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  • Arctic Monkeys is a band that earned their fame before they even released their first album.

    Arctic Monkeys 是一支在發行第一張專輯之前就已聲名鵲起的樂隊。

  • They managed to experiment with heavy garage rock, pop rock, punk, and more while still keeping their sound congruent across their five albums.


  • They've also stayed incredibly relevant in mainstream music despite the fall in rock music's popularity.


  • Let's take a closer look at how they managed to do this.


  • Arctic Monkeys is a band that was formed in High Green, Sheffield in England in 2002.

    北極猴子(Arctic Monkeys)是一支樂隊,2002 年成立於英格蘭謝菲爾德的海格林(High Green)。

  • The founding members Alex Turner, Matt Helders, Jamie Cook, and Annie Nicholson started out as a band that was inspired by their local peers to play music.

    創始成員亞歷克斯-特納(Alex Turner)、馬特-赫爾德斯(Matt Helders)、傑米-庫克(Jamie Cook)和安妮-尼科爾森(Annie Nicholson)最初是受當地同齡人的啟發而組建的樂隊。

  • The Sheffield music scene was filled with other bands that played guitar music at the time, and the guys decided to start their own.


  • They eventually started practicing in Yellow Arch Studios in Nibsend and played their first ever gig in June of 2003 at their local pub, The Grapes.

    最終,他們開始在尼布森德的黃色拱門工作室練習,並於 2003 年 6 月在當地的酒吧 "葡萄 "進行了首次演出。

  • Later that year, they released a demo CD with 18 songs.

    同年晚些時候,他們發行了一張包含 18 首歌曲的樣帶 CD。

  • It was a demo that the band gave away for free at their concerts initially to spread more awareness of them.


  • Thanks to their willingness to give away their music for free, many initial fans uploaded their music to the internet.


  • And from there, their music continued to be shared and spread all around the world.


  • This demo was to be known by the name Beneath the Boardwalk, because when the first sender received a batch of the CDs, he didn't have any name to classify them with, so he simply named them after the place he received them, quote Beneath the Boardwalk.

    這盤試聽帶被命名為 "Beneath the Boardwalk",因為當第一位寄件人收到一批 CD 時,他沒有任何名稱來對它們進行分類,所以他乾脆以他收到 CD 的地點命名,引用了 "Beneath the Boardwalk"。

  • This led to a lot of people falsely believing that Beneath the Boardwalk was the actual title, and sometimes people believed that it was their first full-length album.

    這導致很多人誤以為《Beneath the Boardwalk》才是真正的專輯名稱,有時還有人認為這是他們的第一張全長專輯。

  • But before their debut album, they actually issued a limited single release and also played a famously remembered gig at the Reading in Leeds Festival.


  • They played at a very small stage called the Carling Stage, and because their reputation had grown so immensely during the past years, an unusually large crowd came to watch them.

    他們在一個名為 Carling 舞臺的很小的舞臺上演出,由於他們在過去幾年中聲名鵲起,前來觀看他們演出的觀眾異常之多。

  • Later on, as the band signed to Domino Records in June of 2005, they decided to start working on their first album.

    後來,樂隊於 2005 年 6 月與多米諾唱片公司簽約,決定開始製作第一張專輯。

  • Later that year, they were offered some pretty good deals with other record labels, such as EMI and Epic Records, but the guys decided to stay true to Domino, because they liked

    同年晚些時候,EMI 和 Epic Records 等其他唱片公司也為他們提供了相當不錯的合約,但他們決定繼續留在 Domino,因為他們喜歡

  • Lawrence Bell, the owner of the labels, down-to-earth approach to running the business.

    標籤店老闆勞倫斯-貝爾(Lawrence Bell)腳踏實地地經營企業。

  • On the 23rd of January in 2006, their debut album, Whatever People Say I Am, That's

    2006 年 1 月 23 日,他們的首張專輯《無論人們說我是什麼,那就是我》(Whatever People Say I Am, That's

  • What I'm Not, was released.


  • And it was released to a huge wave of fans.


  • It turned out to be the fastest-selling debut album in British music history, shifting over 360,000 copies during its first week.

    該專輯成為英國音樂史上銷量最快的首張專輯,首周銷量超過 36 萬張。

  • In retrospect, a lot of people refer to this as a concept album.


  • Many of the songs are about being young, going out, being with girls, getting drunk, and living all of those experiences surrounding that lifestyle.


  • All the songs play out as observations made by the frontman and vocalist, Alex Turner.

    所有歌曲都是主唱亞歷克斯-特納(Alex Turner)根據自己的觀察創作的。

  • It doesn't matter if it's a limousine full of dressed-up girls, a bleak reference to his own music scene, or his intimate and romantic memories.


  • No matter what he sings about, it seems like Alex Turner has this thing for putting things straight.


  • He simply sings about what he feels, thinks, and the experiences he's had.


  • And he comes across as a very transparent and smart singer and lyricist.


  • Keeping their work ethic together, the band quickly released an EP just a few months after the release of their debut album, Who the Fuck Are The Arctic Monkeys.

    在首張專輯《Who the Fuck Are The Arctic Monkeys》發行幾個月後,樂隊就迅速發行了一張EP。

  • Some people have criticized the band for releasing the EP so fast, calling it money-grabbing and cashing in on their success.

    有人責備樂隊發行 EP 的速度太快,稱其為 "圈錢 "和 "趁火打劫"。

  • But the guys simply found touring to be quite boring, so they wanted some time in between to be creative, and this is the result.


  • Before they started touring North America, bassist Ann Nicholson decided to take a break from the band because of fatigue.

    在開始北美巡演之前,貝斯手安-尼科爾森(Ann Nicholson)因為疲勞決定離開樂隊。

  • It's also stated that the fame was a bit overwhelming for him, so he later decided to quit the band, and then he was later replaced by Nick O'Malley.

    還有人說,成名對他來說有點難以承受,所以他後來決定退出樂隊,後來尼克-奧馬利(Nick O'Malley)取代了他的位置。

  • Then on the 23rd of April 2007, they released their second full-length album, Favorite Worst

    2007 年 4 月 23 日,他們發行了第二張全長專輯《Favorite Worst》。

  • Nightmare.


  • This was yet another major success for the band, but in terms of sound, it was a bit different compared to their debut.


  • The music publication Uncut said that the album was more ambitious, heavier, and with a fiercely bright production.


  • You can certainly hear the heaviness of this album during the opening track, Brainstorm.


  • Brainstorm


  • Drummer Matt Helders said, quote,

    鼓手馬特-赫爾德斯(Matt Helders)如是說、

  • James was DJing loads in the evening so we would go out and have a dance, end quote.

    詹姆斯晚上經常做 DJ,所以我們會出去跳舞,結束語。

  • As a result of being inspired by the DJing, the drum rhythms of Helders have drawn comparisons to 80s funk band ESG.

    由於受到 DJ 技巧的啟發,赫爾德斯的鼓點節奏與 80 年代的放克樂隊 ESG 相提並論。

  • Apparently a lot of fans think drumming on this album was one of the more outstanding things to it.


  • But in my opinion, this is not the only outstanding thing.


  • For example, the band's love for classic films also influenced their new style on this album too.


  • For example, the organ at the beginning of the album's final track, 505, is directly taken from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.


  • After releasing and touring their second album, the band went on a short hiatus.


  • But they quickly went back to writing new material in 2008, 24 new songs made of the bass for their third album.

    但他們很快又在 2008 年開始創作新材料,為他們的第三張專輯創作了 24 首貝司新歌。

  • 12 of these songs were recorded in Rancho de la Luna in Los Angeles with the help of

    其中 12 首歌曲是在洛杉磯的 Rancho de la Luna 錄製的,錄製過程中得到了以下人員的幫助

  • Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme.


  • And the next year they recorded the next 12 songs in New York together with James Ford.

    第二年,他們與詹姆斯-福特一起在紐約錄製了接下來的 12 首歌曲。

  • But only 10 of all of these songs actually made it onto the album.

    但實際上,所有這些歌曲中只有 10 首被收錄到專輯中。

  • On, writer Simon Harper praised Turner's songwriting skills by writing, quote,

    在 網站上,作家西蒙-哈珀(Simon Harper)寫道:"特納的歌曲創作技巧值得稱讚、

  • Turner is his usual eloquent self, but has definitely graduated into an incomparable writer whose themes, twist and turn through stories and allegories so potent and profound, it actually leaves one breathless.


  • Humbug was released in late 2009 and went straight to the top of the UK album charts, just like the band's previous albums.

    Humbug 於 2009 年末發行,與樂隊之前的專輯一樣,直接登上英國專輯榜榜首。

  • And the advancement of drum-based music on their second album was just one of many steps they would take forward.


  • On Humbug, they make use of the baritone, slide guitars and percussion instruments such as xylophone, glockenspiels and shakers.


  • You can also find keyboards on almost every song on the album.


  • Again, this is an album where they actually expand in terms of what instruments they wanted to use.


  • But the instruments was just the beginning.


  • Stylistically speaking, Humbug has been noted for having some of their heaviest music on it.


  • Pretty Visitors is a good example of a very heavy song.

    Pretty Visitors》就是一首非常沉重的歌曲的典範。

  • Alex Turner has also later confessed that he's inspired by rap music and it also sounds like he's dropping a few bars near the end of that song.


  • Just listen.


  • The album is definitely slower in tempo compared to their previous albums and utilizes guitar effects that make them sound quite different from what they made before.


  • In an NMA article, Mike Williams writes,

    邁克-威廉姆斯(Mike Williams)在 NMA 的一篇文章中寫道、

  • Quote,


  • If Arctic Monkeys had never walked into the desert with Josh Homme to record Humbug in 2009, they could have never made AM.

    如果北極猴子沒有在 2009 年與喬什-霍姆(Josh Homme)一起走進沙漠錄製《Humbug》,他們就不可能製作出《AM》。

  • Humbug was as much about subverting people's impressions of who the band were as it was an album in its own right.


  • Now after the Humbug tour, the band was once again ready to craft another record.

    現在,在 Humbug 巡演之後,樂隊再次做好了製作新唱片的準備。

  • Then they decided to collaborate with James Ford as their producer and recorded the album in the famous Sound City Studios in LA in 2010 and 11.

    之後,他們決定與製作人詹姆斯-福特(James Ford)合作,並於 2010 年和 2011 年在洛杉磯著名的 Sound City Studios 錄製了這張專輯。

  • The album was named Suck It and See and was released during the summer of 2011.

    這張專輯名為《Suck It and See》,於 2011 年夏天發行。

  • This was yet another historical moment for the band because it was their fourth record in a row to reach number one on the album chart.


  • About the album's sound, drummer Matt Helders said,

    關於這張專輯的聲音,鼓手馬特-赫爾德斯(Matt Helders)說、

  • Some of the songs are a bit more instant, he explained, a bit more poppy, certainly than Humbug was.


  • It's enjoyable for us and the listener, and it's a bit more easygoing.


  • Not easy listening, but with a few poppier tunes, but in an interesting way.


  • According to the band, the album takes inspiration from Johnny Cash, George Jones, and Patsy


  • Klein amongst others.


  • Their recording and creative process for this album was quite different from some of their previous ones.


  • Instead of going into the studio with unfinished songs and relying on overdubbing, much of the material was rehearsed and finished before recording it.


  • The band recorded many of the songs live and focused on using as little overdubs as possible.


  • Now, a fun fact about the release of this record, in some stores in the US, the title on the front of the album was covered with a big sticker.


  • This was a censorship that was applied because many Americans interpreted the expression suck it and see in a much more vulgar way.

    之所以實施這種審查,是因為許多美國人對 "吸吮它,看 "這一表達方式的理解要粗俗得多。

  • It's actually an English expression that means that you should try something before you judge it.


  • Now, finally, let's talk about their fifth studio album, AM.


  • It saw the band taking their sound in a new direction once again.


  • You might not be surprised to hear that this album too peaked in the UK charts and became a huge commercial success, helping the band to conquer new grounds in mainstream music.


  • About the title of the album, Alex said quote, I actually stole it from the Velvet Underground.

    關於這張專輯的名字,亞歷克斯說:"我實際上是從地下絲絨樂隊(Velvet Underground)那裡偷來的。

  • I'll just confess that now and get it out of the way.


  • The VU record, obviously.


  • Turner later revealed that the band had originally planned to call the album The New Black after a guitar amp they'd used during the recording process, but since he felt like AM, which stands for Arctic Monkeys obviously, fit better for the occasion, they went for that instead.

    特納後來透露,樂隊原本打算用他們在錄音過程中使用過的一個吉他音箱來命名這張專輯《The New Black》,但由於他覺得 "AM"(北極猴子的縮寫)更適合這個場合,所以就用了這個名字。

  • When starting to create ideas for AM, they would set up rehearsals in LA's Sage and


  • Sound studios, and use a four-track cassette recorder to record their ideas on to begin with.


  • Then, when producer James Ford hit the studio, they dropped the cassette recorder, used some of the ideas they had already recorded as they were, and made modifications to others.

    然後,當製作人詹姆斯-福特(James Ford)來到錄音室時,他們放下了錄音帶錄音機,原封不動地使用了一些已經錄製好的創意,並對其他創意進行了修改。

  • For a long time, the band lived by the ethos that they should easily be able to play the songs live, right after recording them, and would therefore record the songs similarly to how they would perform them.


  • But as for the production of this record, they threw that mentality away, quote, we thought it more important to make a good sounding record than hold on to the idea that we should have to be able to play it live.

    我們認為,製作一張好聽的唱片比堅持 "我們必須能夠現場演奏 "的想法更重要。

  • As a result, there was more overdubbing involved, and they would usually start recording the bass and drums to begin with, to get the groove and rhythm just right.


  • They would also experiment with the setup of Helder's drum kit, setting it up in unconventional ways.


  • And about the drums, Helder said, on other songs, I would play kick drum for a take, then add some snare to try to get an isolated sound.


  • I found the challenge of playing an effect on a drum kit interesting.


  • I didn't understand the appeal of trying to sound like a machine, like Questlove from

    我不明白試圖讓自己的聲音聽起來像一臺機器的吸引力,就像 Questlove 從

  • The Roots when I first started playing the drums, but I get it a bit more now.

    我剛開始打鼓的時候是 Roots,但現在我聽得更明白了。

  • Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme once again collaborated with the band on their song Knee Socks.

    石器時代皇后樂隊(Queens of the Stone Age)主唱喬什-霍姆(Josh Homme)再次與樂隊合作,創作了歌曲《Knee Socks》。

  • About working with Josh, Alex said, quote, he came down and sort of got us out of a little rut.


  • It's fun.


  • It's friends.


  • Extended family now.


  • They came around, had a fun night.


  • His contribution to the record is really exciting.


  • It's probably my favorite.


  • The 30 seconds that he's in, there is just, I don't know, it's something that I've never heard before.

    在他出場的 30 秒鐘裡,我不知道,這是我以前從未聽到過的。

  • Not to blow my own trumpet or anything, but you know what I'm saying.


  • The album also features guest appearances from Pete Thomas, who's known for being the drummer for Elvis Costello, and we also find Bill Ryder Jones on the album, who's famous for being the co-founder of The Choral, and is also a part of Turner's other band, The

    專輯中還有皮特-托馬斯(Pete Thomas)的客串演出,他曾是貓王科斯特洛(Elvis Costello)的鼓手,專輯中還出現了比爾-萊德-瓊斯(Bill Ryder Jones)的身影。

  • Last Shadow Puppets.


  • This is also an album that has been cited for a range of different influences.


  • You can find traces from psychedelic rock, blues rock, R&B, soul, and even some hip hop in here.


  • Now, looking back at the years when they started playing in 2002 and up until today, we can see that the band has been through numerous changes.

    現在,回顧他們從 2002 年開始演出到今天的歲月,我們可以看到樂隊經歷了無數的變化。

  • Alex Turner's singing style is a great example of this.


  • In the beginning, he went for a very raw, fast, and unhinged style, and as time passed by, he started singing cleaner, with a different accent, and with a more laid-back cadence.


  • Secondly, they brought in new elements in their music.


  • Starting out, they played very fast and heavy music, inspired by garage rock, post-punk, and indie rock.


  • Then their music took on elements of desert and stoner rock, and later they sprinkled some pop on top of that.


  • But their gradual change doesn't only appear in their music, though.


  • In later years, the band also seemed to be more aware of their style, and Alex Turner, for example, incorporated a 50s fashion style, with the elephant's trunk hairdo, and the leather jacket.

    在後來的幾年裡,樂隊似乎也更加註重自己的風格,比如亞歷克斯-特納(Alex Turner)就融入了 50 年代的時尚風格,留起了大象的軀幹髮型,穿上了皮夾克。

  • And in 2013, he stated himself that, quote, there's something about the 50s look that feels futuristic, it just protrudes forward.

    2013 年,他自己說,"50 年代的外觀有一種未來感,它向前突出。

  • The teaser video for their new album Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino is also taking inspiration from the past, but rather from the 70s aesthetic of a futuristic-looking hotel.

    他們的新專輯《寧靜基地酒店賭場》的預告視頻也是從過去汲取靈感,但更像是從 70 年代美學風格的未來派酒店中汲取靈感。

  • No matter what their new music is going to sound like, it sure is an exciting time for a band that so far has been at the peak of rock music for the past two decades.


  • Alright, so that's the video for today, guys.


  • I just want to give an extra thanks to all of my Patreons.


  • Thank you so much for supporting me and helping me create better videos.


  • And if you want to support me as well, make sure you click the first link in the description below.


  • Also, a big shout-out to Volksgeist, this is a friend of mine who's running another channel and he recently made a video about AM.

    另外,我要向 Volksgeist 致以崇高的敬意,他是我的一個朋友,正在經營另一個頻道,最近他製作了一個關於 AM 的視頻。

  • So if you want to know more about that specific Arctic Monkeys album, then make sure you click the second link below, and there's also a link in the comments if you want to check it out.


  • Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you later.


Arctic Monkeys is a band that earned their fame before they even released their first album.

Arctic Monkeys 是一支在發行第一張專輯之前就已聲名鵲起的樂隊。

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