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  • Oh, hey, Grizz, how about this one?

  • Whoa, nice view, front yard, looks good.

  • Let's just see what the old real estate guy has to say about it.

  • Looks like it's only...

  • Oh.

  • Well, we finally have a home?

  • Oh, that's a lot of zeroes.

  • How many zeroes do we have?

  • Zero.

  • Oh, I'm never going to find somewhere to live.

  • Hey, don't give up, Pan.

  • We're still doing okay.

  • I've got this nice book, and you have...

  • Hope?

  • Attaboy, Pan-Pan.

  • And little bro has...

  • Where is he?

  • Food! Yeah!

  • Bread! Bread! Bread!

  • Well, what are you waiting for?

  • C'mon! Pop open that bread!

  • We're pretty lucky people just leave their garbage out where anyone can take it.

  • I'll toast to that!

  • That's not fair.

  • We still don't have a home.

  • Now we can't even eat our bread in piece.

  • Why can't we be like those kids?

  • They probably have homes, probably full of bread.

  • Kids? Lunch time! Come back to the house! - Coming!

  • Well, maybe we can't buy a house, but we can still build one!

  • I don't know, Grizz.

  • You want us to live in a sandcastle?

  • This won't be just any sandcastle, Panda.

  • This will be the sandcastle of kings.

  • Well, I guess we can give it a shot.

  • It's gonna be great, guys!

  • It's so beautiful.

  • Yeah. Almost makes you want to cry, huh?

  • Yeah. Almost.

  • Let's go home, bros.

  • Uh, you guys go ahead. I'll catch up.

  • There's just one last thing.

  • Sorry. I, uh, uh.

  • Oh. Hi. My name is Darla.

  • Where'd you learn to draw?

  • I guess I just copied a lot.

  • Oh, yeah. I guess that's how we started out, too.

  • But now I'm working on an original manga. It's about this girl and she has power.

  • What? What is this feeling?

  • It's like she's from a dream.

  • The world just looks different all of a sudden.

  • How do I deal with all these emotions?

  • Hey, are you okay?

  • Huh?

  • I was asking you about that castle.

  • Did you build it?

  • My brother's did, and I...

  • That's amazing! You've got to show me. Come on.

Oh, hey, Grizz, how about this one?

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