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  • I think I did my own hair and make-up.

  • I love this car and everything.

  • Thank you.

  • It's cool.

  • Okay, so, first of all, it was so good to see this film on a big screen.

  • Yes.

  • Popcorn movies are back and we can actually go outside.

  • Totally.

  • And then I realized it's been 20 years since the first one.

  • So I was wondering, do you remember the first day on set on the first film?

  • I remember the first table read and then I remember filming in the Toretto House and at the Toretto Market the first time and how wild that was.

  • Yeah, and it feels so long ago and then sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday.

  • It's so crazy.

  • There is that chance that you could trip and fall, you know, but...

  • Did you get any injuries ever?

  • No, I mean, Jordana did it too and she cut open her hand.

  • She needed stitches in her hand pretty well, but she's pretty tough about it.

  • Do you remember the red carpet and the premiere and stuff like that?

  • I remember the premiere in Westwood and how I think I did my own hair and make-up.

  • Back in the day things were so different.

  • Jordana said kissing you was the best part of the movie.

  • Oh my gosh, I love her right now.

  • Where is she at?

  • I want to give her another kiss.

  • You'll find her.

  • And then I also remember traveling to Deauville Film Festival and showing it there and it was so different for me to travel with a movie and to have it be such a huge deal because I thought we were making a relatively small movie.

  • I didn't realize how huge it was going to be and how much it was going to catch on.

  • So that was such a surprise.

  • It was very cool.

  • Your character has evolved and so probably has your driving skills.

  • Would you say that you're...

  • How has your driving skills evolved?

  • Back in the day, when I first...

  • I moved from Los Angeles, from New York to Los Angeles.

  • So I wasn't a good driver.

  • I didn't feel comfortable.

  • I would put on MapQuest to use GPS and I would avoid freeways, highways, which was really difficult in Los Angeles.

  • And I was very shy as a driver.

  • And now I'm super aggressive.

  • I do like to speed.

  • I'm a little bit impatient.

  • So I'm a very comfortable driver now.

  • So it definitely has changed.

  • Do you have like a favorite car that you drove in the movies throughout the time?

  • In the movies, I love...

  • Gosh, I have to remember exactly what model it was.

  • But it was the beautiful car in Fast Five when I escape off the train.

  • And it's that beautiful sleek silver car.

  • That's a beautiful sports car.

  • But in real life, I drive a Range Rover because it's high up and good visibility.

  • I just need to drive like a big car.

  • Yes, you have a lot of fight scenes in this film.

  • How is that for you?

  • Do you enjoy preparing for those kind of scenes?

  • I love it.

  • I think it's a shame if you're in a Fast and Furious franchise and you don't get to fight and get physical.

  • And that's something I really, really wanted to do.

  • So to be able to do that with Michelle also was so much fun.

  • And we trained really hard for it.

  • And then it's almost like a dance.

  • You choreograph it, you memorize all the different parts.

  • And then because you have to prepare because the day of, Justin might choose to shoot it out of order or he might choose to shoot certain angles of it.

  • And so it was really fun.

  • Hopefully I get more of that in the future.

  • Have you watched it yourself?

  • What was that like when you see yourself in those kind of scenes?

  • So I watched the film about a month and a half ago, also in a theater.

  • And I was so grateful I saw it in a theater because it needs that.

  • I mean, you need the surround sound and you need to be able to like, just the scope of the film deserves the big screen.

  • And I just, I was so proud.

  • I was so proud of seeing that scene.

  • And it was also exciting to see the bond between Letty and Mia because I feel like that's something that hasn't been there in the past.

  • So it was really cool to watch.

  • Do you ever watch the old movies?

  • I do.

  • I watch the old movies before we start shooting the films themselves because it's good to get a sense of the chronology of everything and also where we're at in the story.

  • And it's just, it's a good way of doing my homework.

  • So I put in like 18 hours watching like six to eight of the movies because I think it's relevant in terms of the character arcs and all of that.

  • And fun to see yourself like years ago too.

  • Yeah, yeah, because oftentimes I forget.

  • And I look back and I'm like, oh wow, one's really good.

  • One totally holds up.

  • And Mia was really, really tough in one.

  • One and five are two of my favorites.

  • Great.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Thank you.

  • You look so amazing.

  • Oh, thank you.

  • Hi there.

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  • Be happy, be nice to people.

  • And I hope I see you again soon.

  • Bye.

I think I did my own hair and make-up.

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