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  • I think we're driving towards a thunderstorm.

  • You're over exaggerating.

  • Look at all these flashes of lightnings and thunders.

  • It's just some light rain on the way.

  • Does it look like light rain to you?

  • There is even hail.

  • And can't you see that you're driving in the middle of the road?

  • This is the captain speaking.

  • We are passing through an area of turbulence.

  • Return to your seat and fasten the seat belt.

  • It's so cold up here.

  • I can't stand this weather.

  • Calm down.

  • We didn't reach the top of the mountain yet.

  • But it's freezing cold and I can't feel my fingers.

  • I already gave you my gloves, you just making drama.

  • It's so windy, it's just making it worse.

  • I love the winter.

  • It's so hot in Dubai.

  • It's not hot.

  • It's boiling hot.

  • I think it is one of those heatwave during summer.

  • This weather is hot as hell.

  • It must be about 50 degrees Celsius.

  • Yeah, but it feels like 60.

  • I hope that we don't face a sandstorm.

  • Let's keep walking.

  • What a great day you chose to come fishing, Henry.

  • Whatever do you mean?

  • It's raining cats and dogs and I'm soaking wet.

  • It's just a shower.

  • Are you made out of sugar?

  • It's not just a shower, it's heavy rain.

  • Spring is the best season for me.

  • Most flowering plants bloom during springtime.

  • I agree, the weather is cool and not that hot.

  • Clear and blue sky all day long.

  • It's great to have a lunch break outside.

  • And if you go for a run you don't sweat like a pig.

  • This summer season has been extremely hot.

  • It's so humid during the day.

  • You could literally fry an egg on the sidewalk.

  • I need to be in this pool in order to cool down.

  • Baby, can you turn off the AC?

  • But it's gonna feel hot in here.

  • And we have this heavy blanket on top.

  • It doesn't matter, you set the temperature to 18 degrees.

  • It doesn't have to be this low.

  • I've set it to 23 degrees Celsius.

  • Is that okay for you?

  • Yes, that's better.

  • Autumn is the best season to camp in this park.

  • The sunset is outstanding.

  • And the water temperature is not that cold.

  • We could go swimming tomorrow afternoon.

  • That's a good idea.

  • The lowest temperature will be 23 degrees and zero chance of raining.

I think we're driving towards a thunderstorm.

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