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  • Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video.

  • You can use this video to train your listening and comprehension as I speak.

  • You ready?

  • So, today, I'm going to talk about cooking.

  • I do not know how to cook, so I do not know a lot about this topic.

  • However, I like eating, so I like talking about food in general.

  • I am lucky because my wife cooks very well.

  • She has a natural talent for cooking, so she cooks well.

  • That means that I eat well.

  • Let me tell you about some of the things that my wife cooks.

  • Since she is Mexican, she likes cooking Mexican food.

  • Sometimes, she makes tacos, which are delicious.

  • There are many types of tacos, so my wife can cook different tacos each time.

  • I also cooked tacos in the past, but I don't cook well, so my tacos weren't very good.

  • I cooked tacos de lengua, tongue tacos, but I didn't cook them very well.

  • My wife cooks much better.

  • The only thing that I cook well is eggs.

  • I love eggs, and I eat them almost every morning.

  • I think eggs are the best breakfast food.

  • I usually eat scrambled eggs, but I also eat other types of eggs, too.

  • My favorite type is eggs benedict.

  • Mmm, this is my favorite breakfast.

  • Have you tried eggs benedict?

  • So, my wife also makes pasta.

  • She makes really good pasta.

  • She doesn't buy the pasta in the box that you buy from the store.

  • She makes the pasta by hand.

  • She makes the noodles, and they taste so good.

  • When you make pasta by hand, it tastes better.

  • I love all types of pasta, but my favorite is ravioli.

  • For me, ravioli is the perfect food.

  • Actually, I like all Italian food.

  • When we were in Italy, we ate some amazing food.

  • My wife also cooks a lot of meat.

  • We like eating different cuts of steak every week.

  • We try to buy cheap meat because meat can be expensive.

  • We don't want to spend a lot of money, so we buy cheap meat.

  • My wife cooks the meat in a pan, which is easy.

  • Other people cook their meat on a grill.

  • We don't have a grill, so we use a pan.

  • I think that meat tastes good if it's cooked on a pan or on a grill.

  • Meat is always good.

  • I hope my wife cooks meat tonight.

  • She also cooks really good breakfast.

  • She makes really good pancakes.

  • I like to eat pancakes with maple syrup and peanut butter.

  • I know that's a little strange, but it's delicious.

  • I love pancakes and peanut butter.

  • My wife also cooks chilaquiles, a common Mexican breakfast.

  • This is my favorite breakfast in the world.

  • I love chilaquiles.

  • This dish has tortilla chips, salsa, cheese, and cream.

  • I like it with eggs on top.

  • It's so good.

  • I don't know which is better, breakfast or dinner.

  • In my family, we cook dinner five days a week.

  • The other days, we go out to eat dinner, or we eat dinner with other people.

  • Sometimes we eat dinner with my parents, and other times we eat dinner with my sister.

  • Tonight, we will eat dinner with my parents, and my mother will cook dinner.

  • When I was a kid, my mother cooked dinner every weekday.

  • Every evening, we ate dinner at 6.30 p.m., every day.

  • Do you eat dinner at the same time every day?

  • In the U.S., it's common for families to eat dinner together.

  • We sit together at the table, we eat, and we talk about our day.

  • Dinner time is important in the U.S.

  • In other countries, people eat dinner late, like at 8 p.m. or 9 p.m., but this is too late for me.

  • I don't want to eat dinner late.

  • I like eating dinner at 5, 6, or 7 p.m.

  • This is a good time for dinner.

  • What do you like eating for dinner?

  • I like every type of food, from every country.

  • I can eat anything, and I love trying new foods.

  • Like I said, I don't cook well, but I eat well.

  • Maybe I will learn to cook in the future, but I don't know.

  • I don't like cooking, and I don't have the natural talent to cook.

  • I prefer eating, not cooking.

  • My wife cooks very well, so I don't need to learn.

  • I'm thankful for that.

  • Okay, we are finished for today.

  • Leave a comment and tell me if you like cooking.

  • I'll see you next video.

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video.

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