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  • Person over here, may I know what part of the world are you from?

  • Singapore What's one special...

  • I don't know, festival in Singapore that you guys will celebrate?

  • Festival for all other countries You celebrate festival for all the other countries?

  • You guys...

  • It's so hard to be a boss in Singapore, you know?

  • Every day is a holiday, you know?

  • But sir, so we are talking about, you know, like love and work What's your take on that?

  • Do you prefer work or do you prefer relationship?

  • Depends on your age Depends on your age?

  • Oh, you sound very old But... 14 year old, who does it depend on your age?

  • Only a man with experience will say that So...

  • Sir, may I know what's your age if you don't mind sharing?

  • Above 30 Above 30, so what's your take on that?

  • Work, love, balance Work, love, balance?

  • Tricky man So sir, when you are in your 20s, what's your preference?

  • Love What's the craziest thing you've ever done for love at your 20s?

  • For Singapore, the country is very small So there's not so much romantic things that you can do in Singapore There are not so much romantic things to do in Singapore We can do so much just in Huangpu District, you know?

  • I'm so looking forward to my trip in Singapore Later this year Okay, but if I...

  • Because I haven't been yet But I might go maybe towards the end of this year What's one thing, maybe the only spot that's romantic To go in Singapore, just one spot Gardens by the Bay Gardens by the Bay That's the romantic spot And how many times have you been there?

  • You design You just...

  • You design!

  • Guys, I told you that's a very charming and mature and wonderful...

Person over here, may I know what part of the world are you from?

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