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  • Justin Trudeau and his recent Marie Antoinette-esque Let Them Eat Donuts tour at a stop-off in Sault Ste.

  • Marie, Ontario, where he met a steelworker that, while it became the highlight of his tour, maybe not to his liking.

  • While his coworkers indulged in Justin Trudeau's free donut giveaway, this Algoma steelworker wanted no part of it, says Anti-Taxer on X, highlighting this video that's been going around.

  • Instead, he had tough questions about the cost of living, and Trudeau blew him off with talking points about tariffs and dental care.

  • This man is a hero.

  • I've got the video here for everyone to indulge in.

  • What about the 40% of taxes I'm paying, and I don't have a doctor?

  • So, $400 million to invest in your car?

  • Yeah.

  • I think you're only here for another year.

  • We won't see you around probably another year.

  • Well, that's what elections are for.

  • That's right.

  • That's right.

  • And I look forward to everyone exercising the right to vote.

  • Yep.

  • Basic choice.

  • We're going to invest in you and your job, or are you going to cut?

  • I don't believe you for a second.

  • Dental care?

  • Do you know anyone who cuts dental care?

  • Yeah, I pay for it myself.

  • Okay.

  • We're, like, three years behind.

  • Yeah, four people in my family.

  • Every time we go for a dental visit, it's costing me about $50 in my pocket per person.

  • Why?

  • I have a good job.

  • You're not really doing anything for us, Justin.

  • Probably, like, my neighbour that doesn't go to work because she's lazy.

  • She just doesn't go to work.

  • She lives the same life I do.

  • Yeah.

  • No, I'm good.

  • Have a nice day.

  • Have a good day, sir.

  • No, I'm good.

  • Thank you.

  • No, I'm good.

  • Thank you, CBC News, for bringing us this clip.

  • Now, many people are talking about this on Twitter, of course.

  • Ryan Garrison saying, this part of the Algoma video is one of my favourites, when, you know, Justin Trudeau couldn't feel more awkward and embarrassed after being called out in front of everyone.

  • All he could think of to say was, They got doughnuts.

  • Excellent.

  • I'm serious.

  • This is the part that was cut out from that CBC clip.

  • Have a nice day.

  • Have a good day, sir.

  • The other guy's got, they got the doughnuts.

  • Excellent.

  • They got their doughnuts.

  • Excellent.

  • Again, why everybody's calling it Marie Antoinette-esque, Marie Antoinette-esque, this tour, the Let Them Eat Doughnuts Tour.

  • Absolutely.

  • Now, again, more people saying this one.

  • Valentin Erickson saying, Justin Trudeau gets grilled by a Canadian steel worker.

  • His response, have a doughnut and shut up.

  • Now, he brought up some really good points in this video.

  • He's talking about, you know, 40% tax.

  • Some people criticizing, you don't pay 40%.

  • Yes, he probably does.

  • And, you know, people pointing out that, you know, it's just over $100,000 income to get into the 40% tax bracket.

  • Well, that's barely enough to live on anymore in this new Canada, with this crazy inflation that we're dealing with. $100,000 for a family of four?

  • Yeah, you're barely scraping by.

  • You're not, you're hardly middle class anymore with that kind of income.

  • But you still all are eligible for some of the highest tax rates in the country.

  • That's great.

  • So 40% tax would be accurate for someone who works at a steel mill, Algoma Steel, you know, with, under a union, probably paying exorbitant union dues as well.

  • But, of course, bringing up free dental care.

  • Of all the people out there, Justin Trudeau, the guy who brought in this dental care plan, would probably know that this guy would not be eligible because of how much income he makes.

  • If he's making, if he's paying 40% tax rate, why would you say you're eligible for, what about the dental care?

  • And, of course, he pointed out that it's probably just for the people who live around him who are too lazy and don't want to work.

  • Of course, Trudeau's answer to that as well.

  • In Canada, we try to take care of everybody.

  • Yeah, well, we're trying to take care of people who don't necessarily want things.

  • Anyway, Justin Trudeau losing a lot of popularity.

  • Of course, it's continuing.

  • It's showing up in all the media, National Post saying, despite plunging poll numbers, Trudeau insists he's still what Canadians want.

  • Of course, that's not what Canadians actually want.

  • Trudeau is in Halifax for three-day cabinet retreat, preparing for the upcoming fall sitting of Parliament, which is going to be disastrous, of course.

  • Liberals are having some robust conversations about the state of their party and its slump in popularity with voters, but those talks cannot happen in public.

  • Immigration Minister Mark Miller said Monday, yeah, he's all familiar about being in the public these days.

  • The reality is we have to have these conversations behind closed doors, as the Liberal government does about everything.

  • Everything is behind closed doors.

  • How about the 11 traitors that we know of in Canada that you just won't let us know who they are?

  • They're still in government, 11 MPs who are absolute traitors to the country and have sold us out for the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Keeping that one a secret still, but this is why the poll numbers are flipping against the Liberals.

  • Have you ever seen anything like this in Canadian history?

  • I don't know.

  • Let me know in the comments down below.

  • But this is the divergence right there, as the Liberals are losing their popularity and everything's going to the Conservatives.

  • Conservatives are going to be the beneficiary of this.

  • But is that going to change much moving forward into the future?

  • Because people are pointing out in this parody account, Justin Trudeau's ego.

  • Let me be clear.

  • I'm stacking the Senate with radical far left activists for one reason, to block the upcoming Conservative majority government from governing.

  • I can't win the next election, but I can rig the system to prevent them from doing things Canadians want done.

  • And while that could be a reality in this situation, if you look at the Senate at the moment, the appointment breakdown of 99 senators, 75 have been appointed by Justin Trudeau.

  • I think it's a higher number than this.

  • I think Wikipedia is even a little bit behind on this one.

  • But I'd love to hear what you think in the comments section down below.

  • Let me know what you think about the people.

  • I mean, Justin Trudeau, he can't go anywhere without running into opposition.

  • In fact, actually, I have this great video from Alex Zoltan on Twitter where he's compiled a series of different times where Justin Trudeau has been heckled every time he goes out.

  • You can't go anywhere without opposition and people shouting him down.

  • I'll leave a comment or I'll leave a link for this in the description down below.

  • You can go share this with all your friends.

  • In the meantime, let me know what you think about everything I was talking about in this video.

  • And what about the Liberals stacking the Senate, making it effectively impossible to govern any bill that potentially a majority Conservative government puts through could get squashed right in the Senate, just making it impossible to do anything.

  • Let me know what you think about that in the comments section down below.

  • I think we'll be covering more of that moving forward.

  • Anyway, we'll see you in the next one.

  • Keep on trucking.

Justin Trudeau and his recent Marie Antoinette-esque Let Them Eat Donuts tour at a stop-off in Sault Ste.

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