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  • And that's what you get for trying to compete with me, Earthling!

  • Safe!

  • What?!

  • My lord, you must tag runners with a ball in your hand or glove.

  • Throwing the ball at him does not count as an out.

  • But Cabba told me to pick him off!

  • Yes, but I'm afraid you didn't understand the meaning of the phrase, sir.

  • I will make it home.

  • Oh, I'm not sure about that, unless you're carried there on a stretcher.

  • But of course, this is just the sort of player you get with a lousy manager.

  • Did you dare just call me lousy?

  • If your fragile team can't handle playing against the big boys, then you should forfeit!

  • Then we'll win!

  • And your savage players would only win by cheating!

  • You're the savage, brother!

  • I'm sophistication personified!

  • In what way? You're a mayhem-loving vandal!

  • No, I'm not. You are!

  • No, you are!

  • You are!

  • No, you are!

  • No, you are!

  • No, you definitely are!

  • Everybody run!

  • You guys, take cover over here!

  • Hold on, didn't somebody tell me once that if destroyers start fighting each other, it could rip a whole universe apart at the seams?

  • Then we probably shouldn't have front row seats!

  • No! You are infinity!

  • You dare strike me, you weenie?

  • That does it!

  • Oh, I agree!

  • No, no, no, no!

  • Guys, hold on to me! I'm gonna use instant transmission, okay?

  • I said hold on, not squeeze!

  • You're going down!

  • You are!

  • That's enough, my lord!

  • Have you forgotten it's one of the greatest taboos of the cosmos for destroyers to fight each other?

  • Are you trying to obliterate this whole universe?

  • You've completely ignored our warning that acts of destruction are forbidden.

  • By our authority as umpires, we hereby rule you're in gross violation and declare this game over.

  • Are you saying after all that fuss, it ends in a tie?

  • Actually, no. The seventh universe team wins one run to nothing.

  • What? But how?

  • See for yourself, Lord Shampa. Look down at home plate.

  • Heck of a play!

  • Well done, Yamcha!

  • He stole home when no one was looking!

  • Hey, the way he's lying in that crater kind of rings a bell.

  • Yeah, a very painful bell.

  • Don't remind me.

  • Well, I'm glad we won, you guys.

  • But I think I just gave new meaning to the term sacrifice.

  • Yamcha!

And that's what you get for trying to compete with me, Earthling!

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