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  • Hello.

  • Today we want to work on this book.

  • Lesson 1.

  • Are you ready?

  • Let's start.

  • As you see, there is a table here.

  • Some positive qualities and also negative qualities.

  • The first adjective is assertive.

  • Assertive.

  • Let's watch this video.

  • Again.

  • Don't be sorry.

  • Be assertive.

  • Someone who is assertive behaves confidently.

  • So positive.

  • Now this word.

  • Cynical.

  • Cynical.

  • Cynical.

  • Me?

  • No.

  • If I'm cynical, I think that people are only expressing themselves.

  • Okay?

  • So I'm not cynical.

  • It's negative.

  • Adjective number 3.

  • Read it yourself.

  • Apprehensive.

  • Apprehensive.

  • Now let's watch this one.

  • Again.

  • I understand your apprehension, Meg.

  • What is the noun?

  • Apprehension.

  • Apprehension.

  • Noun.

  • What is the adjective?

  • Apprehensive.

  • Apprehensive.

  • I'm apprehensive.

  • I feel worried about what I'm going to do.

  • So negative.

  • Take a look at this one.

  • Tactful.

  • Tactful.

  • Tactful noun.

  • Tactful.

  • Yes.

  • What is the noun?

  • Someone who has tact.

  • Compassion.

  • Someone who has what?

  • Someone who has tact.

  • Compassion.

  • Tact.

  • The noun is tact.

  • The adjective is tactful.

  • I'm a tactful person, okay?

  • I try not to do something to make someone upset.

  • So positive.

  • This one.

  • Well-liked.

  • Well-liked.

  • I guess it's very easy to guess, right?

  • Liked by many people.

  • The definition is this one.

  • Liked by many people.

  • Let's take a look at this example.

  • A colleague described him as well-liked.

  • Means that that person is well-liked.

  • Many people like him.

  • So of course it's positive.

  • Gullible.

  • Gullible.

  • What a gullible idiot.

  • What a gullible idiot.

  • What a gullible idiot.

  • Yes.

  • This person is too willing to believe that everything that other people say is right.

  • Okay?

  • So negative.

  • In this part, we have some adjectives starting with self and will.

  • I give you the definition.

  • You try to guess.

  • The first one.

  • Only interested in yourself and your own activities.

  • Self.

  • Self, self, self.

  • Self-absorbed.

  • Self-absorbed.

  • I just like myself.

  • Self-absorbed.

  • The next one.

  • Having confidence in your own abilities.

  • Having confidence in your own abilities.

  • Self.

  • Self-assured.

  • Self-assured.

  • Yes.

  • Not needing help or support from other people.

  • Not needing help from other people.

  • Self.

  • Can you guess?

  • Self-reliant.

  • Self-reliant.

  • Number 10.

  • Wearing attractive and stylish clothes.

  • Well-dressed.

  • Well-dressed.

  • Okay?

  • Well-dressed.

  • Number 11.

  • Having a good or a high level of education.

  • Well-educated.

  • The next one.

  • People, especially children who are polite.

  • People, especially children who are polite.

  • Well.

  • Well-brought-up.

  • Well-brought-up.

  • Yes.

  • Now it's your turn.

  • Listen carefully and write whatever you hear.

  • Well-educated, experienced businessmen.

  • What?

  • Well-educated, experienced businessmen.

  • Okay.

  • Write it down.

  • The next one.

  • I'm totally self-reliant now.

  • Again.

  • I'm totally self-reliant now.

  • I'm waiting for your comments.

  • Now we want to talk about the difference between these two words.

  • Personality.

  • Characteristic.

  • Characteristic.

  • Personality.

  • Repeat after me.

  • Personality.

  • Characteristic.

  • Now let's fill the blanks.

  • Any of your physical blah, blah, blah.

  • What?

  • What?

  • Okay.

  • Any of your physical characteristics.

  • Characteristics.

  • Any of your physical characteristics.

  • Yes.

  • And the next one.

  • She has a bubbly what?

  • She has a bubbly personality.

  • Yes.

  • What is the difference between these two words?

  • Characteristic.

  • A typical or noticeable quality of someone or something.

  • Yes.

  • And personality.

  • The type of person you are.

  • This is the difference.

  • It's very important.

  • Thank you for watching this video.

  • I'm waiting for your comments and also please subscribe to my channel.


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