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  • How fast can a child learn a musical instrument compared to an adult?

  • How fast can they learn a second or third language?

  • They learn fast, right?

  • Because why?

  • How many people you hear a song and it'll take you back to when you were a child?

  • Raise your hand.

  • How many people it's not a song but maybe it's a fragrance or a food that will take you back decades?

  • Because information combined with emotion became a long-term memory.

  • We don't do things logically all the time.

  • We do things what?

  • Emotionally, the state that you learn something in, the mood and the feelings that you learn something in, it's attached to what you want to learn.

  • I'm going to give you six keys to learn anything faster.

  • You can write these down.

  • I want you to remember, be fast.

  • Be fast.

  • Six keys to learn any subject or skill faster.

  • So the B in be fast stands for believe.

  • Because if you believe you can or believe you can't, either way, what?

  • You're right.

  • A lot of people say, oh, I have a bad memory, right?

  • They always say, I have memory or I have focus or I don't have focus or I have creativity.

  • I don't have creativity.

  • I want you to scrap that.

  • Creativity is not something you have.

  • It's something you do.

  • Focus is not something you have.

  • Focus is something you do.

  • Memory is not something you have.

  • It's something you do.

  • There is no such thing as a good or bad memory.

  • There's just a trained memory and an untrained memory.

  • Your brain is like a supercomputer.

  • And your self-talk is a program it will run.

  • So if you tell yourself you're not good at remembering names, you will not remember the name of the next person you meet because you programmed your supercomputer not to.

  • Your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk.

  • So B is believe.

  • Believe you can, believe you can't.

  • Now, the E, I'm going to go through these really fast, is exercise.

  • And what I mean by this is I mean physical exercise.

  • Because your brain, the primary function of your brain is to control your movement.

  • As your body moves, your brain grooves.

  • If you want to learn any subject or skill faster, the F is to forget.

  • A lot of people don't learn faster because they feel like they know it already.

  • A lot of people don't learn because they haven't emptied their cup.

  • Does that make sense?

  • That you hear all these cliches, but there's truth in every cliche.

  • That your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's what?

  • It's open.

  • So this is the beginner's mind, right?

  • So you want to forget about anything else than what you're learning here temporarily.

  • The A in FAST stands for active, active.

  • The human brain and the mind doesn't learn consuming information, it learns through creating it.

  • Does that make sense?

  • So you have to be active.

  • You take notes, you ask questions, you participate in it.

  • The S in FAST stands for state.

  • That all learning is state dependent, right?

  • Most people, like when they read, they're in a bored state.

  • People wonder why they don't remember what they read.

  • So control your state.

  • Finally, the T in FAST and BFAST stands for teach.

  • You learn with the intention of teaching it to somebody else.

  • If you had to teach this to somebody when you got back home, your team, your family, your friends, would you learn it differently?

  • Would your focus be better?

  • Yes or yes?

  • Would you ask better questions?

  • Would you take better notes, right?

  • So you learn with the intention of teaching to somebody else.

  • Because when you teach something, you get to learn it twice.

  • Let me close with this.

  • If you could go back to that child inside of you, that younger self, and right now tell them something that they need to hear, what would that be?

  • And if you were to go in the future, one year, two years, five years, 10 years ahead in the future, I believe you have wisdom inside of you.

  • I believe you have greatness inside of you.

  • If you were to project 10 years ahead of time and look back on this day right now, what does your current self need to hear from your future self?

  • I have a quote that I get quoted on more than anything else.

  • It talks about an egg and stress.

  • That your egg is like your life.

  • That if an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends.

  • But if it's broken by an inside force, life begins.

  • And all great things begin on the inside.

  • Thank you very much.

How fast can a child learn a musical instrument compared to an adult?

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