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  • Hey guys Malcolm Moore here and in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you some snowboarding knowledge

  • That's really going to improve your riding all across the mountain now

  • This is something which is crucial if you're a beginner

  • Yeah

  • It is also something I find myself revisiting with more advanced riders

  • Because if they're not aware of it, they develop bad habits, which then stop them progressing in all other aspects of their riding

  • Welcome to my home Alpe d'Huez

  • So the lifts have only just opened which means I haven't really been riding for about six months

  • As I get back into it, what I'm thinking about today and what I want to share with you is the importance of good posture

  • Without it, you're really going to struggle in all aspects of your riding

  • If you've ever found yourself fighting for grip, whether that's when you're trying to carve or if you're riding steeps and that board judders out

  • It's likely because your posture isn't quite right

  • So with good posture, you can actually create grip underneath your board

  • There's this idea that you can get your center of mass, your whole body weight up here

  • Through a turn to be driving down directly over your edge

  • You're actually going to create grip underneath your board

  • If you're standing slightly wrong, you're going to have the weight in the wrong place

  • And rather than achieving grip, like I say, you're going to be fighting for it

  • So that's the theory and to actually put it into practice, it's quite simple

  • So I'm sitting next to a snow cannon here and I'm going to show you the correct way how we do it

  • So first, I'm just going to show you I'm in my heel edge position

  • And the easy way to think about this, I want you to trace the line of my spine

  • So my spine obviously starts up here in my neck and it comes down here

  • And then I want you to imagine that continuing out from my tailbone

  • Now you can see here on my heel edge that my spine is in a position where it then points down directly over the edge of my board

  • This is so that, like I mentioned, all my body weight, my center of mass, when I'm going for a heel side turn

  • Is driving down directly over that edge and creating grip

  • If I was to let my arms hang loose, again there I could kind of point my arms down and they're also over my heel edge

  • So that's essentially your heel edge position

  • It doesn't matter if you're down really low riding hard or if you're being a little bit more relaxed

  • If you follow my spine, it will always go down over the heel edge

  • My knees are slightly bent and my hips are a little bit backwards

  • So we're going to the second position now, spin around onto my toe edge

  • So your toe edge position is slightly different

  • The main difference here is that my hips are really pushed quite far forward

  • Theory being exactly the same

  • In this position, if you follow my spine down through my neck all the way through to the tailbone

  • It is now pointing down all my weight over that toe edge

  • So it's really key, it's really simple to think about

  • It's basically hips forward on your toe edge

  • You can see here a real straight line from my knee up through my hips

  • There's no bend here right up towards my shoulders

  • Which means my spine, my tailbone is all pointing down over that toe edge

  • So that's the two things to think about when I start riding

  • So just make sure toe edge, hips are forward, heel edge, hips back

  • Okay, so I'm going to make a few turns

  • I'm going to have that as my focus and just hopefully I'm going to feel how it starts to improve my riding

  • Gives me more grip through each turn

  • I really found that helping my turns

  • I could feel the extra grip it was giving me throughout them

  • I was really thinking heel edge, hips back, toe edge, hips forward

  • One small problem I was having though

  • There's a few times as I came onto the toe edge

  • I didn't quite bring my hips through quick enough

  • So the point at which your hips cross over the board is the point at which you roll onto your new edge

  • Sometimes I was just leaning onto my toe edge

  • I was already on my toe edge and then I was bringing my hips through after

  • It's really crucial that as you change from heel to toe edge

  • You bring those hips through as the board rolls from one edge onto the other

  • So that's what I'm going to be thinking about my next few turns down here

  • That's it, a really simple tip that's going to have big improvements on your riding

  • And it's something that's really easy to identify as well

  • When you're riding with your mates, watch them and check their posture

  • Check on their toe edge, their hips are forward

  • Check on their heel edge, their hips are back

  • Get your phone out, record each other and you can actually pause it

  • Go through it frame by frame and you'll be able to see exactly

  • If you trace your spine, you'll be able to see if it's making a line down over your toe or your heel edge

  • So have some fun with that, give it a go

  • And you're going to really notice the gains it's going to make in your riding

  • Thanks for watching, don't forget, hit that subscribe button, that like button

  • And check these other videos out up here

  • Thanks for watching!

Hey guys Malcolm Moore here and in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you some snowboarding knowledge

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