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  • We speak English. Is it okay?

  • Oh, okay.

  • So are you from this school?

  • Yeah.

  • How do you feel about this school?

  • Which is said to be the best high school in China, right?

  • I think it's quite a great school because the teachers and students here are all very intelligent and creative.

  • You can learn something from anybody.

  • From anybody?

  • Yeah, because anybody has something that you don't have or you've been longing for this.

  • So I can say it's quite a great school, but sometimes it's stressful because I'm not a really good student anyway.

  • So you mean like every student is good at studying, which means you sometimes...

  • Not particularly study because, you know, there's other things.

  • We have some activities, like someone maybe he or she is good at sports or other creative things.

  • You know, it has some Olympic competition.

  • You can know that about math, FCEM things.

  • And I've been studying for the biology national competition, but I'm not quite great at it.

  • But everyone who studies it, maybe he or she is not good at other subjects, but particularly in biology, he or she is really good.

  • Yeah.

  • You mean not just studying, but at least one thing he or she are pretty good at.

  • Yes, and anybody has something that's better than me.

  • But you're good also.

  • Thank you, thank you.

  • Are you in high school or middle school?

  • I'm in senior high school and grade three.

  • Grade three?

  • Yeah.

  • So are you going to take the Gaokao?

  • Yeah.

  • And what university do you think you can get into?

  • My dream university is Peking University, but I'm not sure I can get in it.

  • So maybe I will get into the...

  • 中国科技大学

  • I don't know how to speak it in English.

  • How many students in your school can get into university?

  • It's like Tsinghua and Peking University.

  • I think the best time is about 200 people, but it's not just from Gaokao, but from other things,

  • Qiangji or Olympic Games.

  • But I think last year is a little shorter because 150...

  • Okay, okay.

  • But in average, what is the percentage?

  • 20.

  • You got 20%.

  • How much percentage can get into 985 and 211?

  • I don't really know that because we don't...

  • You don't count by 985 and 211?

  • It's just only...

  • It's just... I don't know.

  • So your dream university is Peking University?

  • Yeah.

  • What is your dream major?

  • What do you want to do or study in university?

  • Actually, I keep an open mind and I think I'm interested in biology and physics.

  • I love doing something about computer science.

  • I think it's something about physics, maybe.

  • Something about physics.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • And how do you practice your English?

  • Have you ever been abroad?

  • Yeah.

  • What country?

  • Canada.

  • For how long?

  • Three months, about.

  • It's like summer school or something?

  • Just have a vacation.

  • Did you talk with foreigners?

  • Yeah, I'm not really good at speaking English at that time, so I'm really shy.

  • But I think that the main point about talking to foreigners is that you don't have to speak good English.

  • You will have the courage to speak with them.

  • I agree with that.

  • And do you have something to say to the future version of yourself?

  • Three years later, what do you want to say?

  • I'm growing to become a person who will be good for the society and also I think I'll be happy.

  • That's the things I hope for myself, me, be a happy and active person, good at the society around me.

  • Do you think you're happy right now?

  • No, because I just have a chemistry exam and I do really bad on it, I think.

  • But it's just an exam.

  • You got a lot of exams in the future.

  • Yeah.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Take your time.

  • 非常的謙虛 20%可以進清華北大 985211可能99吧,99% 那還有1%呢 輟學去創業 就伊隆·馬斯克嘛 就中國的伊隆·馬斯克可能就 只能在這個高中 不知道嘛 我最好的高中在中國 所以我們只是想問你一些問題 採訪嗎?

  • 沒問題嗎?

  • 英文問題 對,沒問題 但是這個人 沒關係,我只是來採訪你,好嗎?

  • 你在什麼年齡?

  • 11年 高中也有二年級 對 這個人還蠻輕鬆的 你會打籃球嗎?

  • 當然 你很棒嗎?

  • 我非常棒 你會扔球嗎?

  • 當然 你會扔球嗎?

  • 我會扔球 像360度 像這樣?

  • 不,你肯定會 360度 不不不,我會扔球 我會扔球 你會扔球 好 你對你的高中有什麼感覺?

  • 因為你說自己是最棒的 哦 嗯 從一個學位的角度來看 是嗎?

  • 是最棒的 至少在北京 這是高中 不是很複雜 老師們做自己的工作 我們做我們的 這就是我們做的 我的英文還蠻厲害的 這是我第一次用英文 這是狗做的嗎?

  • 真的嗎?

  • 不是,我只是開玩笑 這個人 你有在英國讀書嗎?

  • 沒有 你怎麼學到英文?

  • 我不知道我能不能說

  • YouTube 哦,YouTube 哦,這很酷 你對你的高中有什麼壓力嗎?

  • 對 因為 他們很會學 有時候會感到壓力 你能去哪個大學?

  • 我不知道 還有一年 我想去清華或北大 但這只是我 我想可能有50%的人想去一個很好的大學 北京中學的百分比 能去人大附中學嗎?

  • 我們有1000個學位 這是高中 還有20,000個在海淀 哦,好的 我不知道整個城市 但我只知道海淀有5% 不 海淀有5% 是的 好的,這很棒 也許其他區域的學位會更低 一堂課有多少學生?

  • 40 40 從什麼時候到什麼時候 你必須去讀書 我們有 我們有在學校學習 所以如果你參與了 會在9點20分 如果你沒有 通常會在6點 或者在好的天氣下會在4點 你會在學校學習嗎?

  • 是的,我會 我們所有人都在12年級 我們基本上是12年級 所以你會去考高考 是的 你覺得很緊張 是的 但你知道嗎?

  • 人們說 北京高考很容易 真的嗎?

  • 我不覺得 也許比其他地方容易 但我不知道 我沒有評論 什麼?

  • 沒有評論 這很酷 你在大學裡面想做什麼?

  • 想畢業做什麼?

  • 有關語言的 因為我對語言很有興趣 你會說多少語言?

  • 大概兩分之一 我會說一點點日文 日文?

  • 還有一點點德文 教我們一句德文 我會說很差的德文 好的 一句日文 我的日文不是很好 我會說很差的日文 好的 你覺得在你的家庭裡 你的父母投資了很多錢在你的教育上嗎?

  • 我讀的幼稚園的時候 他們有很多教師 我學了很多幼稚園的東西 但現在他們不花錢 給我教育 因為學校已經足夠了 是的 已經足夠了 是的 你英文的語言已經很好了 為什麼你不選擇去國際學校?

  • 因為我父親覺得國際學校 是給不想去學的學生 他們不想嘗試 他們想去簡單的學校 然後他們就去 但我不同意 其實我想去國際教育中心 但我父親不讓我去 所以我最後在這裡 我的英文很好 你學校有外國老師嗎?

  • 是的 我學校有外國老師 他們教你英文嗎?

  • 不是在這裡 在這裡 你的英文課程也基於測試嗎?

  • 是的 只是測試 但這裡的學生的英文很好 英文很好 是的 我學會了 好的 謝謝你 謝謝

We speak English. Is it okay?

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