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  • 5 minutes – a short sliver of time.

  • So small that it easily passes us by.

  • Scrolling your phone, texting your friends, watching TV, reading a book.

  • When you're doing something, 5 minutes feels like a blink of an eye.

  • It's so easy that we often overlook the power of this pocket of time.

  • You want to change your habits, your mindset, your life?

  • What if I told you it's possible in just 5 minutes a day?

  • First, you have to understand the power of compounding, which simply means that small daily actions will add up to massive results over time.

  • It's not about making a drastic change or putting in intense effort.

  • It's about tiny actions and daily choices.

  • The key being consistency.

  • So if you're inspired to change your life in 5 minutes a day,

  • I'm excited to share some ideas for you.

  • Before we get started, make sure to subscribe to this channel and you click that bell to be notified of all my new videos on personal growth and lifestyle design.

  • If you struggle with procrastination, try using the 5 minute rule to break your habit.

  • Whatever task you have to do, make it your goal to do that task for just 5 minutes.

  • Once 5 minutes has passed, you're done, and you're free to stop doing it if that's what you want.

  • What you'll often find though, is that once your 5 minutes are up, you're in the mood to keep doing it.

  • That's the beauty of this hack.

  • It helps you overcome the difficulty of starting, because it feels so much more doable when you say you'll only do something for 5 minutes.

  • Next, journaling.

  • Journaling is a powerful tool.

  • With just 5 minutes of journaling a day, you can understand yourself better, find clarity on your path and purpose, express your emotions, reframe your mindset, and so much more.

  • It all begins with intention.

  • What are you looking to cultivate in your life?

  • They say, whatever you focus on grows, so I created this joy journal to help cultivate more joy, gratitude, self love, and reflection in your daily life.

  • By focusing on the good and celebrating your life, you can cultivate a positive mindset and experience more joy and purpose in life.

  • My favorite part of this journal is the rotating prompt at the end of each day, so there's a little variety to spice up your daily entries.

  • You can find this new journal on our shop at

  • Another habit that can change your life is 5 minutes of meditation a day.

  • It's no coincidence that all the greats, the successful people in the world, the spiritual people in the world, meditate.

  • Meditation offers an abundance of benefits.

  • More calm, better focus, more creativity, self awareness, and beyond.

  • If you're looking for a way to start,

  • I have a guided morning meditation that's only 5 minutes long.

  • Listen to that every single morning and you can build your new habits from there.

  • Do you get overwhelmed at the thought of cleaning?

  • Yeah, me too.

  • So an amazing hack you can try is cleaning for 5 minutes at a time.

  • Instead of thinking you have to clean the whole house or fold all your laundry at once, just give yourself 5 minutes to clean or tidy something, anything.

  • It could be wiping one mirror or cleaning one window.

  • If you're consistently doing this for 5 minutes every day, pretty soon your entire house will be clean.

  • If you want to be continually learning and growing, try incorporating a habit of reading for 5 minutes a day.

  • Think of how much better it will be for your mind and mental health to spend this time reading a book instead of scrolling on social media.

  • Social media has shortened our attention spans so much, which is hurting our ability to be patient and go deeper.

  • Books contain so much depth and a wealth of knowledge, so try getting back into reading with this 5 minute hack.

  • Next, if you live a sedentary lifestyle and spend all day sitting, consider adding 5 minutes of movement into your routine.

  • 5 minutes may seem short, but you'd be amazed at what 5 minutes of walking outside, stretching, or even dancing can do.

  • Immediately you'll feel more energized and refreshed because you got up and started moving.

  • If you've been working at your desk for too long, try putting on a fun song and have a 5 minute dance break.

  • These 5 minute movement breaks are short yet impactful.

  • Another small but effective habit is to take 5 minutes to plan your day the night before.

  • Think of all the things that need to get done and prioritize the three most important tasks that you will work on.

  • Knowing your three most important tasks will keep you from getting distracted by all the smaller tasks that inevitably show up.

  • Don't forget to plan your self care activities as well, so you can be ready to have a balanced and fulfilling day.

  • Lastly, a powerful habit to implement is 5 minutes of visualization a day.

  • Visualization is when you close your eyes and visualize your ideal future, your ideal self living your dream life.

  • You can do this during meditation or at night before falling asleep.

  • The more you can visualize what you desire, the more you'll be able to create and attract it into your reality.

  • You're basically rehearsing your dream life in your mind, so you can start to embody your future self now.

  • Don't underestimate the power of 5 minutes a day to change your life.

  • These ideas are all amazing, but I'd recommend you start with one new habit at a time.

  • Which of these habits will take you closer to your ideal self and your dream life?

  • Comment down below.

  • Again, make sure you check out the new 5 Minute Joy Journal on The Lavendaire Shop.

  • The link is down below.

  • Sending you so much love.

  • Bye!

5 minutes – a short sliver of time.

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