Well, I'm reallyinterestedinLGBTQIAplushistoryandespecially, like, howthedifferentflagsaremade, and I reallyloveallthedifferentdesignsoftheflagbecause I'm alwayscuriousaboutthem.
Yeah, yeah.
Um, ooh, that's kindof a hardquestion.
I draw a lot, andmymomusually, like,
Targethas, like, a bigPridesectionusually, somymomusuallyjust, like, goesthroughandjustbuysallofthePridestuff.
Oh, okay.
A coupleofweeksago, I got a bunchofstickers.
Oh, nice, nice.
Youknow, I was, I had a table.
Therewas a Pridetableatanevent I wasat, andtheyhadthosebuttonsthatyoukindofstickonyourshirtorwhatever, those, like, onebuttons.
I gottwoofthem, and I madethemintoearrings.
Oh, thatissocool.
Yeah, itwas, like, creativePride.
Isthere a Prideparadewhereyoulive?
Um, unfortunately, no.
Nottotheextentofmyknowledge, atleast.
Oh, boo.
Yeah, I'd reallylovetogo.
Um, thereare a coupleof, like, signsandPrideflagsatvarioushouses, kindof, like, onourstreetandthestreetsaroundus.