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  • What is up guys, welcome back to another Grace Karras video.

  • I'm here at Pelican Hill.

  • We're playing the North course, and I'm gonna take you guys along the ride.

  • We're gonna play five holes and just see how it goes.

  • All right, we're 449 from the white tees.

  • I'm just gonna hit a drive.

  • Let's just hit a drive.

  • I can't even see the pin from this place.

  • It's literally like disappeared.

  • I'm thinking it's over that bunker.

  • So I'm just gonna try to hit the fairway.

  • It's literally like a football field wide.

  • So if I don't hit it, I should be quitting golf right now for sure.

  • Ooh, that was nice.

  • Let's go.

  • That was so nice.

  • Mid fairway.

  • Hopefully it catches that roll.

  • Fairway finders, let's go.

  • Oh, I'm way up there.

  • You see that?

  • That's crazy.

  • I'm way up there.

  • That's a nice drive.

  • All right guys, I took that stick down.

  • It was in my way.

  • This is our ball.

  • It's extremely muddy here.

  • Let's just hit a five wood out.

  • Oh, well that's okay guys.

  • I topped the out of it.

  • Guys, one top a day keeps the doctor away.

  • It's fine.

  • It's always like a super nice drive and then you hit a terrible second shot.

  • So I'm not surprised.

  • You know, I hit a nice drive.

  • For me, that was a good drive.

  • And then I topped my five wood.

  • So that's just me being me.

  • Hopefully it's still got like at least a hundred yards.

  • I think it did. 89 yards.

  • I'm just gonna use a pitching wedge.

  • I think it's a hundred yards.

  • The cart's a little bit more forward.

  • Pitching wedge is my hundred yard club.

  • So the greens are so pure here.

  • The sun's like reflecting off the green and like, it's so beautiful.

  • It's soaking wet.

  • I just keep hitting into the mud.

  • Like I just, this is another lake of a shot.

  • So let's just not blade this one.

  • That was disgusting, bro.

  • I'm covered in mud.

  • All right, we're chilling.

  • I think we're on the green, but I absolutely, that was the thickest pitching wedge.

  • Look at my arms.

  • All muddy.

  • Guys, I got to clean my club real quick from all the mud.

  • Drag them through the grass.

  • Nice little clean off sash.

  • We're good.

  • Somehow I lost my head cover on my putter, but that's fine.

  • We're chipping.

  • I feel more confident chipping anyways.

  • I don't even know how this is a par five.

  • Like it didn't seem that long, like 446, but it just didn't seem that long to me.

  • Maybe it's just rolling fast.

  • Get there.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • That was insane.

  • I mean, I'm expecting that.

  • Nothing less for sure.

  • Easy tap in par.

  • Even on the first hole, going to number two.

  • I think it's a par three next.

  • So I'm excited.

  • Par three, 150 yards, I think.

  • It says 160 from the cart, but that's about a 10 yard gap from the cart to the tee box.

  • So I'm using a seven.

  • This one's going in the hole a hundred percent.

  • Oh, it's right side.

  • Bank off the hill.

  • Oh, that was nice.

  • Look at that roll.

  • That was crazy.

  • Legend says my ball is still rolling towards the hole and just might go in.

  • So we'll see.

  • All right, guys, we have like a 10, 15 footer maybe to make.

  • So it's makeable.

  • Let's make a birdie guys.

  • Let's just make a birdie.

  • All right, maybe it's more like 30 feet.

  • That's like 25 for sure.

  • This is going to be good.

  • Come on, get there.

  • Do it, do it for me.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • That was incredible.

  • Put absolutely zero work in that putt and it just went in.

  • Oh my, that was like a 20 footer.

  • Birdie, birdie, birdie.

  • All right, guys, we're at hole number three from the white tees.

  • I don't even know the yardage.

  • It's long enough to hit a driver.

  • So we're hitting a driver.

  • It's completely downhill.

  • Look how cinematic this hole looks.

  • It's so downhill and gorgeous.

  • So just hit the drive.

  • Hope that it's in the fairway.

  • Well, that's nice.

  • That had some compression.

  • Off the right side, closer to cart path.

  • We're definitely inbounds.

  • Did I see it land?

  • No, my contacts aren't that good.

  • So we'll just go look around.

  • It's cart path only anyway.

  • So all right guys, my ball, right side, right by this thing right here.

  • This seems way closer.

  • Like I probably shouldn't use a five hybrid.

  • This goes like 170.

  • It's a 160 shot.

  • But if I hit it smooth, I might take 10 yards off.

  • So that's fine.

  • Or I can switch to a six iron and it will roll hopefully closer.

  • I'd rather be long, I think on this.

  • Come on, cut back.

  • We're chilling.

  • We're on the right side for sure.

  • That one went pretty hard right.

  • So that had some compression on it.

  • So I'm stoked.

  • Get there.

  • It's not too bad.

  • That broke way harder than I thought it was gonna break.

  • Almost did not get that one.

  • Draining toilets here.

  • We're still one under.

  • Incredible work.

  • One under baby, let's go.

  • All right guys, hole number four.

  • Another driver hole.

  • Par four, I'm like 60% sure it's par four.

  • We're still one under surprisingly because you know me, I'm not the best golfer.

  • All right, let's try to get on the fairway.

  • Gone.

  • All right guys, there goes my par streak.

  • One out, one back.

  • We're still making up and down, easy.

  • Light work, no reaction.

  • The nipple of the bunker right there.

  • Guys, unbelievable.

  • I really thought that was out and I was just gonna drop right here, but I see a ball.

  • We're gonna go see if it's my Callaway ball I'm using.

  • So if it is, I'm like kind of just saved a stroke, but I'm still like 230 out.

  • It is my Callaway one ball, so I'm just gonna hit it, I guess.

  • Get there.

  • Come on, baby.

  • All right, I have a feeling that's in the sand.

  • Not sure if that just cleared that or not.

  • Is it on the green?

  • Can't really see the green from here and I still don't see my ball, but we're hoping it's good.

  • I think it hit that left mound and like kicked right.

  • Can't even breathe, going up that hill was crazy.

  • Took my breath away.

  • Oh, that's pretty nice.

  • Get there, come on.

  • It breaks so hard.

  • Center firm, center firm.

  • It did a little 360 there at the end.

  • Crazy.

  • All right, guys, we did not save par, but we're even still.

  • Thank you for the birdie.

  • The birdies came down and sent me a blessing today.

  • So where was I going with that?

  • What am I doing?

  • All right, guys, last hole, another driver hole.

  • Let me see how far it is actually. 396 par four, still driver.

  • This background is absolutely insane.

  • We have Newport Beach Peninsula.

  • We have the pier, Balboa Pier.

  • The beach is right there.

  • It's freaking epic out here.

  • So let's hit a drive.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, let's play golf.

  • No idea, no idea.

  • Well, if we see it, we see it.

  • All right, guys, we found my ball.

  • It was like way on the right side.

  • So I must've hit like a little slice action.

  • Just gonna use my five hybrid because I want to.

  • And it's downhill.

  • It's extremely downhill.

  • It's rolling pretty fast.

  • So don't know how far it is.

  • Story of my life.

  • No idea, just hitting a club.

  • Oh, bye-bye.

  • Goodbye, ball.

  • That was straight in the bushes.

  • Let's go.

  • I just may have like hooked that one a little too hard.

  • It's getting laid out.

  • You know what I mean?

  • That was bad, guys.

  • That was actually just bad.

  • We'll take a drop though.

  • We saved one last hole.

  • We'll just take a drop.

  • Take the pain.

  • Chip in for birdie.

  • We're good.

  • Guys, even the frogs are laughing at me.

  • Ooh, it's tough.

  • I'm just gonna drop all right.

  • It kind of went out on my left here.

  • So I'm just gonna drop it here and go.

  • All right, wish me luck, everyone.

  • This pin placement's ridiculous.

  • It's on like the top of a hill.

  • Get up.

  • That actually is pretty good.

  • About like a 10-footer.

  • Like we can make a 10-footer.

  • Let's go.

  • Now, is it for par?

  • Is it for like bogey?

  • I don't know about that.

  • Go, get there.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Whew.

  • Double bogey just sucks.

  • That was so bad.

  • All right, guys, we finished two over.

  • Thank you so much for watching this video.

  • This course is amazing.

  • I hope you had a good time.

  • I will see you next video.

  • Love you guys, bye.

What is up guys, welcome back to another Grace Karras video.

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