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  • So one of your keys is the influence of a foreign war.

  • Now, with the continuing fighting happening in the Middle East, how does that influence your keys and, of course, voters' minds in voters' minds?

  • You know, normally, foreign policy doesn't influence voters because they don't follow the day to day affairs of what's going on abroad.

  • But big, splashy failures and big, splashy successes do influence voters among one of my many 13 keys.

  • And what's going on in the Middle East and in Ukraine is extremely important because I have a foreign policy success and foreign policy failure key, both of which are still uncertain, depending on the vicissitudes of war.

  • You know, I'm often asked when Biden was running, what did Biden have to do to win this election?

  • And my answer was govern well.

  • The most important thing Democrats could do right now, because they're the incumbent party, is somehow, you know, broker a ceasefire and hostage release deal in the Middle East.

  • I know it's a long shot, but that's what they should be focusing on.

  • Now to Robert Kennedy Jr.'s endorsement of Trump on Friday.

  • I talked to you before the endorsement became official.

  • You said that that does not influence your 13 keys, RFK's endorsement.

  • Why is that, Alan?

  • Yeah, well, I have one key on third party, which was already fading away.

  • Look, people have said, oh, my gosh, RFK Jr.'s got five percent in some of the swing states.

  • That's completely misleading because third party candidates, when it actually comes to voting, typically get a half or less of their top poll numbers.

  • So you're talking about maybe two percent, not five percent.

  • And by no means is that two percent just going to be delivered to Donald Trump.

  • On the other hand, having RFK Jr.

  • on board simply gives Democrats more ammunition for the notion that the Republican campaign is weird.

  • Instead of, you know, two weirdos, they now have three.

  • Instead of weird square, they have weird cube.

  • Moreover, his stance on being an anti-vaxxer is anathema to the suburban women who will likely decide this election.

  • 70 percent of Americans are against his stance and probably for suburban women, it's much larger.

  • So any tiny, miniscule turnover from RFK Jr.

  • to Donald Trump is likely to be far washed away by the revulsion of suburban women against RFK's signature campaign approach, which is that his anti-vaccine stance, which could threaten the health of millions of American children.

  • Now, Alan, you know, as well as I do, this race between Harris and Trump, it's close.

  • It's in within it's within the margin of error.

  • I also know you don't like polls.

  • However, with your methodology, does this race seem neck and neck to you?

  • Well, I haven't made a call yet, but it's coming soon, right after Labor Day.

  • I have said a lot would have to go wrong for the Democrats to lose and forget the polls and the pundits.

  • The pundits are sports talk radio.

  • You know, they're talking off the top of their head.

  • It's fun, but it has no scientific basis.

  • And polls are snapshots, ephemeral snapshots.

  • And the error margin is far greater than the plus and minus three percent that they tell you. That's just statistical error.

  • Add on, they don't know who's going to vote.

  • They have to guess at likely voters.

  • Poll respondents could lie or change their mind.

  • That's why I tell everyone, keep your eye on the big picture as gauged by the keys to the White House, which look at the strength and performance of the White House party.

  • And within a couple of weeks, I will reveal to the nation my final prediction, which has been right since 1984.

  • I know that I would not bet against you, Alan.

  • I have to ask, though, you said you're going to make the prediction after Labor Day.

  • You've told me that numerous times because I try to get it out of you.

  • What do you think is going to happen between then and now?

  • What are you looking for to make that prediction?

  • Well, you know, the school year is starting.

  • So the biggest thing I'm looking at, you know, is there going to be a huge outpouring of social unrest?

  • That's one of my keys.

  • I don't expect it, but I'm looking at it.

  • And of course, while it may be unlikely to happen in the next couple of weeks, I am looking at what's going on with the ceasefire negotiations with the and in Ukraine, with the incursion of the Ukrainians into Russia.

  • It's a lot of fluidity in America and in the world.

  • And that's what counts, not campaign speeches, ad fundraising and dirty tricks.

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So one of your keys is the influence of a foreign war.

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