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  • Deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean, a new look at the legendary Titanic.

  • These fresh images exposing an altered landscape two and a half miles underwater.

  • The ship's most recognizable feature, the iconic bow, showing signs of inevitable decay.

  • A 15-foot long portion of its famous railing broken off, now on the ocean floor.

  • That railing on the port side is gone and that's a big deal to us because Titanic's face is forever changed.

  • The lost rusted railings seen in these earlier photos, part of the same spot that decades later would become the iconic backdrop for one of the most romantic scenes in film history.

  • These new high-definition images taken by remotely operated state-of-the-art cameras.

  • The RMS Titanic team looked at every inch of the historic wreckage and debris field, spotting striking new details and tiny artifacts lost for more than a century.

  • You'll see a person's ring in the sand.

  • I saw a ring of keys at one point that maybe belonged to a steward.

  • I mean the fine details that we got into were just so exciting.

  • Some of its hidden treasures include this two-foot tall statue known as the Diana of Versailles, once the centerpiece of the ship's first class lounge.

  • The infamous ocean liner sank over a century ago after hitting an iceberg back in 1912 during its maiden voyage. 1,500 people lost their lives.

  • You jump high, jump right.

  • The disaster inspiring an Oscar-winning film and countless tales.

  • The expedition team now plans to create a detailed 3D scan of the entire site, racing against time to document the world's most famous shipwreck to keep its memory alive.

  • Titanic is changing every day and we lose more and more of her every day.

  • There will be a day where the last bit of Titanic blows away in a current, so she's going.

  • We're on the clock here.

  • So one of the main concerns really is preserving what they can, including those artifacts, but the clock is ticking.

  • The company is the only one with rights to recover artifacts from the Titanic.

  • They hope to be back at the wreckage site, hopefully next year, to bring the Diana statue back to the surface.

  • Guys, the researchers say it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  • That debris field is huge.

  • They say they managed to find it in the final hours of their expedition and more pictures to come in the months ahead.

  • Kelly, great story.

  • I can't imagine there's more pictures to take after two million and also seeing keys in sand.

  • Imagine the definition.

  • Wow.

  • Always still things to discover.

  • Hey, thanks for watching.

  • Don't miss the Today Show every weekday at 11 a.m.

  • Eastern, 8 Pacific on our streaming channel, Today All Day.

  • To watch, head to slash all day or click the link right here.

Deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean, a new look at the legendary Titanic.

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