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  • This is reality! I am everywhere, and nowhere!

  • What the hell?

  • Huh?

  • I am nothing, and everything!

  • Huh. That was pretty weird.

  • Visitors, this morning you took my brother, Ike.

  • He's the little freckled kid that looks like a football.

  • At first, I was happy you took him away, but I've learned something today.

  • That having a little brother is a pretty special thing.

  • Yeah.

  • Ah, heck, Mr. Visitors. I'm just a kid all alone in this crazy world.

  • But if you could find it in your hearts, or whatever you have, to give my brother back to me, it sure would make my life brighter again.

  • That was beautiful, dude.

  • Did it work?

  • Nope, they're leaving.

  • Hey, you scrawny-ass sh**!

  • What the f**k is wrong with you? You must be some kind of f**k!

  • To be able to ignore a crying child!

  • Whoa, dude! You know what you f**k like!

  • You like to f**k, sh**, and f**k, and f**k, and f**k!

  • But you know, I've learned something today.

  • I've learned that people who want power, a lot of power, always end up dead.

  • Yeah, you know, I've learned something today.

  • Family isn't about whose blood you have, it's about who you care about.

  • Yeah.

  • And that's why I feel like you guys are more than just friends.

  • You're my family.

  • Except for Cartman.

  • You know, I think we all learned something today.

  • It's fine to have your own beliefs and your own traditions, but as soon as you start excluding people from your ways, only because of their race, you become separatist.

  • And being a separatist sucks a**.

  • You see, son? Fads come and go.

  • And this Chimpokomon is obviously nothing more than a fad.

  • You don't have to be a part of it.

  • In fact, you can make an even stronger statement by saying to your peers,

  • I'm not going to be a part of this fad because I'm an individual.

  • Do you understand?

  • Yes. Yes, I do, Dad.

  • Now let me tell you how it works in the real world.

  • In the real world, I can either get a Chimpokomon, or I can be the only kid with that one which singles me out and causes the other kids to make fun of me and kick my a**.

  • Ike, please.

  • I know your first love seems like the only love, but trust me, it's not.

  • You have so much potential.

  • You don't even need a kid like Cartman to be able to trust you.

  • You have way more potential than me.

  • Ike, I'm a kid.

  • I know your first love seems like the only love, but trust me, it's not.

  • You have so much life ahead of you.

  • You who don't believe in true love don't understand.

  • Ike, you need to have a life.

  • Have fun.

  • Then ruin it by having a serious relationship.

  • I've learned something today.

  • Sometimes people have trouble fitting in at school and...

  • and, um...

  • Let's see, what did I learn about...

  • What did I learn about that?

  • No, wait.

  • No, no, that was good. What were you gonna say?

  • Yeah, but you know, I've learned something today.

  • It would have been wrong for us to exploit Butter's weight loss because then lots of fat people would have believed it and then gone and eaten a ton of Chinese food instead of dieting properly.

  • They'd still be fat and we'd be responsible for their shattered dreams.

  • Wait.

  • Wait, I think I can explain this whole thing.

  • Marklar, these Marklars went to change your Marklar.

  • They don't want this Marklar or any of his Marklars to live here because it's bad for their Marklar.

  • They use Marklar to try and force Marklars to believe they're Marklar.

  • If you let them stay here, they will build Marklars and Marklars.

  • They will take all your Marklars and replace them with Marklar.

  • These Marklars have no good Marklar to live on Marklar so they must come here to Marklar.

  • They will destroy Marklar.

  • They will destroy Marklar.

  • They will destroy Marklar.

  • They don't want Marklar to live on Marklar so they must come here to Marklar.

  • Please, let these Marklars stay where they can grow and prosper without any Marklars.

  • Marklars are Marklars.

  • Young Marklar, your Marklars are wise and true.

  • Yeah, but you know, I think you've learned something today.

  • You've learned that you can't rewrite history.

  • You see, history is forever and everything happens for a reason.

  • Sure, you can try to change the past, but usually, you know...

  • Where are you going?

  • Excuse me?

  • My name is Brad and I need to report a crime, anonymously.

  • Oh? What's the crime?

  • Well, I attend South Park Elementary and one of the teachers is having sex with a student.

  • Oh my God! Did you hear what he said?

  • You did the right thing telling the police, Brad.

  • Now, who is the teacher? What's his name?

  • Well, it isn't a guy teacher, it's a woman.

  • A woman?

  • Yeah, she's having sex with a boy.

  • Oh, but she's ugly, right?

  • Well, no, not really. It's the kindergarten teacher, Ms. Stevenson.

  • The blonde?

  • Yeah.

  • Some young boy is having sex with Ms. Stevenson?

  • Yes.

  • Nice.

  • Nice.

  • What? No, you don't understand it.

  • Are you sure they've had sex?

  • Yeah.

  • Has she performed oral sex on him?

  • I think so.

  • Nice.

  • Nice.

  • Nice.

  • So wait, what's the crime?

  • The crime is she isn't doing it with me.

  • Hey, he's totally underage. She's taking advantage of him.

  • You're right. We're sorry. This is serious.

  • We need to track this student down and give him his luckiest boy in American medal right away.

  • Snooki wants Smurfs.

  • No! You guys, it's raping me! It's raping me!

  • Jesus Christ, what the hell do we do?

  • Oh God!

  • Get out of here!

  • Get out of here!

  • What?

  • Dude.

  • Get out of here, you piece of garbage!

  • You want to Smurfs go creeping somewhere else!

  • Snooki is a Smurfs, you see?

  • You're garbage! You know that? You're cabbage!

  • No, no, no! No, no, no! Sticky cabbage!

  • You got cabbage in your mouth!

  • Sticky cabbage! Sticky cabbage!

  • You got cabbage in your f***ing mouth!

  • Sticky cabbage!

  • Whee!

  • Kyle?

  • What the hell are you doing back here?

  • Listen, you don't have to do this!

  • Our imaginations aren't running wild anymore!

  • Why is it so easy for children to break into the Pentagon?

  • You have to stop!

  • If I'm not mistaken, you're the one who bet that leprechauns weren't real.

  • So why do you care what happens?

  • Because I...

  • Because I think they are real.

  • It's all real. Think about it.

  • Haven't Luke Skywalker and Santa Claus affected your lives more than most real people in this room?

  • I mean, whether Jesus is real or not, he's had a bigger impact on the world than any of us have.

  • And the same can be said for Bugs Bunny and Superman and Harry Potter.

  • They've changed my life.

  • Changed the way I act on the Earth.

  • Doesn't that make them kind of real?

  • They might be imaginary, but they're more important than most of us here.

  • And they're all going to be around long after we're dead.

  • So in a way, those things are more realer than any of us.

  • Boy, I'm sure glad that's over with.

  • Me too!

  • Yeah, but you know, I learned something today.

  • We thought we could make money on the Internet.

  • But while the Internet is new and exciting for creative people, it hasn't matured as a distribution mechanism to the extent that one should trade real and immediate opportunities for income for the promise of future online revenue.

  • It will be a few years before digital distribution of media on the Internet can be monetized to an extent that necessitates content producers to forego their fair value in more traditional media.

  • Yeah.

  • But you know, I've learned something today.

  • You see, the basis of all reasoning is the mind's awareness of itself.

  • What we think, the external objects we perceive, are all like actors that come on and off stage.

  • But our consciousness, the stage itself, is always present to us.

  • Tits.

  • You see, we've learned something today.

  • Swearing can be fun, but doing it all the time causes a lot of problems.

  • We're all saying the S-word too much.

  • Kyle.

  • Look, Gerald, Kyle's on television.

  • Uh-huh.

  • The Knights of Standards and Practices were created to make sure that bad words were kept to a minimum.

  • Curse words? They're called that because they are cursed.

  • We have to go back to only using curse words in rare, extreme circumstances.

  • And besides, too much use of a dirty word takes away from its impact.

  • We believe in free speech and all that, but making a few words taboo just adds to the fun of English.

  • So please, everyone, from now on, you've got to try and watch your language.

  • Yeah, that makes sense.

  • You guys, I think we should bail out of this right now.

  • Huh? I just know where this is heading.

  • It's going to end up with the whole town taking this too far and us having to talk about what we learned to change everyone's minds and I say we just stop it right now and go play cards or something.

  • No! What we really should do is go to our parents right now and take responsibility for smoking ourselves, even if it means getting grounded.

  • Why?

  • Because if we go to the tobacco company, I know exactly what'll happen.

  • They'll take us in and then Rob Reiner will show up with all the townspeople holding torches or something and there'll be a big showdown until we talk about what we learned and change everyone's minds.

  • This is all following a formula.

  • I learned something today.

  • You just hate... See? I knew it.

  • You just hate smoking, so you use all your money and power to force others to think like you and that's called fascism, you tubby asshole.

  • Listen, this is all you need to know.

  • The economy is not a supernatural, all-knowing entity.

  • The economy is just an idea made up by people thousands of years ago.

  • The economy is not real and yet it is real.

  • Nowadays they'll give credit cards to practically anyone who applies for them.

  • I applied for this yesterday to prove a point.

  • It is an American Express Platinum card.

  • It has no spending limit.

  • Do not be afraid.

  • This is only plastic.

  • It's just something made up by people.

  • Truly meaningless until we put our faith in it.

  • Faith is what makes an economy exist.

  • Without faith, it is only plastic cards and paper money.

  • Kyle?

  • Dude, what are you doing here? Everybody's looking for you.

  • Kyle, do you know what happened to me this morning, Stan?

  • This morning, I woke up and felt a sharp pain in my ass.

  • I felt down there and found this big sore lump on my ass, Stan.

  • I couldn't even sit down, so

  • I had to tell my mother, which was humiliating.

  • She took me to the doctor, which was more humiliating, and he told me,

  • I have a hemorrhoid.

  • It's like an infected blood vessel on your ass.

  • I'm nine years old and I have a hemorrhoid, Stan.

  • I have a hemorrhoid, and Cartman has his own theme park.

  • Kyle, I understand what you mean, but...

  • Do you? Do you, Stan?

  • Because all my life I was raised to believe in Jehovah, to believe that we should all behave a certain way and good things will come to us.

  • I make mistakes, but every week I try to better myself.

  • I'm always saying, you know, I learned something today.

  • And what does this so-called God give me in return?

  • A hemorrhoid. It doesn't make sense.

  • What is your logic?

  • Ow.

  • Ow.

This is reality! I am everywhere, and nowhere!

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