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  • I'm not a fancy person.

  • I take out the trash.

  • I wipe off the tables.

  • I sweep the floors I'm just having fun and I'm trying to make people happy.

  • It's time to meet the judges.

  • Thank you, sir.

  • I'm with you Hello Very nice to meet you And what is your name, please?

  • I'm Richard good all I'm from Terre Haute, Indiana And Richard, how are you I'm 55 55 and What do you do for a living?

  • I've been a janitor for 23 years The kids call me, mr. Richard, okay.

  • So tell me what the big dream is, please My big dream I Like to sing I love to sing so Okay, does everyone know you you've come out today to audition?

  • Just just my close-knit friends and my fiance Angie.

  • Oh Is she here with you today no, so she's the one you're gonna call Yeah after the audition.

  • Yeah.

  • Yes immediately.

  • Yes.

  • Okay.

  • All right And the song you've chosen today.

  • Tell me why you chose it Well The song speaks for itself, so okay.

  • All right.

  • I'm not gonna ask any more questions.

  • Let's do it.

  • Good luck Whoo, ah You bit nervous.

  • Yeah This has been a long time coming bless you Let's go Shake off those nerves.

  • We're here.

  • We're rooting for you Richard.

  • Good luck Oh Just a small-town girl Took the midnight train Just a city boy For the reason The truck we took the midnight train Cigarette a smoky room Amazing It goes on The guy Oh Don't stop believin' Hold on to that feelin' Streetlights, people Oh Wow, that was amazing!

  • Richard!

  • Richard!

  • Richard!

  • Please open the door Nothing is different than you are Richard, you are my hero Facing these odds Trying to talk Cause that was special, genuinely special I think America is gonna love you I mean that was spectacular, that was fun This was an amazing surprise I think you were perfect to come to AGT Because you made our night Thank you man, you're beautiful You, and maybe because you've been doing it for 23 years But you just cleaned up You just...

  • You know, I would imagine every kid That has ever been in a school with you Is just screaming, I just think you're amazing We love you Richard!

  • Richard, Richard, Richard You knocked me off my feet I mean, we all had the best time with you up there on that stage I really, really feel something When I see you up there and hear you up there And now, this is what I'm gonna do for you Because I love you As we're laying in the darkness Did I wait too long To turn the lights back on Richard was so good That was amazing I can't wait to see what you're gonna sing next Hell, stuck on a hill Outside was inside the home that we built The cold settles in It's been a long week And now I think we should go and call your fiance Should we call her?

  • Oh my gosh, you guys I've never even been on a plane This was not on my radar to come to California It's just a dream come true Happy you came Give it up one more time for Richard Goodall Yes, I'm here right now I'm here right now

I'm not a fancy person.

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