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  • Police and diners were left puzzled in Taichung after a man at a turkey rice restaurant became petrified in a seat just as he was about to dig in.

  • The man was completely unresponsive to sound and touch.

  • As it turns out, he had suffered a drop in blood sugar that left him paralyzed and unconscious.

  • An ambulance immediately administered glucose to him and took him to the hospital, where he later woke up.

  • A man is sitting at a table holding up a pair of chopsticks as if ready to dig in, but he seems to be frozen like a statue, like he's under a spell.

  • People call out to him and pat his shoulders to no avail.

  • His eyes remain fixed in the distance, no response.

  • The incident also puzzled police officers, who immediately called an ambulance.

  • They held up the man's phone to his face to unlock it and contact his relatives.

  • The incident took place at a turkey rice restaurant in Nantun district in Taichung.

  • The 45-year-old man, surnamed Jiang, had gone to the establishment for a meal.

  • After his food was served, he was just about to get started when a drop in blood sugar left him completely paralyzed.

  • He was immediately administered some glucose and taken to the hospital for emergency treatment.

  • When he came to, he only remembered that he had been getting ready to eat when he got consciousness and then woke up in a bed at the hospital.

  • If the patient becomes stiff, confused, or loses consciousness, they should be placed in a lateral position immediately.

  • Then they can be fed a sugary drink from the side of the mouth to administer some sugar.

  • The doctor says that when administering a drink, it's best to lay the patient down on their left side to prevent choking and prevent aspiration pneumonia.

Police and diners were left puzzled in Taichung after a man at a turkey rice restaurant became petrified in a seat just as he was about to dig in.

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