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  • The men's triathlon at the Olympics has been postponed due to the poor quality of water in the River Seine.


  • Officials made the decision in the early hours of the morning after tests revealed that recent rainfall had led to sewage contaminating the river.


  • The condition of water has been a subject of frequent controversy in the run-up to the Olympics, with warnings that pollution could harm the athletes.


  • Let's speak to Simon Ward, he's a high-performance coach who helps athletes train for events such as triathlons or Ironmans.

    西蒙-沃德(Simon Ward)是一位高性能教練,他幫助運動員進行鐵人三項或鐵人三項等賽事的訓練。

  • Simon, how common is it for events like this to be affected by water issues such as this?


  • In practice, how would it affect the swimmers if they'd gone ahead today?


  • We saw a few Parisian politicians swim in the river beforehand to show that it would be OK.


  • Could the situation have changed so quickly?


  • I think the Parisians have been a little unlucky, they've done a lot to make the water better and the weather's impacted that really, and again if you're outside for sporting events the weather can play a part.


The men's triathlon at the Olympics has been postponed due to the poor quality of water in the River Seine.


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B1 UK 鐵人 運動員 西蒙 賽事 汙染 奧運會

2024 年巴黎奧運會:男子鐵人三項比賽因水質不佳而延後 | 英國廣播公司新聞 (Paris 2024 Olympics: Men’s triathlon postponed over poor water quality | BBC News)

  • 25 2
    macross posted on 2024/08/18
Video vocabulary