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  • Paris is one of the most visited cities on the planet, and also can be very expensive.

  • But in today's video, I wanted to share how you can experience an incredible day all with a budget of $100.

  • So the first thing we need to do here in Paris is get a croissant.

  • I have been here to Paris many times and have tried croissant places all throughout this city.

  • And today, I'm going to show you guys one of the best ones.

  • And one of the main reasons why I keep coming back here to Paris is because two of my best friends in the world live here.

  • So we have Lucille and Bobby, who are locals here in Paris, and this croissant place is one of the best in the city.

  • It's my fave.

  • It's my fave croissant of all of Paris.

  • It's Lucille approved.

  • So let's go to this boulangerie.

  • I feel like I'm always saying lingerie, but boulangerie.

  • So this place is called Boulangerie Lyonnais.

  • Did I say that correctly?

  • That's it.

  • Yeah.

  • Lucille's been helping me out a lot with my French.

  • Oh, you're doing great.

  • Merci beaucoup.

  • So this place has one of the most handsome croissants I've ever seen.

  • All right, let's do the poll.

  • That was one of the best polls ever.

  • Wow.

  • And they're made fresh this morning because they make it every morning.

  • So that's how you get the boulangerie?

  • Yeah, of course.

  • All right, let's give this a bite, guys.

  • Oh, isn't it the best?

  • Wow.

  • Pro tip.

  • If you're coming here to Paris, come early in the morning and get your croissants.

  • And also for four bucks, we got that croissant.

  • Also this one right here.

  • It almost feels like a combination between a cookie and a croissant.

  • This is my fave.

  • It's so good.

  • Yeah, they put me on game to this and I thank you every day for it.

  • So what is the name of that?

  • So it's called chocolatine aux amandes.

  • So it would translate to a chocolate croissant with almonds in it.

  • So, so good.

  • You have to try it.

  • All right.

  • Bon appétit, guys.

  • Bon appétit.

  • Bon appétit.

  • We got our own.

  • Look at those things.

  • Oh my god.

  • Guys, that is incredible.

  • Wow.

  • Mmm.

  • So you get some chocolate right here.

  • Yeah, you got it.

  • Yeah.

  • All right.

  • Thanks, Bob.

  • So after you get your croissants, I highly recommend coming here to this cafe at the Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Lucille, would you say that this place is mostly for tourists or do locals also like to hang out here as well?

  • Yeah, locals also like to hang out here as well.

  • It's so cute.

  • Like look around you.

  • It's like the perfect place to post up for a whole afternoon and just enjoy life.

  • Would you say this place though is for pigeons?

  • I would say it's not for pigeons.

  • For pigeons.

  • Yeah.

  • The last thing you want to do here in Paris is be a pigeon.

  • My new favorite word here in Paris.

  • Don't be a pigeon.

  • Just don't.

  • Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Museum of Romantic Life.

  • Now with getting around here in Paris, you can take the metro, which is great and affordable, but my favorite way is taking a Lime bike.

  • Lime and Uber do have a partnership, so you can go straight into your Uber app and unlock a bike from there.

  • Best way to see Paris.

  • So something that I have observed about here in Paris is that they do have street lights on busy streets, but they don't have stop signs.

  • So this guy is like a big freak for a moment.

  • I'm a fan.

  • So the thing we are about to do next is something I have not done yet here in Paris, which is to explore the catacombs.

  • The catacombs is essentially these underground tunnels that go all throughout and under Paris.

  • It is about 30 US dollars, so let's see if this is worth it.

  • Alright, so we are officially going down below the streets of Paris.

  • So included with my $30 entrance fee, I also got this audio guide, which just informed me that we are currently 20 meters below street level.

  • So below the sewer systems and even the metro.

  • Let's check this place out.

  • So this is a self-guided tour, and I've been walking for about 10 minutes just by myself through these catacomb underground tunnels.

  • Not going to lie, a little bit creepy.

  • So the audio book told me how the catacombs were used back in the day when a lot of houses in Paris were collapsing to monitor, to make sure that everything was safe.

  • And man, I just really can't believe that you can come out here, explore this all by yourself, take your sweet time, listen to your audio guide, and just explore this place.

  • This is how all experiences in cities should be.

  • So I just entered where they have millions of people buried.

  • So back hundreds of years ago, only the wealthy were able to be buried in graveyards.

  • So they put millions of people here in Paris in the catacombs.

  • There is something oddly peaceful about being down here.

  • I guess it's due to the fact that none of these guys are going to try talking to you.

  • So like I said, I have never done that catacombs experience before, and I was a little bit nervous if it was going to be worth it, since it is nearly a third of our entire budget for this video.

  • But, I gotta say, that was one of the coolest experiences I've gotten to do while traveling.

  • Since there's so much history, there has a lot to do with the culture there, and it's just overall a really cool experience.

  • So besides the catacombs, another reason why Paris is so great to travel is for the art and the museums.

  • I mean, the Louvre is the most visited museum in the world for a reason.

  • And a lot of the wealthy French know how good of an investment art can be and a store of value.

  • And typically, to be able to invest in blue chip art pieces, you had to be a billionaire.

  • But now, all of us can, thanks to today's sponsor of Masterworks.

  • Even some of the largest banks in the world have shared how art can be a good investment to hedge inflation, which has recently been getting kind of out of hand.

  • And Masterworks gives you the chance to invest in multi-million dollar art paintings from artists like Banksy, Basquiat, and more.

  • Disclaimer.

  • Investing does involve risks, and past performance is not an indication of future returns, and does not include unsold works.

  • But, Masterworks now has over 900,000 members and is nearly $1 billion under management.

  • Some Masterworks offerings have sold out in just minutes, but my subscribers can get priority access to start investing today by going to the link in the description down below, or going to this QR code here on screen.

  • Thank you, Masterworks, for sponsoring this video.

  • Now back to Paris.

  • So now for lunch, we are about to show you guys a must-try spot here in Paris.

  • It's kind of like a French version of an American diner, but great prices.

  • So the name of this place is Bouillon Chautier.

  • It's super grand, it's almost like you're inside of an opera house and traditional French architecture.

  • And why we came here is because this is where you get traditional food, but also for a great price.

  • You can get a whole three-course meal for like 12 euro.

  • Man, I'm excited for this meal.

  • So I was just informed that this place, which is a bouillon, is known for being a quick place to get a bite to eat.

  • And they literally brought the food out within five minutes.

  • And look how fresh this is.

  • I went with the chicken and some french fries.

  • That's what you need to do in France.

  • So I went with a pretty classic dish, but Lucille over here went with the pig's foot.

  • Is that normal here in France?

  • It's normal.

  • Do you guys have feet fetishes?

  • Always.

  • Alright, let's give it a try.

  • Do you want to see the pig's foot?

  • Do you want to have some?

  • I would love to try some pig's feet.

  • That looks like a good pig's foot.

  • Yeah, look at this.

  • Yum.

  • It's very good.

  • Alright.

  • I'm going to give it a try.

  • Yeah, have some.

  • My first pig's foot.

  • It's good.

  • Good?

  • It's really good.

  • First time trying pig's feet.

  • Bon appétit.

  • It's pretty good.

  • I like the outside of it and how they cooked it.

  • Yeah.

  • The inside was very tender and interesting.

  • Yeah.

  • Overall, pretty good.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • How are you liking the pig's foot, Bob?

  • It's delicious.

  • It's good for you, according to Lucille.

  • It is good for you.

  • Good?

  • Yeah, I guess that does look kind of appetizing.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • So this restaurant is from 1896 and I love how they still keep it old school and write your bill on the table.

  • I really love that.

  • And the math is correct.

  • Nice and loud here in Paris.

  • So always in these $100 videos, I like to go to a McDonald's to see how much a Big Mac is for my Brett Conti Big Mac Index.

  • And the funny thing about McDonald's to me is that when I was starting this YouTube channel, traveling around the world, I was a broke backpacker that did eat McDonald's to suffice my traveling budget.

  • So there's something special about going back to one now and having it come full circle.

  • Speaking of full circle, also here with Bobby, who Bobby and I met in college and we dreamt of traveling the world and making YouTube videos and now dude, it's amazing.

  • We both get to do it for our jobs.

  • I know.

  • No, it's a dream come true.

  • It really feels like we're living a dream every single day.

  • Did you really think like when we were in college, we used to go into this small classroom and right on the whiteboard, our wildest dreams of trying to become YouTubers and get paid to travel the world.

  • Did you really think we were going to be able to do it or do you think we were just so delusionally optimistic that we kind of did believe in it?

  • I don't think I ever doubted that we were going to do it.

  • I think that, but it was more so like energy versus like understanding of how we were going to get there.

  • Like the fact that we're here now making YouTube videos, traveling the world.

  • Sure, we wrote it down.

  • I didn't think it would maybe come true, but I never doubted it.

  • You know, like it's, yeah, I don't know.

  • It's tough to explain.

  • Well, now let's go run it back and get some McDonald's.

  • McDonald's is fancy in France.

  • Get ready for this.

  • This isn't no like broke backpacker type thing here.

  • So let's get some luxury McDonald's.

  • So guys, we made it to the U.S. Embassy.

  • McDonald's.

  • I think you need to get one of those.

  • So a Big Mac in Paris will cost you $4.93, which is much cheaper than in New York City, but I still went with some macaroons instead.

  • So here in Europe, especially in Paris, the McCafes are actually really nice.

  • Where that McDonald's was by far the nicest McDonald's I've been to in anywhere in the world.

  • And now let's see how these macaroons are.

  • Look fresh.

  • Really fresh.

  • Tastes tasty.

  • Seems like semi-decent ingredients, so not bad.

  • For the price, I think it's worth it.

  • Fancy McDonald's.

  • Luxurious and fancy McDonald's.

  • Totally different experience than back home in America.

  • Only in Paris.

  • Guys, this may be the most absurd store I have ever seen.

  • The Louis Vuitton store is designed as a real life ginormous suitcase.

  • Wow.

  • So now for dinner, we are about to eat at my number one favorite restaurant in all of

  • Paris.

  • And I'm saving some of the budget just for this restaurant, since it really is that incredible.

  • And first up, you get a salad.

  • So guys, the name of this place is the Relais En Compte.

  • Totally butchering that.

  • Lucille, what's the proper way to say this place?

  • It's called the Relais de l'Entrecote.

  • Pretty much what I said.

  • And what's so great about this place is that they have delicious French steak, as well as a French fry open bar.

  • So you can order as many French fries as you want.

  • And the steak is also just so good.

  • I guess here they don't call it French fries.

  • You guys just say fries?

  • Just fries.

  • Just fries, right?

  • Just fries.

  • Yeah, just fries.

  • It's not French, it's fries.

  • And now time to feast our faces on this delicious steak and unlimited fries.

  • Bon appetit, guys.

  • Look at that.

  • And we get unlimited fries.

  • Bobby is going to close this place down.

  • We have been talking about this all week, and we haven't eaten since.

  • This is like...

  • We've been getting ready for it.

  • Oh, we've been getting ready for it, yeah.

  • We are going to eat a lot of fries.

  • Not even hyperbolizing, this is one of the greatest meals out of any country I've ever been to.

  • On round two of my meal, it just keeps getting better.

  • This needs to be like a mandatory stop for any tourist coming into France.

  • Anyone needs to eat the steak frites.

  • The steak frites.

  • The steak frites are the best.

  • There's something that is so delicious, but so simple about this meal.

  • It's so incredible.

  • The pepper sauce?

  • Yeah.

  • It's so good.

  • Look at that.

  • Yeah, you have to dip the fries in the pepper sauce.

  • It's so good.

  • It's so good.

  • Round three.

  • Alright, so I officially made it three rounds, and I think this restaurant just KO'd me, because now I cannot move.

  • The steak, the unlimited french fries, this place is a must here in Paris.

  • I need a nap.

  • Ugh.

  • Now the last thing on tonight's agenda is to go to the Eiffel Tower to watch it sparkle.

  • And instead of trying to get a bottle of wine over there at a restaurant, I went to a grocery store called Monoprix, bought one for five euro, and now I'm going to go meet up with a friend to enjoy it.

  • Let's go.

  • Biking in Paris is a total free-for-all.

  • What a rush.

  • Wow.

  • I love biking in Paris.

  • Wow.

  • So guys, I just made it here with my good friend, Elena.

  • Hello.

  • How's it going?

  • Happy to be here.

  • I know.

  • It's so cool that we get to hang out in New York all the time, but now in Paris, since you just moved here.

  • Yes.

  • Kind of.

  • What made you want to, I guess, have a second base here in Paris?

  • You know, I've been in New York for like five and a half, going on six years, and just kind of needed a change of pace.

  • And I'm like, what better place than Paris?

  • And I want to learn French, so.

  • I mean, come on, though.

  • Yeah, I know.

  • Like, if you're going to move anywhere, it's pretty good.

  • It doesn't beat this, guys.

  • We are just sitting on the river, and this is our view.

  • Also, we got our five euro wine, so let's give this a try.

  • I know.

  • A little taste test.

  • Cheers.

  • Cheers.

  • Sante.

  • Sante.

  • I like it.

  • Yeah, for five euros.

  • Five euros.

  • What do you think, Elena?

  • That is some good wine.

  • I actually really like this.

  • Well, I feel like it's because this is from San Emilion, which is where I've actually been to.

  • It's in Bordeaux, and I feel like they don't have to pay any import taxes or anything, so

  • I feel like it's a lot easier to get it for a better rate than America, where this would be like 30.

  • Exactly.

  • Yep.

  • 100%.

  • I like this.

  • It's even better in a paper cup.

  • For sure.

  • Yeah.

  • That is going to be it for this video.

  • Until next week, let's go down and get busy in the next one.

Paris is one of the most visited cities on the planet, and also can be very expensive.

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