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  • Hello, today I'm your optometrist.

  • You are just in time for your appointment.

  • Is it okay if I could ask you some questions?

  • Just so I could get to know your eyes a little bit better.

  • Just a little bit.

  • Perfect.

  • Great.

  • Okay.

  • First question.

  • Have you ever had an eye exam before?

  • Mhmm.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah.

  • Really?

  • Wow.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Next question.

  • Do you wear any glasses?

  • Contacts?

  • Do you have any prescriptions for your eyes?

  • Mhmm.

  • Okay.

  • Wow.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • And would you say you're more nearsighted?

  • Farsighted?

  • Do you have trouble seeing far away?

  • Or do you have trouble seeing close up?

  • Or do you have like 20-20 vision?

  • Mhmm.

  • Mhmm.

  • Yes.

  • Okay.

  • Good.

  • Good.

  • Good.

  • And is there anything else you would like me to know?

  • Just anything at all?

  • Okay.

  • Great.

  • Perfect.

  • We're gonna get right on started.

  • So now I'm just going to quickly put on my gloves really quickly so we can just dilate your eyes and just make sure we get the most accurate testing.

  • Okay?

  • Okay.

  • Perfect.

  • So here we have our little dilator right on here.

  • I'm just gonna open this up.

  • It's just a little dilating solution.

  • It's nothing you really need to worry about.

  • You don't really need to know what's in here.

  • Okay?

  • Okay.

  • I'm just gonna kinda get a little bit.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • I just need you to like look up a little bit.

  • Look up to the sky.

  • Okay.

  • Good.

  • We're going to go drip and drip and drip.

  • Oh no.

  • Don't close your eyes.

  • Don't close your eyes.

  • Good.

  • Yep.

  • Yep.

  • Yep.

  • Yep.

  • Yep.

  • There you go.

  • Got in your eye right?

  • Is it a little bit blurry?

  • Okay.

  • That's totally normal.

  • So now what we're going to do is we're just gonna do just a very quick distance test with your eyes.

  • Okay?

  • Yeah.

  • So here we have this little cube tray.

  • And we're just going to test how far you see.

  • Very simple.

  • Very, very, very, very simple.

  • Okay.

  • Perfect.

  • So I'm just going to lean this on top of your nose.

  • Is that okay?

  • Just like that.

  • Okay.

  • Perfect.

  • I'm going to lean that on top of your nose and I'm just going to go quickly through the distance.

  • So right here, this is number 1.

  • Okay?

  • Right here is number 2.

  • Right here is number 3.

  • Right here is number 4.

  • And right here is the last one, number 5.

  • I just need you to make an estimated guess of which number you think I'm at.

  • Okay?

  • Very simple.

  • Very, very, very simple.

  • Okay?

  • Which one do you think I'm at?

  • Number 1 to number 5?

  • Perfect.

  • Good.

  • We're going to go down here.

  • What number do you think I'm at?

  • Number 5.

  • Good job.

  • We're going to go right here.

  • This one might be a little tricky.

  • Just make a nice estimated guess.

  • Perfect.

  • We're going to go right back here.

  • Number 5 again.

  • Good.

  • And right here.

  • Number 1.

  • And how about right here?

  • Okay.

  • Interesting.

  • And how about right here?

  • Number 2.

  • Good, good, good, good.

  • We're going to go right here.

  • What do you think this one is?

  • It's not quite number 5, but it's number 4.

  • Good.

  • Good, good, good job.

  • Okay.

  • We're now going to get started with just a little light test.

  • We're going to just kind of test your eyes, see how your eyes react to light.

  • Okay?

  • Okay.

  • Okay, so now what I'm going to have you do is I just want you to quickly look at my nose.

  • I want to see how your eyes react to the light.

  • Good, good, good.

  • Okay.

  • Keep looking at my nose.

  • Yep.

  • One more time.

  • Keep looking at my nose.

  • Interesting.

  • Do your eyes always do that?

  • Yeah?

  • Okay, seems about normal.

  • No need to worry.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah.

  • You still look at my nose, right?

  • Right here?

  • Yeah.

  • Good.

  • Okay.

  • Now I need you to look at my finger right here.

  • I'm going to just shine a light.

  • Just look at this finger, okay?

  • Don't look at the light.

  • Good.

  • Okay.

  • Don't look at the light.

  • Good.

  • And don't look at the light.

  • Good.

  • And don't look at the light.

  • Good.

  • I want you to look at my finger right here.

  • Look at my finger right here.

  • Good, good, good.

  • And good.

  • Perfect.

  • I want you to keep looking at my finger and I want you to tell me when it starts moving, okay?

  • Shine the light right here and tell me when it starts moving.

  • Perfect.

  • Okay.

  • I'm going to put my fingers right up here.

  • I want you to tell me when they start moving.

  • Good.

  • And I want you to look at my fingers down here.

  • Just tell me when they start moving.

  • Perfect.

  • Okay.

  • Now I just want you to take a look at the light and just follow it.

  • Just follow the light.

  • Good.

  • Just follow the light.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Good.

  • Okay.

  • After that, did your eyes feel any particular way when I was doing the light test?

  • Everything seemed fine?

  • That is perfect.

  • Okay.

  • We're now going to get on to your peripheral vision, okay?

  • Okay.

  • So now I want you to just keep your head straight.

  • This is serious business, okay?

  • Just keep your head straight.

  • Good.

  • Now I want you to just follow my finger with your eyes.

  • Okay?

  • Just don't move your head at all.

  • I just want you to follow my finger, okay?

  • I'm supposed to be monitoring your eyes right now.

  • Not looking at my finger.

  • No.

  • Okay.

  • Just follow, follow, follow.

  • Don't move your head.

  • Follow, follow, follow.

  • Don't move your head.

  • Follow, follow, follow.

  • I'm going to switch.

  • Don't move your head.

  • And follow, follow, follow.

  • Good.

  • We're going to do a little like that.

  • Perfect.

  • Now what I'm going to have you do is I'm just going to have you look straight ahead.

  • You can look at my eyes.

  • You can look at my nose.

  • Just anywhere in this area.

  • Just look straight ahead.

  • I want you to tell me when you don't see my fingers anymore.

  • Tell me when you don't see my fingers anymore.

  • Okay.

  • Interesting.

  • I'm going to keep it right here.

  • Tell me when you don't see my fingers.

  • Good.

  • I'm going to keep my fingers right back here.

  • Tell me when you don't see my fingers.

  • I'm going to do sideways now.

  • Tell me when you don't see my fingers.

  • Okay.

  • I'm going to do sideways again.

  • Tell me when you don't see my fingers.

  • Perfect.

  • I'm going to bring my fingers back into your vision, okay?

  • Just keep looking in this area and tell me when you see my fingers come into your vision.

  • Perfect.

  • One more time.

  • Again.

  • And again.

  • Perfect.

  • So now I have this eye chart.

  • It's a limited edition.

  • I found it in that back alley over there for like 50 cents.

  • I know, right?

  • So I'm just going to take this right here and we're just going to cover your eye just like that.

  • Can you read me the top row?

  • Good.

  • And how about the second row?

  • Okay.

  • And what about the third?

  • Fourth?

  • And fifth?

  • Okay.

  • That's pretty good.

  • I'm now going to switch over to this eye right here.

  • Can you read me the bottom row?

  • Can you read me the third row?

  • Can you read me the second row?

  • Can you read me the top row?

  • Good.

  • We're now going to do a little color test.

  • We're going to see how your eyes do with color.

  • So first I'm just going to read me these little block colors really quickly.

  • Here we have this color.

  • Can you tell me what color this is?

  • It's green.

  • Perfect.

  • Can you tell me this color?

  • What color is this?

  • It is blue, yes.

  • And how about this color?

  • What is this color?

  • It is purple.

  • And now this color right here.

  • This is orange.

  • Perfect.

  • And now this color?

  • Yellow.

  • Good, good, good.

  • I'm now going to ask you the colors of these markers really quickly.

  • We have a little bit more color range, okay?

  • I'm just going to take these right over here and I want you to read me what color is this.

  • Red.

  • Good job.

  • And what color is this?

  • Pink.

  • Good, good, good.

  • And what color is this?

  • Grey.

  • This color?

  • Blue.

  • Okay.

  • Orange.

  • Brown.

  • I've got three more colors here.

  • Purple.

  • And yellow.

  • And green.

  • Good, good, good.

  • I am now going to test a little bit of color perception.

  • So I want you to tell me, do you see a difference between these two greens?

  • Can you see a difference between these two greens?

  • Can you tell me which one is lighter?

  • Which one is a lighter green?

  • Which one is a lighter green?

  • Good.

  • Okay.

  • Interesting, interesting.

  • Can you see a difference between this block, blue, and this blue?

  • Can you see a difference?

  • Okay, good.

  • And can you tell me which one is lighter?

  • Okay, interesting.

  • How about these two colors right here?

  • This one might be a little bit more easier to tell.

  • Good.

  • Can you tell me which orange is lighter?

  • Good.

  • And now the last one.

  • We have the yellow.

  • Which one do you think is lighter?

  • Perfect.

  • Good job.

  • I'm going to take my marker right here.

  • Okay, let's see.

  • So you did that one perfect.

  • Perfect, yes.

  • Okay.

  • Good.

  • Okay, well you 100% passed your eye exam.

  • Flowing colors.

  • You did so good.

  • Thank you so much for coming and you can just get your regular checkup again and let's see how about for this date right here.

  • Sounds good.

  • Okay, great.

  • Well, thank you for stopping by.

  • I love you guys.

  • Good night.

Hello, today I'm your optometrist.

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