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  • Doctors at government hospitals in several Indian states have gone on an indefinite strike in protest at the rape and murder of a trainee doctor on Friday.


  • The woman's body was found with multiple injuries in a state-run hospital in West Bengal's Kolkata where she was a resident doctor.


  • The demonstrations demanding justice and better workplace security have now spread to other parts of the country.


  • Local media reports say a man who worked at the hospital has been in Mumbai.


  • Archana, what more first of all do we know about this dreadful attack on the doctor?


  • Well, the 31-year-old junior doctor, she was a trainee doctor at the hospital and was resting in a seminar hall where her body was found and you know she was a trainee doctor and after her body was found and the volunteer has been arrested as accused in the case.

    這位 31 歲的初級醫生是醫院的實習醫生,當時她正在一個研討大廳休息,她的屍體就在那裡被發現的。

  • The matter was being handled by the local police so far but the High Court, the Kolkata High Court has now asked the matter to be moved to the top crime agency of the country and that matter would now be looked at the top crime agency.


  • At the moment this has sparked outrage across the country where all the junior doctors who you know have been on the road in all hospitals they are saying that you know it has shaken their trust and as you know they're kind of questioning that are even hospitals a safe place to work and they are demanding that safety and security be beefed up and there be actual safety protocols for health care workers at their workplace.


  • And there have been a number of cases in India, haven't there Archana?


  • Very well publicized cases of violent attacks on women in a number of different circumstances this one as you say impacting hospitals.


  • Do the doctors hope that you know by taking this action not only will it make their workplaces safer but it may prompt some change?


  • Well definitely you know every time an incident as gruesome as this comes up to four people come out on streets there are candle marches and there are protests that are staged in to put pressure on the government and there have been laws to curtail and take tough action against the culprits but that hasn't deterred these sort of incidents in the past we know the government came up with a very harsh punishment and a policy that was called Nirbhaya which means fearless in Hindi for taking action against culprits for such gruesome acts but there still has been a lot of incidents reported on a daily basis in India and this one happening in hospitals definitely does rake up a lot of questions about security at government institutions and government service places like that of hospitals and that has sparked outrage across the country.

    當然,你知道每次發生像這樣可怕的事件 都會有四人走上街頭,舉行燭光遊行和抗議活動 向政府施壓,並制定法律來遏制和嚴厲打擊罪犯但在印度,每天仍有大量此類事件發生,而這起發生在醫院的事件無疑引發了人們對政府機構和政府服務場所(如醫院)安全的質疑,並在全國範圍內引發了憤怒。

  • Junior doctors even supported by the senior colleagues are coming out to question if the security arrangements at these government hospitals that cater to more than 40 to 50 percent of the health care services across the country do they have enough security in place for the health care staff that works in day and night and and that certainly is a big question mark and there's a lot of pressure being put at the state government as well because after the incident the principal of the Medical College where this incident happened had resigned and he was moved to another plump posting in another hospital and a lot of question was being has been raised and in fact even the High Court had raised that question to the government on why the top heads have not rolled as far.

    初級醫生甚至在資深同事的支持下站出來質疑這些政府醫院的安全安排,因為這些醫院承擔了全國 40%至 50%以上的醫療服務,他們是否為日夜工作的醫護人員提供了足夠的安全保障,這當然是一個很大的問號。因為事件發生後,該醫學院的校長已經辭職,並被調到另一家醫院任職,很多人對此提出了質疑,事實上,甚至高等法院也向政府提出了質疑,為什麼最高領導層還沒有滾蛋。

  • Archana, thank you very much.


  • Archana Shukla reporting.

    Archana Shukla 報道。

Doctors at government hospitals in several Indian states have gone on an indefinite strike in protest at the rape and murder of a trainee doctor on Friday.


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