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  • Break the self-destruction code.

  • Every human soul is made in the image of God.

  • But the devil created the code for destruction.

  • I understood this too late in my life.

  • But you are young.

  • You still have the power in your hands.

  • Today is the first day you will break the self-destruction code.

  • The self-destruction code is not hidden, but in plain sight.

  • It is everywhere in pop culture.

  • I will give you seven self-destruction codes and how to break them.

  • Number one.

  • Avoid bad characters.

  • Pop culture is all about glamorization of negative characters with negative values.

  • Stop watching all this Netflix TV cinema garbage.

  • There are only very few shows that have positive characters with positive values.

  • If you watch bad people, you will become bad people.

  • Number two.

  • Avoid pop music and their destructive messages.

  • Even deeper in your brain and soul sings music. 90% of all modern music has messages of indulgence.

  • Avoid this shit if you want to have discipline and resilience in life.

  • Number three.

  • Avoid bad symbols.

  • Let me give you three examples.

  • I could give you hundreds.

  • Dolce & Gabbana, Supreme, Abbey.

  • All these brands feature ego.

  • They make you irrational and vulnerable.

  • But some brands, in addition, contain harmful symbolism.

  • Abbey.

  • Fuck them.

  • Never abbey if you don't know the values.

  • Do not abbey anyone but your family, your clan, your brotherhood, your God.

  • Number four.

  • Avoid bad language that disgrace yourself, your family, and your God.

  • I also use bad language.

  • But against my enemies, never against myself.

  • If you say this, you speak against your God.

  • If you say this, you speak against yourself.

  • Your words hold power.

  • Never use them against yourself, your people, your family, and your God.

  • You are nothing without them.

  • Number five.

  • Avoid addictive substances.

  • If you consume any of these following every day, I recommend two-week detox.

  • Cold turkey, suka.

  • Number one.

  • Alcohol.

  • Number two.

  • Trava.

  • Number three.

  • Social media.

  • Number four.

  • Gambling.

  • Addiction is the fundament of the self-destruction code.

  • Number six.

  • Never whine.

  • Never complain.

  • Your words have power.

  • Words are tools of self-prophecy.

  • Always have a mindset and a wordset of moving forward.

  • And finally, of course, number seven.

  • Have one day of silence per week and one week of silence per year.

  • Silence can break the code of self-destruction like nothing else, because in silence, the higher powers will speak to you.

  • Be honorable.

  • You are nothing without them. Number eight.

Break the self-destruction code.

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