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For your information, there's a lot more to ogres than people think example example, okay Ogres are like onions They stink.
Oh, they make you cry.
Oh you leave them out in the Sun They get all brown start sprouting little white hairs.
No layers Onions have layers ogres have layers onions have layers you get it.
沒有層次 洋蔥有層次 食人怪有層次 洋蔥有層次 你懂的。
We both have layers Ah Yeah global citizen, I'm Ethan you're like English fluency coach and today we are learning with the fantastic movie Shrek And we brought you one of the most famous scenes from that movie ogres are like onions Ogres are like onions Now, did you know that this statement is actually a simile a simile is a pattern of speech where we compare to Things in a figurative way we do this using the words like or as So to give you another example besides ogres are like onions We could say that the real life English app is like traveling to another country without leaving the comfort of your own home So obviously with this example, you're not literally Traveling to another country and the same that Shrek is not saying that ogres literally are onions saying they're like onions So in today's lesson, we're not only going to be peeling back the layers of what this quote means But we'll also be teaching you lots of grammar Pronunciation vocabulary and so much more that you're not gonna want to miss out on but first I want to let you know that if you are new to our channel Well every week we bring you fun lessons like this one so that you can understand fast speaking natives Without getting lost without missing the jokes and without Subtitles so don't miss a single one of our new lessons Hit that subscribe button and the bell down below and now let's learn English with Shrek Okay, let me get this straight You're gonna go fight a dragon and rescue a princess just so Farquaad to give you back a swamp Which you only don't have because he filled it full of freaks in the first place.
全球公民,我是伊森,你是英語流利說教練 今天我們學習的是奇幻電影《怪物史萊克》 我們為大家帶來了電影中最著名的場景之一 "食人魔就像洋蔥" "食人魔就像洋蔥"、所以,除了 ogres are like onions 之外,我們還可以說,現實生活中的英語應用就像不離開舒適的家就能去另一個國家旅行一樣、我們不僅會層層剝開這句話的含義,還會教你很多文法發音詞彙,還有更多你不想錯過的內容,但首先我想告訴你,如果你是我們頻道的新用戶,那麼每週我們都會我們每週都會為您帶來像這樣有趣的課程,這樣您就可以聽懂當地人的快速
Is that about right?
You know what?
Maybe there's a good reason donkey shouldn't talk.
I don't get it Shrek Why don't you just pull some of that ogre stuff on him?
我不明白,史萊克 你為什麼不把食人魔的那一套用在他身上呢?
You know throttling him lay siege to his fortress grind his bones to make your bridge, you know the whole ogre trip Oh, I know what maybe I could have decapitated an entire village and put their heads on a pipe Got the knife cut open their spleen and drink their fluids Does that sound good to you?
你知道,把他扼殺在搖籃裡,圍攻他的堡壘,把他的骨頭磨碎,做成你的橋,你知道整個食人魔之旅 哦,我知道了,也許我可以把整個村子的人斬首,把他們的頭放在管子上,用刀切開他們的脾臟,喝他們的血,你覺得這樣好嗎?
No, not really no Oh Okay, let me get this straight you're gonna go fight a dragon and rescue a princess donkey uses some nice connected speech here He tends to use the reduced form of words instead of their original form This is when one or more words are shortened and often combined with other words So instead of saying let me he reduces it to lemme Then as often happens when a word ending in T is followed by a word ending with TH We drop the T and get and connect it to this.
Let me get this straight now you try listen again and repeat Okay, let me get this straight you're gonna go fight a dragon and rescue a princess and here donkey reduces going to to gonna Then the T at the end of fight is pronounced as an American T the sound The words then flow together to sound like you're gonna go fight a dragon now, it's your turn Okay, let me get this straight you're gonna go fight a dragon and rescue a princess just so far Quarter gives you back a swamp which you only don't have because he filled it full of freaks in the first place Is that about right?
好了,讓我把話說清楚,你再聽一遍,然後重複一遍 好了,讓我把話說清楚,你要去打一條龍,救一位公主,在這裡,驢子減少了 要去 要去 然後,fight 結尾的 T 發成美式 T 音,單詞連起來聽起來就像你要去打一條龍了、輪到你了 好吧,讓我把話說清楚 你要去打龍,救公主 只要季度把沼澤還給你 而你沒有沼澤 是因為他一開始就把沼澤填滿了怪胎
You know what?
Do you know the difference between is that right?
And is that about right?
Is that right is a straightforward question seeking confirmation or agreement It is typically used when you want to verify whether something is accurate or true For example, if a friend said I heard the party starts at 8 p.m.
Is that right(是這樣嗎)是一個簡單明瞭的問題,要求確認或同意。它通常用於驗證某事是否準確或真實。
You could respond.
Is that right?
Meaning you want confirmation about the accuracy of the party's start time On the other hand is that about right suggests a slightly different intention It acknowledges the possibility that the statement or information might not be entirely precise or exact For example, if someone told you the distance to the beach is around 5 miles you respond Is that about right?
例如,如果有人告訴你到海灘的距離約為 5 英里,你會回答 "是這樣嗎?
Meaning you are seeking confirmation, but acknowledge that the distance might not be exactly 5 miles If you've throttled someone it means that you use your hands to choke or strangle them kind of how Homer does to Bart in this clip To lay siege means to surround a place such as a city or castle from all sides in order to force the people there to come out or give up control of the place similar to this a Fortress is a building or structure designed to protect you from enemy attack.
如果你扼住了某人的喉嚨,這意味著你用手掐住或勒住了他的脖子,就像本片段中荷馬對巴特做的那樣 圍攻指從四面八方包圍一個地方,如城市或城堡,以迫使那裡的人出來或放棄對該地的控制。
Check out this example from Game of Thrones Then how do you mean to take the iron throne?
看看《權力的遊戲》中的這個例子 那麼,你是如何奪取鐵王座的呢?
by asking nicely We will lay siege to the capital surrounding the city on all sides Cersei will have the iron throne but no food for her army or the people I don't get it Shrek.
我們將圍攻首都,從四面八方包圍這座城市 瑟曦將擁有鐵王座,但她的軍隊和人民卻沒有食物 我不明白,史萊克。
Why don't you just pull some of that ogre stuff on him?
You know throttling them lay siege to his fortress grind his bones to make your bridge, you know the whole ogre trip Oh in this sentence the word trip is used informally and refers to behavior or experiences commonly associated with something So by saying the whole ogre trip donkey is referring to physical strength Aggression and anger as traits associated with an ogre By the way, you're learning all this great new vocabulary in today's lesson, right?
在這個句子中,"絆 "是非正式的用法,指的是與某種事物相關的行為或經歷,所以驢子說的 "絆 "指的是與食人魔相關的體力、侵略性和憤怒。
well big frustration that I've heard from learners like you is that While you can learn all this new vocabulary and you think that it's in your head when it's time to speak It's nowhere to be found.
You freeze up you forget all that hard-learned vocabulary.
Has this ever happened to you?
well one thing that I have found in learning at six different languages myself that really helps me to Remember all the new vocabulary I learn is to use it as soon as possible after I've learned it Now a lot of you might tell me that's great for you, but I don't have anyone I can speak with Well, we went ahead and solved this problem for you by creating the real life app Now the real life English app is the only place where anytime anywhere you can simply press a button Connect to another English speaker in another part of the world Discover new cultures while also having a lot of fun practicing your English and the best part is absolutely free for you to get started So download it now by looking up real-life English in the Apple app or Google Play Store Or you can click up here or down the description below to learn more.
我在學習六種不同語言的過程中發現,有一件事可以幫助我記住所有新詞彙,那就是在學會之後儘快使用、現在,real life English 應用程序是唯一一個讓您隨時隨地只需按下一個按鈕,就能與世界其他地方的英語使用者進行交流的地方,讓您在探索新文化的同時,還能享受練習英語的樂趣。
We look forward to seeing you there.
Oh I know what maybe I could have decapitated an entire village and put their heads on a pipe Got the knife cut open their spleen and drink their fluids Here Shrek is talking to donkey in a sarcastic way to make fun of him A pike is a long thrusting weapon similar to a spear which was used in European warfare It is made using a long wooden shaft with a pointed metal tip like this Here's an example from the movie Lincoln Lincoln really were a tyrant.
哦,我知道了,也許我可以把整個村子的人都斬首示眾,然後把他們的頭放在一根管子上,再用刀切開他們的脾臟,喝掉他們的液體。 這裡,史萊克正在用諷刺的方式跟驢子說話,以取笑他。
Mr. Woody to had your empty head and a along a pike I know what maybe I could have decapitated an entire village and put their heads on a pipe Got the knife cut open their spleen and drink their fluids The spleen is an organ situated in the upper left side of the abdomen beneath the ribcage One important role of the spleen is that it acts as a filter of the blood Removing old damaged or abnormal red blood cells as well as certain bacteria and foreign particles Fluids are substances that can flow such as water in this instance Shrek is referring to the human fluids such as blood and tears For example, it is important to drink plenty of fluids such as juice or tea when you have a sore throat For your information, there's a lot more to ogres than people think example example Okay Ogres are like onions They stank yes, no, oh they make you cry.
伍迪先生我知道,也許我可以把整個村子的人都斬首示眾,然後把他們的頭放在管子上,再用刀切開他們的脾臟,喝掉他們的液體。脾臟的一個重要作用是充當血液過濾器,清除老化受損或不正常的紅細胞以及某些細菌和外來微粒 流體是可以流動的物質,如水 在本例中,史萊克指的是血液和眼淚等人體液體、喉嚨痛時要多喝水,如果汁或茶,這一點很重要,因為食人魔比人們想象的要多得多。
Oh you leave them out in the Sun They get all brown start sprouting little white hairs.
No layers Onions have layers ogres have layers onions have layers.
沒有層次 洋蔥有層次 食人怪有層次 洋蔥有層次
You get it.
We both have layers.
Oh You both have layers You know not everybody like onions Cake everybody loves cakes cakes have layers.
I don't care What's everyone likes?
我不在乎 大家喜歡什麼?
Ogres are not like cakes You know what else everybody like parfait have you ever met a person you say hey, let's get some parfait They say hey, I don't know.
食人魔不喜歡蛋糕,你知道還有什麼嗎? 每個人都喜歡凍糕 你有沒有遇到過這樣的人,你說嘿,我們去吃凍糕吧
I don't like no parfait parfait is delicious No, you dance irritating miniature beast of burden ogres are like onions end of story.
我不喜歡吃凍糕凍糕很好吃 不,你這個令人討厭的舞蹈小怪獸 食人魔就像洋蔥,故事結束。
Bye See you later For your information, there's a lot more to ogres than people think Example the phrase there's a lot more to a subject than people think means that something or someone has qualities or characteristics that other people Often do not notice in this instance shrink wants donkey to know that ogres are capable of being intelligent kind and sensitive For example, there's a lot more to learning a foreign language than people think beyond mastering grammar rules and building vocabulary It also involves understanding cultural nuances.
All right now it's your turn to practice by using the structure So leave a comment down below saying something with there's a lot more to this thing than people think We really look forward to reading your comments By the way, which of these is a common expression which means the same as there's a lot more to a subject than people think There's a lot more than meets the ears there's a lot more than meets the eye there's a lot more than meets the brain I'm starting to think the school project is more than meets the eye They stay yes.
現在輪到您使用該結構進行練習了,請在下面留言,說說 "這件事比人們想象的要複雜得多",我們非常期待閱讀您的評論。順便問一下,這些表達中,哪一個與 "這件事比人們想象的要複雜得多 "意思相同?
No, oh they make you cry.
Oh you leave them out in the Sun They get all brown start sprouting little white hairs.
No in this sentence We have another nice example of reduction instead of saying leave them the th in them falls away And what we hear is leave them this often happens to the pronoun them In fact, we also do this with him him and her her Let's quickly practice repeat after me leave them leave him leave her Continuing with donkey T at the end of out is pronounced with an American T.
在這個句子中,我們有另一個很好的還原例子,不說 leave them(離開他們),而是把 them 中的 th 去掉,我們聽到的是 leave them(離開他們),這種情況經常發生在代詞 them 上,事實上,我們對 him him 和 her her 也是這樣做的,讓我們跟著我快速練習一下 leave them leave him leave her(離開他們,離開他,離開她)。
So we hear out in the Sun Let's practice the full sentence together leave them out in the Sun They stay yes, no, oh they make you cry no, oh you leave them out in the Sun They get all brown start sprouting little white hairs.
No Which of these uses of sprout is the same as we saw donkey use here?
否 芽的哪種用途與我們在這裡看到的驢的用途相同?
Brussels sprouts Yeah, this is really sprout oh some hair has sprouted it is here The answer is C Brussels sprouts are a type of vegetable which look like small cabbages if Children sprout it means they grow up quickly in a short period of time If something such as hair sprout or if you sprout it it starts to grow suddenly or quickly.
答案是 C 布魯塞爾芽菜是一種蔬菜,看起來像小卷心菜,如果兒童發芽,就意味著他們在短時間內迅速長大,如果頭髮等東西發芽,或者如果你發芽,它就會突然或迅速開始生長。
No Layers Onions have layers ogres have layers onions have layers you get it We both have layers Shrek explains to donkey that ogres like onions have many layers in This context the layers represent the many parts that make up a person's life character or personality It is a metaphor for the complexity and depth of Shrek's character.
沒有層次 洋蔥有層次 食人魔有層次 洋蔥有層次 你懂的 我們都有層次 史萊克向驢子解釋說,食人魔和洋蔥一樣有很多層次。
It teaches us not to judge others based on their appearances What's another similar popular English idiom?
它教導我們不要以貌取人 另一個類似的流行英語成語是什麼?
Don't judge a dog by its hair.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Don't judge a movie by its poster We often use this idiom to say that first appearances can be deceiving in other words We should get to know people or experiences before making a judgment You know what else everybody like parfait.
不要根據海報來判斷一部電影 我們經常用這個成語來比喻第一印象可能會騙人,換句話說,我們應該在瞭解他人或經歷後再做出判斷。
Have you ever met a person you say hey, let's get some parfait They say hell no, I don't like no parfait.
Parfaits are delicious No, a parfait is a dessert that consists of layers such as ice cream or yogurt granola fruit and even with cream The word parfait is French in origin and it means perfect This sentence is not considered grammatically correct in standard English as the use of the double negative don't like no creates a contradictory meaning It would be more appropriate to say no, I don't like parfait or no, I don't want any parfait however In some dialects and regional varieties of English this type of double negative can be found and is considered acceptable in informal speech In these dialects double negatives are used for emphasis or to intensify Negation rather than to cancel each other out as they would in standard English It's important to note that this usage is primarily spoken and may not be considered appropriate in formal writing or formal context Check out this example from the Sopranos It's the right thing.
不,parfait 是一種甜點,由冰淇淋或酸奶格蘭諾拉麥片水果甚至奶油等層層疊加而成,parfait 一詞源於法語,意為完美、不過,在某些方言和地方英語變體中可以找到這種類型的雙重否定句,而且在非正式講話中被認為是可以接受的。
It's inevitable.
I Don't want to disturb No, you dance irritating miniature beast of burden Ogres are like onions end of story.
Bye when someone is described as dense It usually means that they struggle to understand simple concepts or that they are just not intelligent In case you didn't know Shrek has a Scottish accent and this use of dense is more common in British English than American English For example, Sally felt that John was a really dense individual after hearing him make judgments about nations and cultures.
如果你不知道,史萊克有蘇格蘭口音,這種 "dense "的用法在英式英語中比在美式英語中更常見。
He knew little about Miniature means that something is smaller in size than what it should usually be.
他對 "微型 "知之甚少,"微型 "是指某物的尺寸比通常情況下的尺寸小。
For example, my dog is a miniature bull terrier It's a variation of the standard bull terrier and weighs about half as much You can often find a miniature used to describe dog breeds as well as other animals a Beast of burden is an animal that is used to carry heavy loads or perform difficult tasks such as pulling and carrying These animals include donkeys horses oxen and camels For example throughout history humans have relied on horses as beasts of burden for transporting pulling carriages and wagons I Don't get it Shrek.
Why don't you just pull some of that ogre stuff on him?
You know throttle him lay siege to his fortress grind his bones to make your bridge, you know the whole ogre trip Oh, I know what which of these words means the same as throttle punch kick strangle I know what maybe I could have decapitated an entire village and put their heads on a plate Got the knife cut open their spleen and drink their fluids Does that sound good to you?
你知道掐死他,圍攻他的堡壘,磨碎他的骨頭來做你的橋,你知道整個食人魔之旅 哦,我知道這些詞中哪個和掐死一樣的意思 拳打腳踢 掐死 我知道什麼 也許我可以斬首整個村莊,把他們的頭放在盤子裡 用刀割開他們的脾臟,喝他們的血 你覺得這樣好嗎?
No, not really no a spleen is a dessert an organ a vegetable You Know what else everybody like parfait.
Have you ever met a person you say?
Hey, let's get some parfait This is a hell.
嘿,我們去吃點凍糕吧 這簡直是地獄
No, I don't like no parfait parfait is delicious No, you dance irritating miniature beast of burden ogres are like onions end of story.
不,我不喜歡吃凍糕 凍糕很好吃 不,你這個令人討厭的舞蹈小怪獸 食人魔就像洋蔥一樣,故事到此結束。
Bye See you later Which of these words is the opposite of miniature giant tiny micro?
再見 以下哪個詞與 miniature giant tiny micro 相反?
Oh All right, great job to get through the test you really overcame that challenge And if you want to keep your challenge of English learning going then why not learn with this other lesson that we did a while Back with Shrek.
Let's check it out Shrek, please.
I only did that because I love her.
Oh, I take care or dragon guarded castle You wouldn't understand you're not her father It's so nice to have the family together for dinner
哦,我負責看守龍堡 你不會明白你不是她的父親 全家人在一起吃晚飯真好