiest hikes in the Grand Canyon. Number one, the
Rim Trail, including the Trail of Time. The overall Rim Trail covers more than 13 miles with at least nine dedicated group overlooks. The entire trail is awesome, but perhaps the best part is the section from the main visitor center to the village, and that's 2.8 miles one way. And remember, you can take the free bus the other way. It's a flat hike along the very edge of the rim top. It passes many of the sites I mentioned previously and has some absolutely incredible views. If you do only one hike, make it this one or at least part of it. A large portion of this section is also called the Trail of Time. It's an interpretive trail encouraging visitors to ponder and better understand the magnitude of geological time shown in the rock layers of the canyon. The next two best and easy hikes actually go into the canyon, one from Bright Angel Trailhead and the other from South Kaibab Trailhead. For the Bright Angel Trailhead, we'd recommend the three-mile round-trip hike to what they call the 1.5 mile rest house.
環山路,包括時光之路。整個環山步道全長超過 13 英里,至少有九個專門的團體眺望點。整條路徑非常棒,但最棒的部分可能是從主遊客中心到村莊的一段,單程 2.8 英里。請記住,您可以乘坐免費巴士前往另一個方向。這是一條沿著山頂邊緣的平坦徒步路線。沿途會經過我之前提到的許多景點,還能欣賞到一些令人難以置信的美景。如果您只進行一次徒步旅行,那就選擇這一段,至少是其中的一部分。這一段的很大一部分也被稱為時間之路(Trail of Time)。這是一條解說小徑,鼓勵遊客思考並更好地理解峽谷岩層中顯示的地質年代的規模。
Along the way are two tunnels which can also be shorter turnaround options. One tunnel is only a few hundred yards from the top. Any of these Bright Angel hikes, from short to longer, will offer up beautiful views of the canyon, and going near sunrise or sunset make them even better. So babe, where you at this morning?
We are headed to the Bright Angel Trail. Okay, bright and early, or pretty early, seven o'clock. Ready to go all the way to the bottom? We're going to see how far we can get down.
Maybe either the one and a half rest stop or the three mile rest stop. Just check out the views from the very top of the trail. You don't have to go far to really experience the canyon.
And then the next kind of landmark is about 25 minutes down, where you get to your next tunnel, and you start to make some zigzags after that, all the way down to rest stop 1.5.
下一個地標大約在 25 分鐘後的下一個隧道處,之後你會看到一些 "之 "字形隧道,一直延伸到 1.5 號休息站。
All right, we're one and a half miles down at the one and a half mile rest stop.
Great view still, and we're going to turn around. It's about 50 minutes, and we're here. That's the one and a half mile rest stop. Look at this view again, huh?
How awesome is that? All right, ready to go back up? I'm ready. All right, see how long it takes us. All right, so you made it. How was that? Much harder coming back up than going down.
Twice as hard. Three times, maybe. Our final option is from the South Kaibab trailhead. Here we recommend doing the 1.8 mile round-trip hike to Oua Pointe. This is a shorter, but steeper hike than the one from Bright Angels, so be aware of that. But the views from Oua Pointe are some of the best anywhere inside the canyon. So, if getting that great Instagram pic from within the canyon while exerting the least amount of effort is your goal, then this trail is for you. All right, babe, where are you at? We are on the South Kaibab trail. We're headed to Oua Pointe. All right. Over there somewhere. Is this your first hike in the canyon, huh? It is, yes. Are you up for it? I'm up for it. I think this is a short one. Yeah, it's only 1.8 miles round-trip, but there's a lot of switchbacks, as you can kind of start to see.
兩倍的難度。三倍,也許吧。我們的最後一個選擇是從南凱巴布登山口出發。在這裡,我們建議您徒步往返 1.8 英里,到達歐亞角(Oua Pointe)。這個徒步路線比從 "光明天使"(Bright Angels)出發的路線要短,但是更陡峭,所以一定要注意。不過,從歐亞角眺望的景色是峽谷內最美的。是以,如果你的目標是在峽谷內拍攝 Instagram 上的美照,同時又要付出最少的努力,那麼這條路徑就是你的不二之選。好了,寶貝,你在哪裡?我們在南凱巴布步道上。我們正前往歐亞角好的就在那邊這是你第一次來峽谷嗎?是的你準
It zigzags down along this cliff face, more or less, down into that valley.
All right, Scottsdale Travel Chick did it. How was that? Check that one off my list.
We loved each of these hikes, and any one of them are an excellent way to experience the canyon up close and personal. The canyon is one of the seven natural wonders of the world, so your life just wouldn't be complete without a visit, right? Honestly, consider spending three or four days here if you have the time and you like hiking. But, if you have only one or two days to spend, we hope this video has given you a great overview of how to do the canyon right and come back home with tons of great pictures and memories. Until next time, see you later.