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  • What's going on, thanks for checking in.

  • So the season is upon us.

  • What I'm gonna show you today is three power clusters or circuits that you should be doing and sprinkle into your training throughout the season to maintain that strength, speed, and power.

  • So make sure you stay tuned, check this one out.

  • First, let's talk about the premise and why these clusters are effective in building power.

  • So if you've been following me for a while now, you know how I utilize what we call potentiation training.

  • So these circuits follow the same blueprint.

  • Potentiation training is essentially stimulating your nervous system with a heavier load and tricking it into producing more power through the subsequent exercises or following exercises.

  • So think about it like weighted bat training or weighted ball training.

  • You swing the heavy bat, you throw the heavy ball, then go down to a lighter load, lighter bat, lighter ball, and then to a real baseball or your real bat, and it feels like a lightsaber, you can swing it a lot faster.

  • Same thing is going to apply with these clusters.

  • We're gonna do a heavy exercise, then we're gonna do an underloaded exercise, and then we're gonna use our regular body weight.

  • So make sure you follow along.

  • The first cluster is for upper body explosive power and strength.

  • We're gonna go ahead and hit a heavier bench press followed by a reverse band pushup into a med ball redirect drop pass.

  • We're gonna go three to five rounds of this, three reps on each exercise.

  • Make sure you're taking long, efficient breaks in between.

  • Circuit number two is going to be for single leg strength and power.

  • We're gonna hit a heavy step up followed by a single leg reverse band jump, and then followed by a single leg repeat broad jump.

  • We're gonna go three or five rounds here of three reps on each exercise.

  • Make sure we're taking long breaks in between.

  • Last but not least, cluster or circuit number three is for bilateral strength and power.

  • We're hitting a heavy trap bar deadlift.

  • Then we're going into a bilateral reverse band jump into a box drop box jump.

  • You're gonna go ahead and hit three to five rounds of this, three reps on each exercise.

  • Make sure you're taking that long break in between.

  • Hey, that's a wrap.

  • Thanks for tuning in.

  • Hope you enjoyed that video.

  • Listen, when you're doing potentiation training and power training like that, especially in season, you're gonna wanna take long breaks in between each exercise because you don't wanna let fatigue outweigh the central nervous system potentiation.

  • Also, if you liked in-season training like that, and it's in season, I'm offering 50% off of my in-season training program.

  • That's in the description below.

  • And always remember that I pump out two of these videos per week.

  • So do me a favor and subscribe for me.

  • I appreciate you.

  • We'll catch you next week.

  • Game rewards a grind.

  • It knows how much you've invested.

What's going on, thanks for checking in.

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