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  • Um, Dina just posted a video called my problem with Anna Kramling and I literally bought her breakfast this morning.

  • I was so kind, I gave her french toast, I gave her a beautiful sandwich, we were talking, we were smiling, and then I go into YouTube and I see my problem with Anna Kramling and I couldn't believe that this was possible.

  • Dina, how are you so ruthless?

  • Anna, I'm not ruthless, I'm just challenging you to um you know to open up to the world and uh open up how?

  • I'm just trying to beat your test.

  • With a cow.

  • With a cow?

  • Are you gonna play the cow?

  • Are you gonna play?

  • Why don't you want to play your own opening?

  • Because I didn't create the opening for me.

  • I invented it for everybody that doesn't want to study theory.

  • I like studying theory, so I want to play other openings.

  • You like studying theory.

  • Well I truthfully believe that you hurt people when you advise them to play the cow and that's why I'm this is I'm challenging you for a war.

  • I do not tell people to play it.

  • What I do is that I just have it out there you know you want to do something do this.

  • I do have a warning which is that I don't think that the cow is the most instructional opening but if you just want to play to have fun you can play it.

  • Dina, do you ever play test just to have fun?

  • You influence so many people but so many people start playing the cow because they are inspired by you but I genuinely think it's hurting their chest and that's why I'm declaring a war.

  • Okay you weren't declaring a war to me when we're having breakfast outside.

  • You didn't brag me with food that was very nice of you and I felt bad about all the trash talking because indeed you yeah food is my weak spot for sure.

  • Okay I think I found that Dina's weak spot but let me know in chat if you started playing chess when you started playing the cow because maybe people have started playing chess because of it.

  • What about that they would yes they saw the cow and they said ha I can see myself playing this this is easy.

  • You don't know what to say do you?

  • Let's go.

  • Okay I'm really excited okay whatever now Dina's gonna try to beat me at chess but she doesn't know that I really want to beat her too.

  • I'm gonna give it my absolute everything.

  • So you are are you more stressed or more excited?

  • I'm more excited I'm not stressed at all.

  • I wasn't stressed before I'm not stressed now.

  • Right so you were not shaking all your body wasn't shaking when we were playing chess.

  • I was due to the possession because I was sure I was going to beat you and then I blundered so that made me shake but your intimidation tactics before didn't make me shake.

  • And before you won the piece we were not shaking you're not nervous.

  • I was feeling well I always I'm a little bit nervous when I'm competing but not specifically because it was against you.

  • Are you surprised by someone not being intimidated by you?

  • I'm surprised by someone who clears who No I mean I am from the competition but not from my opponent necessarily.

  • So you're stressed from playing against me but not from me?

  • No I'm stressed about playing chess but not about playing against you.

  • Interesting okay okay okay I'll get that.

  • Let's start the tournament.

  • Oh they already started.

  • They already started.

  • Is it the colors are correct?

  • The colors are correct yes.

  • Am I playing white?

  • You're playing white because you played black against me so now it's reversed that's the tournament.

  • Okay I saw your game with Jennifer.

  • You did?

  • Yes I did.

  • Okay I was rooting for you though.

  • You were?

  • Yeah.

  • Okay we'll play the same thing.

  • Let's see.

  • Why were you rooting for me?

  • Because because you think that Jennifer is going to beat the tournament win the tournament so then I would be getting taking away a point from her?

  • Yeah exactly basically because you said that Jennifer was going to lead the tournament and I want to prove you wrong.

  • Oh you want to prove me wrong so it's your plan to win the tournament?

  • Yes it is it is my plan.

  • It is my ultimate plan.

  • Okay so what are you doing are you like preparing a lot every day Dina?

  • Yes I do.

  • Okay.

  • Every morning and every week.

  • Every morning and okay that's great I actually believe that.

  • Okay so I'm in a castle.

  • And I know Jennifer played 92.

  • She did.

  • But I'm gonna make an improvement.

  • Night of three.

  • Okay you're making an improvement.

  • I don't mind this.

  • This is part of my prep as well.

  • Okay that's good.

  • You played day five and night day six.

  • Yeah I did but it was only against 92.

  • Exactly.

  • Not against night of three.

  • Exactly.

  • So now I need to play something else.

  • Okay.

  • A6?

  • Are you fucking kidding me?

  • This move doesn't even exist.

  • Yeah well now it does.

  • Is there anything wrong with that move Dina?

  • Well I don't know what's the point of this move though.

  • I have one very big point.

  • Oh I kind of messed up.

  • Whatever.

  • Whatever.

  • I have so much fun.

  • I totally don't wish I was late in my school.

  • Andrea chess is awesome.

  • You know for a split second I consider playing the cow against you.

  • But when you played D4 I decided not to.

  • If you had played E4 I would have played the cow.

  • But you know if I played D4 you play E6 or D6 and I play E4 and it's composed to the cow.

  • Okay stop talking to me.

  • This.

  • This.

  • This.

  • This.

  • I don't know.

  • I think I kind of messed up.

  • Wait this is the most principle game.

  • What are you talking about?

  • I'm sad I messed up.

  • Okay.

  • This.

  • This.

  • It's okay it's not the first time you messed up against me.

  • You messed up against me first.

  • You literally let me play bishop at five.

  • Okay but that was a small mess up then you gave me a whole piece Dina.

  • No no no that was a blunder.

  • The mess up was giving you away strategically to the position.

  • Okay.

  • It's just enjoying its life.

  • That was a close call.

  • This.

  • This.

  • This.

  • That was crazy.

  • Okay let's do some.

  • Okay.

  • You don't want to weaken those.

  • That king.

  • No I don't.

  • I don't.

  • Thanks for the tip.

  • Yeah.

  • This.

  • This.

  • This.

  • Okay.

  • So you're going to play B4.

  • I'm going to attack your queen.

  • Yeah that makes sense.

  • Here.

  • Here.

  • Here.

  • Here.

  • No you're willing to destroy my king so.

  • Yeah I am.

  • Interesting.

  • I need to play faster.

  • Okay let's attack this.

  • Why are you smiling?

  • Because I'm happy about my position.

  • You're happy about your position.

  • How about this?

  • I mean at least I'm destroying the king and then we'll see what happens.

  • We'll start with this.

  • You missed the main one.

  • Did I?

  • Did I miss the main one?

  • Jesus Christ.

  • What's happening?

  • What am I doing?

  • This.

  • This.

  • This.

  • This.

  • Okay.

  • Lol.

  • You can do it.

  • I will absolutely not do it.

  • You can still do it.

  • No.

  • It's going to be a good one back you know to the family.

  • Stop.

  • I don't have.

  • You're going to bring that piece back.

  • I guess I'll move.

  • I'll move the knight.

  • I don't know we're playing touch piece but whatever.

  • Okay.

  • So Dina do you like living in the US?

  • That's how you're going to distract me?

  • Yes.

  • Pretty pathetic.

  • Okay sorry.

  • I actually typically end up distracting myself more.

  • I'm the opposite.

  • Alright.

  • Nice way of destroying the king.

  • Okay I'm starting to get pretty mad.

  • Can I do this?

  • It's crazy.

  • How does it feel?

  • Does it feel like normal?

  • I feel absolutely nothing.

  • But it was cool.

  • Thanks for the game.

  • What game did you go fair?

  • Not when I play chess.

  • Oh.

  • Anyway.

  • Okay.

  • Dina and Erin are in a tense game.

  • Alright Chad.

  • Wait I'm pretty sure we played queen here.

  • We just played check.

  • And I don't think I can box Chad.

  • So it doesn't feel like you guys saw that.

  • Wait your first win.

  • This is my first win of the week.

  • If the tournament was blitz I would have had a blast.

  • But also she just needed one.

  • I don't think this was my best game.

  • Oh no.

  • Okay.

  • I am so low on time.

  • Oh my god.

  • This is stressful.

  • What?

  • I was here right?

  • Ah.

  • Ah.

  • Why is chess so stressful?

  • So you finally agree with me.

  • Hmm.

  • Kind of.

  • Hmm.

  • This is not going well.

  • But I had so much fun.

  • But I can't land it.

  • I don't know how to box.

  • Hmm.

  • Chunk.

  • Finally I get to have fun.

  • Wow.

  • She's good.

  • Hmm.

  • We actually are.

  • Ah.

  • Why is chess so stressful?

  • I messed up.

  • I messed up.

  • Stop I'm losing.

  • Ah.

  • I'm so mad.

  • I'm so mad.

  • Why do I need to get these pawn down in games against Dina?

  • I don't want them.

  • I don't want them.

  • I'm so sad.

  • Oh my god.

  • My king needs to be closer.

  • This is sad.

  • This was the most fun I've had.

  • I give up.

  • Why are you not shaking my hand Dina?

  • Yes she did.

  • Ah.

  • Okay.

  • I feel like it was fine until I blundered at the end.

  • I blundered at the end.

  • I just had to defend my pawn.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah I did.

  • Why are you reacting like this?

  • Because I'm finally relieved.

  • Have you been distressed these past few days?

  • I've been killing myself for the last four days that I didn't win against you.

  • But it wasn't like it was back here now either.

  • I mean I think it was in the middle game it was clean and then it was messy because of Blitz.

  • I'll get that.

  • You were a lot better in the middle game.

  • Fair enough.

  • But I got stressed so you definitely I swindled you.

  • Yeah you swindled for sure.

  • Were you getting really stressed then when I started swindling you?

  • You look so happy.

  • I'm happy that I made you happy Dina.

  • Are you?

  • I mean I am.

  • You look so happy right now.

  • If I gave you what you needed then that's fine.

  • She's so happy.

  • I don't know.

  • Dina's reacting in a weird way.

  • I don't really know exactly what to do.

Um, Dina just posted a video called my problem with Anna Kramling and I literally bought her breakfast this morning.

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