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  • Ooh, this is like the nicest packaging I've ever seen.

  • Whoa!

  • Whoa!

  • Ah!

  • Oh my God.

  • Facts!

  • Facts!

  • Get it outside.

  • Get it outside.

  • Ah!

  • We're not going to do so good in the wilderness,

  • I think.

  • Ah!

  • $900 rooftop tent.

  • Versus $3,500 rooftop tent.

  • Does more expensive really mean more better?

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's find out.

  • Thank you to eBay Motors for sponsoring today's video.

  • We couldn't have asked for a better partner to help us build these awesome trucks.

  • You guys are watching, so you already know.

  • There's no better place to buy or sell your vehicle and parts than eBay Motors.

  • And look at us now.

  • We're riding in style thanks to them.

  • Cold drinks in the ARB Zero fridge freezer, burgers and dogs cooking on the Coleman gas stove, even a sweet Smittybilt Overlander tent.

  • We got it all on eBay.

  • Heads up.

  • Now, what Nolan forgot to mention was they're actually invested in making the auto parts sales process honest, which is why they include a money back guarantee.

  • It doesn't cost you anything and it covers your purchase price plus original shipping on eligible purchases.

  • So no matter what you need, shop with confidence today on eBay Motors by clicking the link in the description below or download the eBay Motors app today.

  • Thanks for getting me this.

  • Absolutely, man.

  • Psh, ah!

  • Open it.

  • What?

  • You're supposed to open it.

  • I will.

  • Take a sip, dude.

  • No, just take a sip.

  • It's not the right take yet, Job.

  • We bought two nearly identical Toyota Tacomas and we've been building them to be fun daily drivers that you can take literally anywhere.

  • One Tacoma gets all the expensive parts and the other one gets a bunch of the cheap stuff.

  • Then we compare the two to see which components are worth spending your hard earned money on.

  • Some outdoors people are gross and they sleep on the ground.

  • But if you're a real adventurer, you know that the elevated luxury and comfort of a rooftop tent is the only way to camp, baby.

  • That's right, James.

  • And that's why we've installed tents on top of our trucks so we can camp wherever we park.

  • Because there's nothing more fun after a day of driving and digging your truck out of stuff than sleeping in a 24 square foot area with your fully grown adult friend.

  • High Truck is getting an iCamper 2.0 top clamshell tent coming in at $3,500.

  • And Low Truck, on the other hand, we have a $900 Smittybilt tent.

  • We got it on sale, usually like 1,200 bucks.

  • Smittybilt it himself.

  • For you guys keeping score at home, that is a $2,500 difference.

  • High Truck's tent is three and a half times as much as Low Truck's.

  • But is it really three and a half times better?

  • There's only one way to find out.

  • Hey, Micah, check a one, two.

  • Back at the shop, we unboxed our tents.

  • Oh, there's a lot more bugs.

  • Ah!

  • Oh my God.

  • They came from your box!

  • And we quickly got to installing them on our bed racks.

  • Okay, there are some instructions.

  • Come this way, three quarters of an inch.

  • Low Truck's install was a breeze for the most part.

  • Oh, s**t.

  • Just going to drill a couple of holes, that way these little pins can hold the length.

  • Nice and strong.

  • High Truck had its fair share of snags as well.

  • So it's crooked.

  • Which way does it need to go, center-wise?

  • Our bed rack was a bit too beefy for the brackets supplied by iCamper, so we had to do a bit of modifying.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh my God.

  • Oh, man.

  • Oh my God.

  • Look at our house, man.

  • I don't know if that'll be a ladder or not.

  • Oh, no, that's fine.

  • No, this is...

  • Max, Max, please.

  • Oh God, it's not fine.

  • I did the same thing Low Team did.

  • All in all, the installs on both trucks was pretty plug and play, but it's hard to get an impression of these tents without actually using them.

  • So we hit the road and drove all the way to the San Juan Mountains here in Colorado, America.

  • Because nothing says donut media more than driving 900 miles into the wilderness with a bunch of stuff that you put on a truck yesterday.

  • The main goal of our trip is to test all of the components of the trucks.

  • But over the course of our four nights in the mountains, we were able to get familiar with the ins and outs of both tents.

  • And after familiarizing ourselves with our tents, it's time to give you a little tour.

  • Welcome to the Crawl Daddy Cave.

  • Please don't judge us by our riffraff neighbors.

  • Once you get inside, this baby is plush.

  • As you can see, it's pretty nice in here.

  • The materials are super nice.

  • This is like a very high quality,

  • I think like a wax or oiled canvas.

  • The zippers are really nice.

  • If you'll notice the actual poles are covered in rubber.

  • So there's no jangling in the wind.

  • You shake Low Team's tent, it sounds like a bunch of fricking jingle bells in there.

  • There's obviously thought put into the shell.

  • The foam is amazing.

  • It's kind of like you buy a really nice jacket and only having owned cheap jackets, you're like, oh, this is why things are expensive.

  • This is how nice things can get.

  • The materials might not be the highest quality, especially compared to High Team's tent, but it's all there and it's very well-constructed.

  • It's like got the double stitched here.

  • I mean, yes, some of the stitching might be a little bit off or layered up, but nothing's moved and it's nice and sturdy.

  • So that's a big plus for me.

  • The mattress itself is pretty good for like a tent, but I can feel it breaking in already.

  • True.

  • I'm not sure I like that very much.

  • We have quite the spacious opening.

  • Also we can enter the tent from both sides of the truck.

  • High Team cannot.

  • I think that's kind of inconvenient.

  • I would say that our airflow in this tent is a lot higher just because there's more openings and I think that's an advantage, you know?

  • You can have so much more control over your...

  • It's true.

  • I haven't showered in a while.

  • The windows are two layer.

  • You know, you got your screen door kind of feel here and then like a more waterproof cover and just two layers like that.

  • But I've heard tell that High Team has a more sophisticated window system.

  • One of the coolest features about this tent is the windows.

  • So we have the classic screen and flap, but we also have this really nifty clear plastic.

  • In case you're out in the rain, you can watch it.

  • And you want to watch the frogs skip around, you can.

  • Because of the fiberglass shell, this being a clamshell tent, we don't have as many windows or entryways as the low tent, which I do not like.

  • Yeah.

  • I want to be in nature.

  • I want to be up getting some breeze.

  • I would like to add a window to this side.

  • We missed out on some good views to be honest.

  • Yeah.

  • You really have to position your truck towards the views.

  • Yeah.

  • And if the campsite doesn't really work for that, then you just miss out on the view.

  • You miss the sunrise.

  • Slept in this thing a couple nights and I've been fairly comfortable.

  • I sleep like a baby.

  • Aside from one bad aspect, which is just leveling the whole tent.

  • I mean, parking in a spot that's flat.

  • If you're not, you can feel yourself over time, the sleeping bag sliding down to the edge and you have to like readjust.

  • You have to wake up and readjust.

  • We have a lot more space in here than the low team's tent.

  • Zach and I have been sleeping in this thing for a few days now.

  • And sometimes I forget that he's here.

  • We roughly estimated the size of this thing.

  • It's about 49 square feet, about seven feet by seven feet, which ain't bad.

  • Yeah.

  • That's like $1,500 a month in LA.

  • As for sleeping space, there's room for two sleeping bags.

  • Aaron sleeps exactly like that.

  • So bumping into him hasn't been a problem.

  • I know that high team's tent is a lot bigger.

  • I'm just not sure that that much more room is necessary.

  • But me personally,

  • I've actually not had very good sleep the past couple days.

  • First night in the old Smittybilt roof tent.

  • I feel like.

  • I feel great.

  • I went to sleep hours after you.

  • I feel amazing.

  • I think I got like one hour of sleep last night combined.

  • The rain fly on this gets extremely loud.

  • This material is pulled pretty taut in areas and it acts like a big drum.

  • So like, even though this tiny thin rain fly is just flapping against it, it's very loud in here.

  • Yeah. And that might be a thing where high teams materials come into play cause it's just less noisy.

  • Yeah.

  • One big inconvenience for having a rooftop tent is that your tent is on the roof.

  • You have to climb in a ladder to get up into it, to get to bed.

  • That being said, it does feel like we're in a tree fort right now, which is kind of cool.

  • Yeah.

  • If you have to wake up to go pee in the middle of the night, you better not miss that ladder.

  • Because this tent is so big, you really do have to mount it up super high on the roof.

  • Some people do mount it low, like low team did on their bed, but it's longer than the bed.

  • So it's going to hang off about a foot.

  • And you know, we really didn't want to deal with that.

  • And since we have to put this thing on top, on top, on top of the truck, we have a lot of leverage over the suspension on the truck.

  • So anytime you kind of readjust in the night, the whole thing shakes for about five or six seconds afterwards.

  • It's really kind of annoying.

  • Another downside to our tent, which low team also has, is bed access.

  • With all of our recovery gear hanging off of our bed rack, the convenience of having a pickup truck is really lost.

  • Dare I say, we may have gone too far.

  • I think we've added a lot of stuff.

  • The truck bed is a lot harder to use.

  • Yeah, it's-

  • You pretty much have to go through the back.

  • Yeah.

  • It seriously cuts down the convenience and the accessibility of the bed.

  • I mean, if we end up getting stuck on a mountain face and we don't have access to the truck bed, that's an issue to me.

  • So it is awesome that our lower profile tent means that we don't have to climb as high and that we might be getting better gas mileage because it's not blocking the airflow.

  • But that does mean that we can't see out the back of our truck.

  • We only have the side mirrors.

  • Yeah, that's an inconvenience, especially when you're trying to see who's behind you.

  • Yeah.

  • If someone's too close.

  • It's very inconvenient in parking lots.

  • One thing that's pretty cool about Low Tent, this thing takes like 15 minutes max to put onto these racks.

  • You can actually take this thing off and set it up and just get rid of all those inconveniences.

  • You have full access to all your recovery gear for the rack and you still have a pretty nice tent just on the ground.

  • Only four mounting points, done.

  • Yeah, it's just as easy to go on as it is take off, so.

  • I don't think Hytruck can say the same.

  • So the number one reason you go with a rooftop pop-up up and down tent is convenience.

  • You want to get to camp, you want to go to sleep because you're tired.

  • But which one of these sets up faster?

  • Only way to find out is a good old fashioned drag race.

  • We've got Zach Jobe versus Nolan.

  • We're going to do a time attack, prison rules.

  • Hell yeah.

  • Three, two, one, go.

  • Zach Jobe spent $3,500 on this tent and he needs to set it up fast.

  • $3,500 on this tent and he needs to set it up faster than Nolan to prove to his wife, Cara Delevingne that it was a good decision or she's going to leave him.

  • Oh no.

  • Oh no, he's having trouble.

  • He's tossed the keys, that's.

  • This thing's packed tight.

  • Uh-oh.

  • Uh-oh, something's jammed up.

  • There we go.

  • There you go.

  • 30 seconds and the clamshell is open.

  • He's got to mess with that ladder though.

  • Oh no, we're trapped.

  • The floor is bending downwards.

  • Uh-oh.

  • Uh-oh.

  • You got to go up one, Jobe.

  • Got to go up one?

  • Got to go up one.

  • It's a big floor, buddy.

  • It's a very expensive floor.

  • Time consuming.

  • I'm going to be single soon.

  • Minute and 30 seconds in.

  • Oh God.

  • Oh no.

  • It's not smooth.

  • Oh wow, he's popped out the side.

  • That was pretty good.

  • Let's go, Zach Jobe.

  • One more.

  • And that time.

  • All right.

  • 236 and some change.

  • That is fast.

  • That's smoking.

  • Yeah, that's really fast.

  • That's impressive, man.

  • That is fast.

  • You get to camp, you're like, hop in with my honey.

  • Two and a half minutes later, you're in a tent.

  • I think the cover's really going to...

  • The cover's going to mess us up.

  • Yeah.

  • I got to go beast mode.

  • Come on, Nolan.

  • If you do this in 845 or less, then this is not worth it.

  • That means this is not three times faster.

  • I'm ready.

  • All right.

  • Three, two, one, go.

  • Looks like he's at a strongman competition.

  • He's in the bed.

  • That's what I'm talking about, dude.

  • Yes.

  • Adios.

  • Long straps, long straps.

  • Long straps.

  • That's on the other side.

  • You know, it's these small mistakes that might cost Nolan the title.

  • Nice.

  • Damn, he is on pace.

  • He's definitely working harder.

  • He's running around a lot more than you have to.

  • I'm sweating.

  • You didn't see how much moving I did up in there, right?

  • All right.

  • And time.

  • Time.

  • 349.

  • Not bad.

  • Really not bad.

  • A minute slower.

  • A minute slower for three and a half times less money.

  • Yeah.

  • And I'm out of breath.

  • I was too.

  • I was trying to keep it together, but.

  • Nolan.

  • There's not a lot of oxygen up here too.

  • Well, we've rolled into camp a couple of times after dark and being able to set this thing up in less than five minutes without rushing has really been amazing.

  • iCamper claims that you can close it with your sleeping bags in it.

  • And we've really tried and it's just not possible.

  • Yeah.

  • And as far as I can understand, that's something that low team can do easily.

  • It was going to be really nice to really, you know get our tent popped up in a minute and have it completely done and ready.

  • But now it's like, oh no, I got to get my sleeping bag.

  • I'm not ready.

  • Which is really just being, you know, spoiled.

  • But that's why we paid all this dang money.

  • We're supposed to be spoiled.

  • This tent is nice.

  • There's no doubt about that.

  • But for $3,500, I kind of expect a little bit more wow factor.

  • Yeah.

  • You know, like I'm not.

  • Some electronics.

  • And I'm not surprised by anything in here other than the map.

  • Right.

  • The map is really cool.

  • It's definitely just a tent.

  • Maybe some Bluetooth speakers.

  • Maybe some built-in lights.

  • Think about a motorized awning.

  • That'd blow my mind.

  • Yes.

  • And for almost $4,000 for what is essentially a little room that goes on top of a car.

  • I want a little pizzazz.

  • Yeah.

  • I want to be a little blown away.

  • And while this is nice.

  • It is nice.

  • No doubt about it.

  • No doubt.

  • There's no going above and beyond.

  • All right.

  • Thank you, Donut Media for visiting my house.

  • Now, I'm sorry to say, get the hell out.

  • So Nolan, home away from home.

  • Does more expensive mean more better?

  • Nope.

  • I think this is a case of more expensive does mean more better, but less expensive is pretty freaking good.

  • It's so good.

  • I really like this Smittybilt tent.

  • It is smaller than your tent, but it does comfortably fit two adults.

  • You could definitely fit a third fully grown adult in there.

  • Wouldn't be as comfy.

  • Definitely not.

  • But it might be a little bit more fun.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, man.

  • Don't touch me.

  • When it's down, I think it looks great.

  • I think it's a lot less of a statement.

  • Like high truck at this point,

  • I'm a kind of guy.

  • You know what I mean?

  • Yeah.

  • I'm a kind of guy.

  • I think things about myself.

  • You in low truck just look like someone who likes to camp.

  • Okay, let's talk about pros of the iCamper.

  • Number one.

  • Big map.

  • Number one, the big map on the ceiling.

  • Hey James, where's Australia?

  • I could be like, oh, let me just go.

  • Number one pro of the iCamper is ease of setup and how quickly it sets up.

  • We were in our tent in less than a minute.

  • That's no exaggeration.

  • We were out of the elements.

  • And at that point we could continue to set it up as much or as little as we wanted to.

  • I also want to call attention to the fact that there's a lot of things that you could come into contact with while camping that we didn't deal with.

  • We went camping in the middle of the summer.

  • That's true.

  • It was very temperate.

  • It was beautiful out the entire time.

  • No rain.

  • I think if you were in a place where you had to deal with more of the elements, i.e. rain or cold, the differences in the two tents might be way more apparent.

  • That's very likely.

  • Although I will say the temperature control that we had in our tent was actually quite impressive.

  • It's like the body heat, our body heat itself.

  • I bet.

  • That we just worked up.

  • I bet, man.

  • Really,

  • I got distracted there for a second.

  • When we started this series, the tent was the thing I was looking forward to the least.

  • I think a certain amount of stigma comes with a tent on a truck.

  • We've all seen the memes.

  • But after having used them.

  • I don't think they're dumb.

  • They are not dumb.

  • No.

  • It is a life changer.

  • It is so much better sleeping on top of your truck than on the ground.

  • It just makes it so much easier to be like, you know what?

  • Let's go camping this weekend.

  • Yeah.

  • We know we're going to be comfortable.

  • We know we're going to be dry.

  • It's like ready to go.

  • It's in your garage.

  • The truck's like, hey man, let's like go out.

  • And you're like, you know what truck?

  • We are going to go out.

  • Speaking of looks and perception, we did do a contest on our donut underground, seeing which tent had more IG steves.

  • Which one was more grammable?

  • Which one got more likes?

  • Yeah.

  • At this time, we don't have the results yet, but they're right here.

  • Wow.

  • Look at that.

  • So either congratulations or in your face.

  • Either thank you or go yourself.

  • All right, Nolan.

  • If you had to spend your own hard earned money, which one would you buy?

  • I'm going with the Smittybilt.

  • Did a dang good job.

  • I think I would go with the Smittybilt as well.

  • If somehow I got a wild hair,

  • I was like, I'm going to drive across Canada and camp the entire way.

  • I might go with something more expensive like this, but for the weekend warrior,

  • I think the Smittybilt does everything you need it to and more.

  • For sure.

  • Next week, the dramatic conclusion of high-low trucks.

  • It is dramatic.

  • Let's see next week how a $21,000 Toyota Tacoma compares to a $45,000 first gen.

  • First gen.

  • Yeah.

  • Toyota Tacoma.

  • We go on this like really epic adventure.

  • It's scary.

  • I tested our friendships.

  • So subscribe if you're not already.

  • Click that bell.

  • So you do not miss the finale.

  • It's amazing.

  • All right.

  • Be kind.

  • I love you.

  • See you next time.

  • Nice.

  • Thank you.

  • Show your support for America's favorite off-roader and America's favorite off-road team with the brand new high team t-shirt.

  • I think he means the low team t-shirt.

  • No, I said America's favorite off-roader and off-road team, high team.

  • Yeah, low team.

  • That's what...

  • High team.

  • Low team.

  • Low team.

  • Nolan, people only like you guys ironically.

  • I don't think that's true, James.

  • Dude, this is a classy shirt.

  • It's black.

  • It's sleek.

  • We're like the heroes of the Mighty Ducks.

  • The Hawks.

  • If you'd like a little more lighthearted fare, the low team t-shirt comes in this beautiful light blue color.

  • Letting people know that you're a easy going fella or lady.

  • Well, whichever team you want to represent, whether it's high team or the wrong team, they're all available at for $29.98, which is so much cheaper than $30.

  • So much cheaper, James.

Ooh, this is like the nicest packaging I've ever seen.

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