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  • Little Fox

  • Meet the animals walrus

  • Hi there, who are you?

  • I'm a walrus

  • Walruses are big sea mammals

  • Where do you live?

  • We live near the Arctic Circle

  • It is very cold here

  • How do you stay warm?

  • We have lots of blubber

  • Blubber is a type of fat

  • It keeps us nice and warm

  • You have huge tusks

  • Our tusks are long teeth

  • We use them to poke holes in ice

  • Our tusks also protect us from enemies

  • Walruses swim very well

  • We're not fast

  • But we can swim for a long time

  • What do you eat?

  • Walruses mostly eat clams from the ocean floor

  • We use our whiskers to find the clams

  • Do you live with other walruses?

  • Yes, walruses live in big groups

  • We like to lie on the beach together

  • It's time to sleep now

  • Goodbye

  • Goodbye, walrus

  • Meet the animals

  • Eastern box turtle

  • Oh, hi

  • Who are you?

  • I'm an eastern box turtle

  • Turtles are reptiles

  • Where do you live?

  • Eastern box turtles live in the United States

  • We like forests, meadows, and marshes

  • Do you like the water?

  • We usually live near ponds and streams

  • We go in the water to cool off

  • I like your shell

  • Our shells are very hard

  • We can hide inside them

  • That protects us from enemies

  • What do you eat?

  • Older eastern box turtles mostly eat plants

  • But younger ones like fish, snails, and bugs

  • How long do you live?

  • We can live for a long time

  • Some of us live over a hundred years

  • Do you lay eggs?

  • Yes, we dig holes with our back legs

  • Then we lay eggs in the hole

  • Babies crawl out three months later

  • I see a fox

  • I'm going to hide in my shell

  • Goodbye, eastern box turtle

  • Meet the animals

  • Hello

  • Who are you?

  • I'm a porcupine

  • Porcupines are large rodents

  • Rodents have sharp front teeth

  • Where do you live?

  • Porcupines live all over the world

  • Some like forests or caves

  • We live in snowbanks and the desert, too

  • What do you eat?

  • Many porcupines like bark

  • We bite it with our big teeth

  • We also like grass and fruit

  • You have needles on your fur

  • Those are my quills

  • They are very sharp

  • Why do you have quills?

  • Our quills protect us

  • They lie flat unless an enemy comes near

  • Then our quills pop up

  • What do the quills do then?

  • They can stick into enemies' skin

  • They are very hard to get out

  • And they hurt

  • Can you climb trees?

  • Many porcupines are good climbers

  • But others stay on the ground

  • I see some grass

  • It's time to eat

  • See you later, porcupine

  • Hi!

  • Who are you?

  • I'm a red-eyed tree frog

  • Frogs are amphibians

  • Where do you live?

  • Red-eyed tree frogs live in North and South America

  • We like rainforests

  • Do you live in trees?

  • We live in trees near water

  • Tadpoles live in the water

  • Tadpoles are baby frogs

  • What do you eat?

  • What do you eat?

  • Red-eyed tree frogs eat insects

  • We like crickets, moths, and flies

  • We catch prey with our long, sticky tongues

  • Where do you sleep?

  • We sleep on the bottoms of leaves

  • We can stick to the leaves

  • Do you have any enemies?

  • Birds and snakes try to eat us

  • But our colors help protect us

  • Our green bodies blend in with leaves

  • What if an enemy sees you?

  • Our red eyes can surprise enemies

  • Then we jump!

  • Our orange legs also surprise enemies

  • Oh no! I see a snake!

  • Goodbye, red-eyed tree frog!

  • Meet the animals!

  • Hello up there!

  • Who are you?

  • I'm a green iguana.

  • Iguanas are a type of lizard.

  • Where do you live?

  • We live in warm places like Central America

  • The rainforest is our home

  • I like your spines

  • Our spines protect us from enemies

  • We have strong tails, too

  • We use them to fight enemies

  • Your tail is very long

  • Sometimes we break off our tails

  • This helps us escape danger

  • Later, we grow new tails

  • Do you like to climb?

  • Yes, we use our claws to climb

  • We spend lots of time in trees

  • What do you eat?

  • We eat leaves, fruit, and flowers

  • We have sharp teeth for chewing

  • Do you go in the water?

  • Sometimes we hide from enemies in the water

  • We can stay underwater for a long time

  • Uh-oh! I hear a hawk!

  • It's time for a swim

  • Goodbye, green iguana!

  • Meet the animals!

  • Clownfish

  • Hi there!

  • Who are you?

  • I'm a clownfish.

  • We are very colorful fish.

  • Where do you live?

  • Clownfish live in the ocean.

  • We like warm water.

  • We swim near rocks and reefs.

  • What do you eat?

  • Clownfish eat lots of plants.

  • We also eat tiny animals.

  • What's behind you?

  • That's a sea anemone.

  • Some fish are afraid of them.

  • But I'm not.

  • You like anemones?

  • Yes, we help each other.

  • Clownfish live with anemones.

  • They protect us from enemies.

  • How do clownfish help anemones?

  • Clownfish clean anemones.

  • We chase their enemies away.

  • And we share our food.

  • Do all clownfish look like you?

  • No, clownfish have different colors.

  • Some have different patterns.

  • Look, I have three white stripes.

  • Oh, no! The anemone needs help!

  • Goodbye!

  • Goodbye, clownfish!

  • Meet the animals!

  • Gecko

  • Hello!

  • Who are you?

  • I'm a gecko.

  • Geckos are cute.

  • I'm a gecko.

  • Geckos are colorful lizards.

  • Where do you live?

  • Geckos live all over the world.

  • We like rainforests and deserts.

  • But some geckos live in cold places.

  • What do you eat?

  • Geckos eat lots of insects.

  • We also like fruit and flower nectar.

  • Your tail is cool.

  • Our tails help us climb.

  • And they protect us from enemies.

  • How do your tails protect you?

  • Sometimes enemies grab our tails.

  • We break off our tails to escape.

  • They grow back quickly.

  • Do geckos make sounds?

  • Yes, many lizards hiss.

  • But geckos also click and chirp.

  • We can even bark.

  • You have cute little toes.

  • We have pads on our toes.

  • The pads are sticky.

  • That helps us climb and stick to things.

  • I see a tasty cricket.

  • See you later.

  • Goodbye, gecko.

  • Thanks for watching.

Little Fox

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