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  • I just finished Vxpo, which was the first Vtuber convention in the UK.

  • And in summary, it was...

  • Just all watching my stream in here.

  • What the hell is going on?

  • Who's next?

  • Is it Shu Yamino?

  • Exhausting.

  • Well, exhausting in a good way.

  • There is so much stuff that happened there, I don't even know where to begin.

  • Ugh.

  • Bro, these do not taste nice.

  • Why?

  • What the fuck?

  • Bouncy protein bar.

  • Why would they think to put protein with bounty?

  • What the hell is this?

  • Hey, yo!

  • Bomni?

  • Yes, Jax?

  • This is amazing, thank you so much.

  • What is this?

  • This is a little creepy, but like, I kind of like it, to be honest.

  • I can't help but have the feeling that maybe this is gonna like, watch me sleep at night.

  • Open for gift description.

  • Hi Kuro, I've included the following in this package.

  • A ball-jointed pomni-doll I got from Etsy.

  • With patience, she can stand on hard surfaces and be moved into different positions.

  • A ball prism.

  • If you hold it in front of your eye, it will change the way you see the world.

  • Whoa!

  • Oh my god.

  • This is what spiders see all the time.

  • These Totoro cards are a callback to the watch-along you had, and also an IRL donor for you to spend as you wish.

  • Huh?

  • What?

  • 100 Smackaroos!

  • This is what the inside looks like.

  • Pretty sick.

  • I hope these gifts brighten your mood, just as you brighten the lives of many others.

  • The mischievous ghost.

  • Aw, thank you so much, mischievous ghost.

  • I will spend this money on hard cocaine.

  • Bullshit rock!

  • BTS!

  • It's me!

  • We got some Beans socks.

  • Thank you for the socks.

  • I appreciate it.

  • Mao and Pimples.

  • I've never actually tried these.

  • First time review!

  • Bro, these are so bad.

  • Like, how are these actually- This is actually really bad.

  • Oh, what the fuck?

  • Normal Maoams taste so much better than this.

  • What?

  • How could it be branded the same as Maoams, yet it tastes so different?

  • That makes no sense.

  • Hold on.

  • I tried the yellow one.

  • Maybe the red one is good.

  • Maybe the pink one is good.

  • I don't know.

  • This shit is ass.

  • Thank you, Bisque.

  • This was private.

  • You guys are not allowed to know what's in here.

  • It's all of her bank account information.

  • What the fuck?

  • What the fuck is this?

  • Be loved.

  • Is this like a hat or something?

  • I actually don't know what the hell this is.

  • What is this?

  • Is this a sock?

  • Oh, it's a- Thanks.

  • We wouldn't trade you for any other certain stalker.

  • This is actually really sick.

  • I haven't seen anyone do this before.

  • Like, the half me and the half of my VTuber.

  • It's actually really cool.

  • Ooh.

  • It's like a wristband.

  • I think I'm too stupid to know how to put this on.

  • That looks pretty fucking si- I've always been a very, very shy person.

  • And if you were to tell me five years ago that I would stand on stage in front of a massive audience and they would just sit there and listen to me speak for one hour?

  • I don't even know what I would say.

  • First of all, I wouldn't even think that I would have the courage to do that.

  • Second of all, I don't even think that there would be that many people to come and watch me in the first place.

  • Third of all, five years ago, I was working as a fucking bartender.

  • So this was like the last thing on my mind.

  • I think this trip, I've really, really gotten out of my comfort zone and done a lot of different things.

  • Not only did I do a lot more IRL streams, I also met a lot of different fans on different days.

  • I took pictures with them.

  • I signed stuff for them.

  • I really need to work on my signature, by the way.

  • That was horrible.

  • And I also did that panel that I talked about.

  • But aside from the convention stuff, I actually talked to a lot of new people and I even hanged out and made loads of friends.

  • Now, I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm kind of an introvert.

  • I don't really like spending time with people.

  • Well, it's not really that I don't like spending time.

  • It's just that I have a very low social battery.

  • And on top of that, I also kind of just like being alone.

  • There are some people who just need to have other human interaction every single day of their life.

  • But for me personally, I really like my alone time.

  • But I thought I would go out of my comfort zone just a little bit.

  • I talked to over 25 different people in private.

  • Had full on conversations with them.

  • I even went karaokeing, just out and about walking with them.

  • Had some dinner with them.

  • It was honestly just amazing.

  • I think this is the most fun I've had on a trip in a long time.

  • Actually, I think it's probably the most fun I've had in general in a long time.

  • All the vibes of the people and the convention was just perfect.

  • Also, there were so many British viewers.

  • Where the hell are you guys in my chat?

  • I swear to God, you guys are all hiding because you think we're going to make fun of you, which we will.

  • But come on, man, you speak in my chat.

  • Tell me that you're British for once.

  • You think I like being the only Brit in my own stream?

  • It's lonely in here, man.

  • Please.

  • I think this convention has really taught me that people, even myself, can change so much over the course of just a few years.

  • You might think that you're bad at talking to people, and you don't know how to have conversations.

  • You make everything awkward.

  • But the thing is, I also think that way about myself.

  • And everyone that I've met in this convention has told me otherwise.

  • And I feel like that was mainly just for the fake it till you make it mentality.

  • The fake it till you make it mentality just means fake confidence, and then eventually, you will be confident.

  • At least that's what happened to me.

  • This whole convention, I was just thinking to myself, you know what?

  • I want to try being the version of myself that I wish I could be.

  • And considering most of the people who I met there didn't really know me in person, I felt like it was a lot easier to just pretend to be a different version of myself than it would be if I tried to do it in front of friends who already know that I'm a very shy person.

  • And because of that, I think it led to some insane character growth for myself.

  • You can do it too.

  • I believe in you.

  • Just keep trying.

  • I'm 24 years old now, and it took me this long to get even remotely confident to go on stage.

  • It's not a race, so don't worry.

  • You've got this.

  • I believe in you.

I just finished Vxpo, which was the first Vtuber convention in the UK.

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