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  • It's AumSum Time.

  • What if Sea Levels Rise by 10 Meters?

  • Don't worry.

  • AumSum will save everybody.

  • Oh AumSum.

  • Firstly, some people hate swimming.

  • If sea levels rise by 10 meters, they will definitely leave for a different planet.

  • Secondly, if sea levels rise by 10 meters, we may have to get used to living with whales.

  • Thirdly, if sea levels rise by 10 meters.

  • People who just bought a beachfront property may leave for a different planet.

  • Fourthly, if sea levels rise by 10 meters, a lot of land may get lost.

  • High-rise buildings may get extremely overcrowded.

  • Fifthly, if sea levels rise by 10 meters.

  • We may start finding a lot of weird sea creatures popping up inside our living room.

  • Lastly, if sea levels rise by 10 meters, surfers will be overjoyed.

  • They may start surfing inside their homes.

  • So AumSum, on an average, seawater has salinity of about 3.5%.

  • When we drink seawater, water as well as excess salt get absorbed in our blood.

  • One of the functions of our kidneys is to remove this excess salt from our blood.

  • But urine produced by kidneys has a salt concentration which is less than 3.5% of that of seawater.

  • Hence it needs more water to remove all the excess salt.

  • As a result, we feel thirsty after drinking seawater.

  • Excess seawater consumption can lead to dehydration.

  • Secondly, excess drinking of seawater will also hinder the blood purifying process of our kidneys.

  • How?

  • Because solid concentration inside the filtering units of our kidneys.

  • Will be lower than that of the highly saline blood.

  • Hence, due to osmosis, blood doesn't get purified.

  • What if all the seawater becomes freshwater?

  • No.

  • What if all the seawater becomes chocolate milkshake?

  • Oh.

  • Listen.

  • First of all, the biggest advantage will be that it will solve the water crisis all over the world.

  • However, there will be quite a number of disadvantages.

  • Firstly, most of the fishes will die.

  • Why?

  • In freshwater, due to a process called osmosis.

  • The cells of the fishes will swell up, thus eventually killing them.

  • Secondly, experts believe that tiny organisms called zooplankton and phytoplankton.

  • Which are critical to the marine life food chain, will die off.

  • Leading to mass extinction of marine life.

  • In addition to this, phytoplankton produce half of the world's oxygen via photosynthesis.

  • Without them, there would be far less oxygen available for us to breathe.

  • Lastly, experts believe that salt in the seawater has a major impact on ocean currents.

  • Which in turn influence our climate.

  • However, as more research is required.

  • Experts don't exactly know what will happen if all the seawater becomes freshwater.

It's AumSum Time.

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